Part 27 - Un/wanted visit

2108 Words

"And you think that letting me know it will compromise the whole thing? You think so low of me, Alessandro. You think I am so weak and stupid to let the whole world know their death is fake. Well, you're right all along because I believe they're dead. You made me believe the whole pretense. Not that I am not happy to know the truth. I was ecstatic. I cried when Zio told me it wasn't her body. I was very thrilled to tell you when I got to go home, but your reaction was even more surprising to me. Very surprising." I mocked him. "You did not tell me you planned on digging her up—" "Because I wanted to help! Can't you understand that? I don't want to stress you up even more than you already are with all the threats around us by telling you I got another note. You're busy looking for the per

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