You are a bad influence

1429 Words

“Being on top of the world doesn’t mean anything unless you know what it’s like to be at the bottom.” -Rachel Smith- Chapter 39; You are a bad influence Within the confines of the penthouse's opulent expanse, they maintained their solitude in distinct quarters. Upon venturing into the kitchen's culinary domain, their paths would often inevitably intertwine, but she meticulously feigned unfamiliarity, as if strangers in a vast metropolis, and Alexis didn't fight against it because she respected her wishes. Alexis, with culinary prowess, crafted delectable meals for their sustenance. With each creation, she meticulously prepared a separate plate for Alyssa, which she discreetly placed on the kitchen counter before vanishing into the labyrinthine depths of the residence. Alyssa, upon her

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