I have killed people

3653 Words

“Girls love each other like animals. There is something ferocious and unself-conscious about it. We don’t guard ourselves like we do with boys. No one trains us to shield our hearts from each other. With girls, it’s total vulnerability from the beginning. Our skin is bare and soft. We love with claws and teeth and the blood is just proof of how much. It’s feral.” – Leah Raeder- Chapter 05; I have killed people Alyssa was frantically pacing in her room where the floor was covered with her clothes. She had no idea what was going to happen but she wanted to wear something appropriate. She had no clue what to do. She tried to think like Alexis so she could have no idea about what was going to happen. She was far from the truth, but she didn’t know it yet. She took out the fancy dress sh

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