Part 21- Negotiate

1563 Words

ALESSANDRO "You have 40 percent of the company's share. You don't have to know who else owns the other majority of the share. They want to stay anonymous," I said. Mr. Benjamin Veleches smiled courteously. "But you control more than 50% of the company's outstanding share, which means the company's assets and its profits are still in your hands." "That's right." I looked at him. "So what do you really want, Benjamin? We'd discussed this before and, as I told you, I'm not telling you about anything. Whoever told you about me selling my part of the company was insane. It's like abandoning the empire my parents had built." The expression in his eyes showed sadness at the mention of my parents. The folds on his forehead and around the corner of his eyes bore the years of his existence.

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