Chapter 6

2972 Words
“Well, if it isn’t the new girl,” a female voice mocked as we got closer to leaving the dining hall. “Brandy, knock it off.” Nora huffed, rolling her eyes at a girl with red hair who stood at the main entrance with a small group of other girls. She just chuckled as she smacked her lips while sizing me up. “I’m surprised they let runts like this into school these days.” She joked with her friends. I wanted to say something, but I wasn’t sure what a good response would be. I’ve never been called a runt before, and it felt off-putting, so I just shrugged my shoulders and ignored the comment like I would often do with Raven and her friends. What she thought didn’t really bother me. After all, I was here to learn more about my father and whatever was hidden away inside me. Although I did take a quick side glance at Brandy, curious as to who Maximus was supposed to end up with. We were nothing alike, she was well groomed. Her long red hair was perfectly straight and fell well past her hips. Her face was covered in make-up, and she somehow made her school uniform, which everyone wore, slutty. While I was dressed in all black, baggy clothes that barely showed off my figure. I’m sure my hair was a bit messy as I just quickly threw it back, and I never found much appeal in using make-up. “Do you have a problem?” she asked harshly, stepping towards me, catching my eye. “Sounds like you have one.” I replied, trying to side step her, only for her to block me. She leaned into my ear, and in almost a growl, stated “Watch it, weakling, you don’t want to challenge me.” “Brandy, that's enough.” Maximus’s loud voice barreled down the hall, causing Brandy to flinch in surprise. I tried my best to hide my smirk as I moved passed her, brushing our shoulders as I went. I could hear a growl rise in her throat, but she didn’t continue as I left the hall with my dorm mates. After walking through the hall in silence, Nora and Sophia both turned towards me, stopping me in my tracks. “Are you crazy!” Sophia remarked, throwing her hands into the air. “Challenging an Alpha like that is a death wish!” Nora replied. I felt rather shocked by their remarks, unsure what I had done wrong. “I don’t understand, what?” I asked, trying to replay the moment in my mind. "Brushing her shoulder with yours, not cowering your head when you make eye contact. You really don’t know anything at all, do you?" Nora sighed, rubbing her forehead with her hand. “Maybe we should have gone over expected behavior before we left the dorm.” Sophie added. “It's too late for that now, she just challenged her in front of the entire school!” Nora argued. “I was just standing up for myself,” I remarked. Sighing, Nora explained, “There must be some Alpha blood running through you to even have the balls for something like that!” Taken aback, I stuttered to find the right words. “I-I.. I don’t know.” I replied softly. “And there she goes, back to beta behavior.” Sophia remarked. “You’ll have to pick one and stick with it. What does your wolf say?” Nora asked. I felt my cheeks burn red for a moment, thinking of what to say or how to respond. “Uh… I, It..-“ But I was saved by Professor Katz. “Hello girls! Showing Emily around, I see?” He asked as he walked up to us quickly. Part of me wondered if he was eavesdropping and coming in to save me. “Yes professor!” They almost said in unison. “Great! Here is your schedule,” He indicated as he pulled a small paper out of his pocket and passed it to me. “Please show her where each of these classes are after she's fitted for her uniform, then drop her by my office.” He instructed the girls. “Yes Sir!” Nora replied promptly. “Have a good day! Don’t be late!” He bid us farewell, before continuing down the hall. “What classes do you have!” Sophie quickly asked, dropping the previous conversation, trying to peer over at the paper. Looking down, I quickly scanned the schedule: Breakfast Wolf Study's Break History Lunch 101 with Kenzie Break DA Work - TBA Dinner Free time Bed/Curfew “Oh it looks like we have DA together!” Sophia squealed. “What's DA?” I asked, confused by some of the class names. “Defense and Attack, everyone calls it DA though, but it's a lot of fun!” She beamed. “And it looks like we have history together too!” Nora added as she looked over the list. “Does your wolf use healing? You have a one on one with Kenzie?” She added. “They think it might, they want to test it out.” I lied hoping that it wouldn’t blow my cover. The girls didn’t seem to pick up on the lie and nodded. “We better get going, Miss Turner will write our dorm up if we are too late.” Nora reminded us as she gestured down the hall, ready to leave the way. I knew I would already be lost if it wasn’t for these two. On the way to the fitting they showed me where both my Wolf Study’s and History classes would be, as they were on the way to the Home EC class anyway. “You mostly have to remember that most of the classes are on the first and second floor, we hardly use any of the other classrooms on the 3rd and the rest are dorms or offices.” Nora explained. “Once you get the scent trails down, you’ll be able to find your way.” Sophia chimed in. “I’m sure I’ll figure it out.” I lied. I knew I would be lost first thing tomorrow morning. I had no idea what a scent trail was or how to pick one up, but I wasn’t about to announce that in front of those two. It didn’t take us long to come across an empty classroom with an elderly lady sitting at a desk in the front of the room. “Hello Dears! You must be the new student! Welcome!” She beamed with more energy than I was expecting as she pulled herself away from the desk to come greet us. “This is Emily, she needs some uniforms.” Nora explained. “Ah yes! I have been expecting you, please come in.” She ushered us into the room, signaling to close the door behind us. After trying on a few skirts, pants and jackets, Miss Turner pinned them down where a few needed to be taken in, and adjusted. “It won't take me long to make these changes, you can expect your uniforms by the end of the day.” She informed me once we were done. “I will have them delivered to your room directly.” I felt a little relieved at that statement, walking around in my normal clothes made me stand out all the more, and that wasn’t something I wanted to attract. “Thank you so much!” I told her as we waved our goodbyes. I rather liked the older woman and was a bit sad to see that I wouldn’t be in any of her classes this semester. “She is a favourite among all the students,” Nora chuckled. “I can see why! She's very energetic for her age.” I added, feeling a bit more comfortable with Nora and Sophia. “We will take you over to Professor Katz's office. The break should be starting soon though! If you make it out on time, we usually hang out outside the dining hall by the track field. You shouldn’t miss it.” Nora replied as we started climbing up a set of stairs. “Or if you can’t find us there, we probably will be in the dorm.” Sophia added, with Nora nodding in agreement. “Okay! I’m sure I’ll find you guys somewhere along the way.” I reassured them. “Here we are!” Nora explained at the top of the stairs. “This wing is mostly for teachers, but this here is Professor Katz's office.” She indicated by pointing at the sign above the open door. “Welcome!” Professor Katz poked his head out, beckoning me inside. “Have a good day girls, thanks for showing Emily around.” And with that, I was left alone in his office. Quickly closing the door, he rushed back over to his desk while I took a seat in front of it. His office space was rather small. A single desk stacked with papers sat in the center while both walls on either side were full of books all the way to the ceiling and a window overlooking a courtyard was located behind him. Around his desk were stacks of books, papers and scrolls. It looked like an unorganized mess, one I expected a bit from his appearance. “How has your first day been so far?” He asked, settling into his chair. “It hasn’t been terrible,” I informed him. “A bit overwhelming.” I chuckled. “Yes I suppose so.” He laughed along with me. “I wanted to go over a few things with you before you start classes tomorrow. Typically, each student is assigned a job, and they receive an allowance credit they can spend at the store here or in town. However, you are coming in a year late, so you have a lot to catch up on. I have assigned you some extra work during this time to study instead. You will still receive your allowance, but please use this time wisely.” He instructed, as he started to hand me a few books and scrolls. “I have made a checklist with each book, I expect to see notes and a small summary to show your understanding before I assign the next set.” “Okay, I can do that.” I replied. It made sense I was going to be behind, but I knew I would fly through this. I loved reading, and I was an excellent note taker anyway. “I also just want to remind you to keep your mate bond a secret for now as well as your wolf situation until we know more. It's a very sensitive topic among the wolf folk and if they catch hold of either situation it will cause a lot of issues at this current time.” He reminded me. “I understand,” I replied. I didn’t fully know, but I was new to this world and if he felt like it wasn’t the right time, I had to trust him. After all, I was completely on my own here. “I will also be assigning you some Luna readings as well. Please keep those hidden away, even from your dorm mates for now.” He added as he pulled a few more books onto his desk. “These I would expect the same, notes and a summary, but I will deliver these to your dorm directly so no one catches you with them. They are very classified and any information in them is to be kept to yourself. Do you understand?” “Yes sir.” I replied sternly. “Good, for the rest of the day feel free to explore the school grounds. Don’t go into the woods just yet, since you don’t have your wolf it wouldn’t be wise, but other than that, the rest is yours to explore.” He said as he stood from his chair, stacking my books and scrolls together for me to carry out. “Oh, you will also find any supplies, notebooks, pencils, anything like that in the school store. It's beside the dining hall. You can grab those items free of charge.” He added as he passed me the bundle in his arms. “Okay thank you!” I replied as I juggled the books in my arms, trying not to drop anything. “Let me grab the door for you.” He said as he jumped up from his desk to open the door, since my hands were full. “It’s a lot at once, but take your time for now. I’ll check in with you tomorrow. After all, your first class will be with me.” He chuckled. “Okay! Thank you, Professor Katz.” Just as I left his office, a bell rung over head. “Break has begun.” He informed me. “If you go up those steps there to the fifth floor, head straight down the hall and make a left, you’ll find your dorm.” “Thank you! I’m already so lost.” I reviled. “No worries, I also included a map within those papers as well. Use it to get around today.” With that, he headed back into his office and left me on my own. Students already seem to fill the halls, mostly from the floor below. Not wanting to be caught up in the crowd, I quickly dashed up the steps Professor Katz pointed out to me, to find my dorm. All the halls looked the same. I knew I had to be on the dorm floor as four sets of names were listed on plaques on the side of each door. I scanned for mine for what felt like forever with no luck. The bell for the break being over already rang over head, so I knew I wouldn’t be meeting up with my dorm mates until lunch now, and that was even if I could find my way there. After turning a corner to a dead end, I felt like giving up. A small bench sat below a window where I placed the heavy books I had been carrying. Maybe I should look at the map. “You look lost.” Maximus’s deep voice full of amusement came from behind, causing me to jump. I didn’t hear him behind me. How long had he been there? “I am a bit yes.” I answered, rather flustered. “Where are you headed too? I can help you find the way.” He asked, eyeing the pile of books on the bench next to me. “Back to my dorm.” I replied reluctantly. I wasn’t sure it was a good idea for us to be seen together, but I also felt desperate for any type of help at this point. Hearing the low hum of his chuckle, he walked up next to me, picking up my stack of books. “Your floor is one more above this one, I’ll take you there.” I felt my cheeks turn red as I realized I only went up two extra floors, not three. “Thanks.” I mumbled as he led the way in silence. I couldn’t help but steal a few glances as we made our way through the hall. He had gotten his hair cut, and his beard trimmed down since the night before. His hair was still long, but it was trimmed back in a neater style that shaped his face better, causing him to look even more handsome than the night before. “Here we are.” He said at last, stopping at a door. It was only then that I realized I was too busy looking at him that I didn’t pay attention to how to get there. Realizing my mistake, I felt my face heat up. “Thanks.” I replied softly as I opened the door to my dorm. Turning, I expected to take the books from him and bid him farewell, but instead he pushed passed me into the dorm rather swiftly, placing my things on the counter on the kitchen island while taking a seat, looking around the room. “Don’t you have a class to get too?” I asked him. Shrugging his shoulders, he replied “I do, but I’m already the best hunter in school. I could miss a class or two. Do you know what classes you're in?” He asked, raising an eyebrow in my direction as he indicated that I should close the door. Gulping nervously, I closed the door, before replying. “Here is my class list.” I said as I pulled out a small paper from my pocket, passing it over to him. “We only have DA together.” He sighed, before placing the list on the pile of books. “Are you sure you shouldn’t get to class?” I asked, unsure. “It’s fine, I would rather be with you.” He said as he got up from his chair and walked over to where I stood. I could feel the heat radiating off him as he leaned in closer, tilting my chin up, so I could meet his gaze. “You might not have as strong of a mate pull as I do, but I know it's there, and I will keep trying to force it out.” He spoke softly, almost in a whisper. His eyes moved down to my lips and I felt my stomach dance with anticipation. Was he going to kiss me?
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