9. Sneak Into His Room I

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Kier "This is getting out of hand, Kier," mother murmurs, tugging on the ropes of her robe tightly. "Word is spreading. The Alphas aren't pleased." I lean back against the door. "Let it be, Mother. They will come to accept my decision." "Whatever game this is, it isn't worth the disparities. Have her thrown out or I will," my mother warns, her weary gaze darting from the mirror to me. "Do you desire her?" "No, Mother." Her hazel eyes take me in. "Your eyes tell a different tale Kier, and you must work on that. Meet with Moira tonight. Or Helen. We all saw your exchange earlier. You must diffuse whatever gossip may arise from this before it even begins. It is not unheard of for Kings to covet...women of lowbirth--" "I do not crave her," I cut her off. "I will meet with Moira at your behest, but this will be the last you try to bend me to your will, Mother. I am not a child." Mother stiffens at the authority in my voice and her head hangs low. "I am only concerned about your well-being." I nod. "Having Jessamine Everhart in the selection is to get rid of the notion that I am unjust in my proceedings." "And if she wins?" I arch a brow. "She will not. The coming tasks are grueling, nothing an Omega can handle. She will fail terribly--if she lives--and I will banish her from the Pack thereafter." *I like her, the violet-eyed maid,* Zephyr tells me as I walk the corridor leading toward the dinner hall where I know Moira must be with the others. Of course he does. When she had touched me earlier, he had purred so deeply, I had flinched. It had me thinking the entire day what it would feel like to have those soft fingers on other parts of me. Zephyr's thoughts. Definitely not mine. Irritation flares to life and I stifle it, shutting him out in the process. "Alpha Kier," a woman squeals as I walk into the dining hall and all of the occupants rise to their feet, bowing low in greeting. I nod curtly, making my way over to Moira even as my gaze skims over the crowd for a maiden with fair, wispy hair that seemed to float with every slight breeze. But she is noticeably absent. Maids do not eat at the same table with the people they serve. Moira raises her head, gaze fixed on me. "Alpha, what brings you--" The scent of roses hit me again and my nostrils tickle. I smile, breathing slow. "Walk with me, Lady Moira." Her eyes widen and colour stains her cheek. "Me?" Her voice is high pitched, carrying across the hall in false surprise and tight, close-lipped smile, extending my hand toward her. "Yes." She covers her lips, giggling too loud for comfort as places a free hand in mine. "You honour me, Alpha." Disgust grows within me, very rapidly, as I place my fingers on the small of her back, leading her out of the hall. She may be beautiful, but there is nothing attractive about her condescending nature. "You look lovely tonight," I say, flashing her a charming smile that has her cheeks turning even redder. Shall I put on an act for the rest of my life? How do I spend forever with a woman I have no feelings for? When Mother cajoled me into holding the selection, she had said I didn't need to love the woman I picked. Love is discovered and nurtured. You will grow to love whoever your choice is. My gaze slides to Moira as she talks about how much effort she'd put into dressing up for me, and I feel nothing but the tickle that comes with a sneeze. Perhaps, I am not trying hard enough. "I hear the Blood moon Pack has been flourishing well in the north. Your father has done an excellent job," I comment, trailing the hallways that lead to my room. "Yes. We have held well against the incessant rogue attacks. Our pack is after all, the strongest after yours." I nod. "I will reward him for his efforts in the next gathering." The next gathering will be the day I announce my choice. It is only fair I bestow a gift to my...future father-in-law. Moira beams. "I would love that." I stop by my door, frowning as I note the scent of black licorice and warm vanilla lingering by my door. I shake my head, reprimanding myself mentally. Now, I'm starting to smell that woman in places she would never be. "Alpha," Moira suddenly says, diverting my thoughts from its treacherous direction. She closes the distance between us, biting her full bottom lip shyly. "If I may..." she trails off, leaning forward and standing on her toes. My muscles tense, but I stay absolutely still as she presses her lips against mine. She pulls back almost immediately, falling back a step. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--" I close the distance between us, closing my lips over hers. It's that woman's scent in my nose again. Mother is right. I need to fix this. I cannot crave the touch of a maid. I cannot lose my mind because of a callous woman. My lips part Moira's and she moans, gripping my jacket hard enough to rip it. I feel for the door knob behind me, twisting it as I grip her waist tightly. Her fingers tangle in my hair as I kick the door shut and just as I begin walking us into my bed, someone yawns softly behind us. Moira yelps, alarmed at the figure at the foot of my bed and I jerk back from her, staring down with disdain. Violet eyes meet mine and hold. Jessamine Everhart's lying in my bed, covered in my duvet with her blonde hair tumbling down her shoulders in a way I've never seen them before, and her creamy skin is exposed as she sits up. "Hey, Kier," she mutters, voice heavy with sleep. Might I have entered a different dimension in which Jessamine Everhart just called me by my name and is lying in my bed like it belongs to her, or have I lost my mind? "Excuse me," Moira says sharply, turning so quickly on her heels and fleeing from my room. I am too stunned to stop her. "What in the Goddess's name are you doing in here?!" I roar, my voice reverberating through the castle and off the walls.
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