Part 22 - Mood

1722 Words

"She touched my chest. Only my chest." I was trying to hold the smile that began to pull my lips. "She tried to give me a message," I added. She scoffed loudly and this time, I couldn't contain it anymore. I chuckled at the fear I initially felt. Her beautiful face turned sour as I said it. "This is not funny, Alessandro. I'm angry." "You're jealous." "It's the same banana!" I softly laughed. Her hands crossed over her chest in exasperation. "Damn, you're beautiful when you're angry, Cara." I reached for her, which she tried to avoid, but I was having none of it. I snaked one arm around her waist as I lifted her chin to meet her eyes. "I had just once seen that jealousy in your eyes when you were sixteen when I brought a woman home, but you weren't angry then. I didn't like it when yo

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