Fated rivals

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“This life of ours, this is a wonderful life. If you can get through life like this and get away with it, hey, that’s great. But it’s very, very unpredictable. There are so many ways you can screw it up.” -Paul Castellano- Chapter 04; Fated rivals She dialed a number from memory. “Hey, Dom” answered Sebastian. “Hey, inform the chemists about giggle pig.” “Giggle pig?” he asked in a questionable tone. “It’s a new drug, we have to seize the market for this. Get them on it now.” She barked orders at him. “Okay, ma’am.” He obliged. She kept him on a need-to-know basis, she was the only person who knew what exactly was happening. She was in the top 1% in the country, she had almost every senator and mayor in her pocket. The only thing that comes close to her, is Alvaro Lucchese. They are fated rivals. But one thing broke any possible option of peace between them, but truth be told; there was no way that peace could exist between them... it was a very known fact ever since the beginning... Flashback She had her men tail, Martin Cage. The moment she got to know that he was in the Blue Ocean, she made her move. She wore a tight red dress that hugged her curves beautifully and also short to keep her thighs in display. She took a drink from the bar and she was dancing wildly near him. Her hand roamed around her body while she was chugging her drink. She finished the drink quickly and just when she was about to go to the bar to get another, a man appeared beside her. His fingertips gently touched her body which made her turn instantly in his direction, he was a lackey of Martin. She frowned and shoved the guy. “Listen to me, you little bitch.” He shouted at her agitated while grabbing a handful of her hair. "Oww, it hurts" she murmured while trying to grab his hand. “That’s no way to talk to a lady.” Uttered a gentleman stepping closer to them. His eyes immediately went to the man who uttered this. He remained quiet when he noticed who was talking. It was Martin and he released his hand which was grabbing a handful of her hair. “Thank you.” She said to him while gently brushing past him. He took hold of her arm and he twirled her, he pulled her close to him. He was able to see her face properly because the light shone on her face. “You are the billionaire Alexis Green right?” he said to her after recognizing who she was. “The one and only” she whispered to his ear. “Do you want to go to my place or yours?” he asked leaning to her ear. “Very forward, I like it. How about the alley behind?” she asked in confidence. “In the street? Who knew that you are one wild girl?” he said to her with a smile on his face. “Oh, you have no idea.” She whispered in his ear. The moment he looked away, she made a quick note of the man who grabbed her hair... she wasn't planning on doing something else but he pissed her off way too much, to the point she was almost about to break off her character; the innocent billionaire... She knew when she was done with the mission, that he had to go... 'nobody f*****g disrespects me' was her thought. The mere memory of his disrespectfulness sends a surge of anger throughout her body. She almost felt as if the anger was dancing on top of her skin, making her very uncomfortable. He quickly took hold of her arm and started to make his way to the alley. He let go of her arm and he checked whether people were nearby. When the coast was clear, he went straight to her lips. She shoved him away from her. “What the hell?” he asked surprised by her actions. He wanted her right there, he closed the gap and he pressed his body to hers. His hard-on was digging into her. She used all of her strength and she wiggled free from him. “Why are you such a c**k-tease?” he asked her annoyed with her continued actions of rejection. “Uh, just…” She took the gun she had hidden in her thigh and held it straight at him. “What the f**k?” he shouted while raising his hands as if he was surrendering to her. “It’s nothing personal, it’s just business.” She stated it and then she pulled the trigger. The bullet shot from her gun and went through his skull and into his brain. It emerged from the back of his head and it hit the wall. The wall was decorated with his brain fragments and blood. Nobody was alerted because she had a silencer on the gun. She hid the gun in her thigh as usual and was on her way back to the club so she could take a couple of drinks. She took a scotch double; she sipped her drink savoring the time. When she finished her drink, she called her driver so she could go to the penthouse. She arrived at her penthouse she removed her gun and kept it on her nightstand. She always slept with a Glock on her nightstand. For some people, it would be a bottle of water, an alarm clock, or their phone but for her, it was her gun. Her gun was a custom-made one. It had a gold color exterior with a decorated handle. On the barrel, there was a silencer. She would love to hear the sound of a gun firing because the majority of people fear it. She just loved it but though she loved the sound of a gun firing, there are instances where that would be a problem like at the alley. So almost every gun she owned had its own silencer.
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