Questioning F’s Friends:
1. H
- 19 years old
- Music student
- Attempted to form a band with F
Thoughts on F:
- “Braggy” – always bragged about how good she was and how she could go big. Also refused to be in a band with H, “My talent is not just for some band.”
When told, “So you have a motive to kill her,” H quickly defended herself. “I have a future ahead of me and I don’t wanna ruin it for her. Besides, my band without her is just starting to get noticed.”
I asked, “Is there anyone else who feels hate towards her, too?” She said, “She’s hated in our class. She kept degrading our classmates. I guess only us didn’t choose to stay away from her. She’s a bit tolerable sometimes. Some also went with her just because of her talent. Well, we all needed to pass the subject.”
So, they were using her for good grades.
2. R
- 21 years old
- very close friends with F, despite her attitude towards her
“I stayed because even though she was very mean, she’s still a friend.”
Asked, “How mean was she?”
She answered, “Oh, every word she said was not very nice. She wasn’t really the type who’d support you when you wanted something. I tried playing the drums and she said I was hopeless and my playing was awful. We tried calling her out but she just never listened. She thought she was superior to all of us.”
3. Y
- 20 years old
- Also attempted to ask F to join his band, but as usual, she refused
I asked, “How did you feel about it?”
Y: Didn’t take it personally. It’s just how she was. Plus, I knew I couldn’t force people to join my band. So I was also considering going solo.
Other thoughts that might help the case?
Y: Hmmm... Our friend, Z, always said she could rot in hell. But I doubt he would actually kill her.
Why so?
Y: Because he had feelings for her. She always helped him and even though he thought he was competent, there was once this time when F motivated him.
4. Z
- 22 years old
- Had romantic feelings for F
Did she know you loved her?
Z: Yes, but I got rejected. Nevertheless, we chose to continue being friends. Although somehow, her head became bigger when she knew.
How did you feel about it?
Z: Are you accusing me of murdering her? What about the other victim I never knew?
F was hated by her class. And even her friends all have motives.
Questioning F’s family:
What I noticed:
Her mother (J) did not seem to be mourning. She still despised F for running away. “That ungrateful brat.” While her father, M, had tears in the corner of his eyes while saying, “We didn’t know anything about her since she left. I wish we could’ve.”