Extra Charitable

1335 Words

The drive home was a blur. I felt numb all over, and I couldn’t think straight. I found a parking space a block from my building and parked haphazardly. I didn’t care if I got a ticket. When I walked into the apartment, the first thing I noticed was the spot where I’d dropped the groceries. There was a dried puddle of egg goop there. I looked over towards the bedroom. The rope was lying there near the door with one end still attached to the sofa leg. Then I saw the dried puddle of blood where Zain had been lying. I thought I had no tears left, but I was wrong. They started streaming down my face. I had a massive headache, and I was so tired. All I could do was lie down on the couch and cry myself to sleep. When I woke up, I felt like absolute s**t, as if I’d had a hangover. I had dreamed

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