8. Touch Him Casually

1140 Words
Jessamine. He gave her flowers. She's been mooning about it all morning, telling everyone who cares to listen that the Alpha handpicked the roses himself. Why am I mad? I know he hates flowers. They make him sneeze. But if he'd gone as far as handpicking the flowers himself, then he must really like Moira. And that makes competing against her even more difficult than it already is. "The first test," Luna Renae starts, unrolling a scroll, and her expression is stern as she says, "Wisdom and Leadership." Alpha Kier enters the hall and I make a point to stare only at his mother. The others are swooning, whispering, rising from their chairs and bowing. My heart's beating hard and fast, but he can't know that. I keep my expression neutral, uncaring, even if I watch him in my peripheral vision. He's staring in my general direction, but I can tell his gaze is fixed on me, the only woman who isn't fussing about his presence. Settling beside his mother, he nods curtly, urging her to go on with the test. "In front of each of you is a sheet and a brush with which you will give the best, most suitable course of action for the problem you are presented with. The contender with the best answer wins this round." Does the peasant know how to read, or even write? A brunette dressed in layers and layers of fine tule murmurs beside me and her friend giggles, throwing glances my way. I don't take offense. Why should I? I've heard remarks like this all my life. It is a normal thing for people to assume that Omegas are incapable of comprehending the simplest things. I pick the brush and dunk it in the inkpot in front of me just as Luna Renae unfolds the scroll containing the question. Clearing her throat, she reads, "During the Solstice Celebration, a rogue attack endangers both the Alpha and the children participating in the sacred rite. As Luna, you can only save one group--" The ladies cheer excitedly. It's a pretty simple question with both answers correct. The children come first. They're the Pack's future. However, the Alpha's safety is paramount. It all depends on your construction of your given answer. I look around. Everyone's scribbling down their answers. There's something odd in the way Alpha Kier watches us that makes me think it can't be that obvious. Those intelligent eyes meet mine from across the room and everything fades out as we stare at each other. He pins with me with his stare, searching my eyes, mocking me with his. His gaze drops to the brush in my hand and he arches a brow, eyes dark with cold amusement. Alpha Kier doesn't think I understand what this is. I smile in turn, dropping my gaze to the sheet and I scribble down a third answer. I turn in my sheet last and they're laughing at me as I walk up the dais to hand it to Alpha Kier. His elegant fingers are outstretched and as I deposit the sheet in his hand, I let my fingers caress his. Alpha Kier jerks in his seat, snatching the sheet back from me swiftly and I see the tip of his ears turn red. "Sorry," I mutter, turning around and I flip my blonde hair, letting it slap against his face. A sharp sound escapes him behind me, but he says nothing as I return to my seat. I feel eyes on me, and I glance left to see Moira watching me keenly. Her eyes flick swiftly to Alpha Kier who's still looking at me me, and anger flashes in her eyes as she whispers, "Stupid whore." Turning away from her, I peer out the window, plopping my head on my fist as I count the floating clouds in the skies while the Alpha and his mother read through the answers. I find it rather soothing, and it helps drown out the murmurs around me, as well as the gossip. The scoring is done faster than I anticipated, and judging from the forlorn look on Alpha Kier's face, I can already tell who won this round. Me. Duh. Even Luna Renae looks disturbed. She holds the sheets in her hand, her hazel eyes resting on the crowd before her. "We've received various responses to the question, each of its unique perspective. However, there is one distinct point of view that has piqued our interest." Her hazel eyes land on me. "Jessamine Everhart, do step forward and elaborate on your answer." As I make my way to the front, I sight Gamma Lloyd at the entrance, leaning back against the door with folded arms. His lips tug up in a proud smile that has my cheeks heating up, but my blooming smile falters when I see Lovette watching from afar. She walks away the moment I notice her. She's still mad at me, and she won't talk or even look at me. It's made everything feel lonely and I've tried so many times to apologize, I have no more ideas up my sleeve to make it up to her. True to his word, Gamma Lloyd had gotten Beta Randale to lessen her punishment. She's clearing out the stables everyday with me and there are no breaks in between shifts for her as well. Yeah. I'd be angry with me too. Luna Renae's eyes narrow as she hands me my sheet that contains a single word. Neither. Staring at nothing and everything, I say, "I chose neither of the options. As Luna, it is not my job to decide whose life matters more than the other and whose should be sacrificed for the greater good. It is however, my duty to ensure both the safety of my Alpha and my people. I would order a retreat and rally the Pack's warriors to fend off the rogues and bring safety--" "You speak on matters you know nothing of," Alpha Kier cuts in sharply. "What do you know of rallying my warriors?" I level him with a cool stare. "I know nothing, but I assume you will teach me when you make me yours. And in the event that you do not, I am not afraid of putting my life on the line to save you or the people. Isn't that what every pack needs? A Luna whose love is just as fierce as her will to protect?" Alpha Kier's lips part and closes, seemingly at a loss for words. He shakes his head. "You are unbelievable." He walks out of the hall tightly, his regal knee length jacket flowing behind him, and I look to Luna Renae whose eyes now reassess me. It is with no small struggle that she says, "Jessamine Everhart wins the first round."
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