Book 3 Chapter 8: Breakfast

1340 Words
-Isabella- It was a soft knocking that awoke me, but I still sat up startled as I realized what had happened. I had fallen asleep! F*ck. F*ck. F*ck! But the bed had been so inviting, and I couldn’t help myself. I had only closed my eyes for a second, hoping it would help come up with some idea, but the truth was I wasn’t a very good assassin and that showed in this the moment. I looked around the room, my heart racing with anger towards myself, but before I could curse at myself for my stupidity, another soft knock came. I quickly got out of bed, but as I reached the door, I was slower. My hand carefully reached for the handle, and slowly pushed it down. I only opened the door halfway, and was met by a very sweet looking woman, with auburn hair, tall and lean. She had a sweet smile on her lips and the orange cat from yesterday in her arms. It raised its head as I came into view and then narrowed her eyes and hissed. “So sorry,” the woman said, before putting the cat down. She walked away almost looking offended. “She isn’t the biggest fan of women. She even had her fights with Octavia, the queen. They are friends now, but she really is a little diva, hence the name I gave her, Little Diva.” I just looked curiously at the woman, trying to figure out why she seemed different, and then her scent hit me. This woman was a human! I couldn’t believe my eyes or nose. A human! Here? Why? How? But then I noticed the mark on her shoulder. She was wearing a low cut and long white blouse that was perfectly made for her, and grey slacks. She was very beautiful, but I was surprised to see her here. My father had left my mom, his mate, because she was human, but this one was clearly mated to one of the men here. “I’m Lily,” she said and extended a hand. I was a bit surprised at first. Even humans usually kept a little bit of distance to me. Some of them seemed to sense I wasn’t like the rest, or maybe it was my homeless appearance that scared them. Still, I was surprised by their kindness, but then I remembered they liked to play heroes. So, all I could do was to continue to play along. “Isabella,” I said, and shook her hand. “Hope you don’t mind I came by, but I remember what it was like being brought here for the first time, and even though people are incredibly nice, it can’t be overwhelming. I know you are familiar with this world considering you are half wolf, but still, it can be frightening. So, I came to check on you while the men have their “meeting” and wanted to know if you wanted to eat some breakfast?” she said with a very sweet and soft voice. This one was good. I had to give it to her, but I didn’t want to spend any time, risk being seen through. Besides, I had to plan out how I was going to get to Damian. I had already wasted so much time sleeping. I had slept better than I had in years, but still I had wasted a lot of time. Unfortunately, just as I wanted to tell her I was fine, and wanted to be left alone, my stomach made an awful loud sound preventing me from telling her I wasn’t hungry. “I think that gave me the answer,” she giggled, before nodding to her side, gesturing me to follow her. I sighed but couldn’t say no now. It would be strange since she had heard my hunger, and I couldn’t say my stomach wasn’t moving my legs, because it was. I hadn’t eaten since… yesterday morning and that was just a sandwich, at least if you consider potato chips on white bread a sandwich. I followed behind the beautiful woman when she suddenly turned and smiled at me. “You don’t have to walk behind me,” she teased. I looked at her surprised. I was so used to staying in the shadows, and not be seen, I hadn’t even noticed I was doing the exact same thing now. “Sorry,” I said before coming up to her side. She just nodded satisfied and then started to walk away. It didn’t take us long to reach the kitchen, and my stomach only growled louder as we entered it. It was enormous. A whole dinner party could practically sit just at the kitchen island. “Go take a seat. I’ll make you something,” she said, before she headed to the fridge. “You don’t have to.” I don’t know if you are going to poison me… “It’s alright. I don’t mind, besides, I promised Octavia I would make her some breakfast as well.” Hmm… she really was a good actor. The whole sweet and saint-like act really could convince anyone, but if she lived with Damian and the king, I knew she was just as bad as them. I watched her back, as I sat by the Island on a high stool. She was humming a little tune while she cracked some egg, and I could see she had taken out some bacon as well. Sh*t, I could already taste it all. It had been so long since I had a decent meal… But what if she put something in it… No, she had no reason to doubt my intentions. She wouldn’t hurt me, would she? “I see you got the half-blood out of the room,” a voice suddenly came from the door to the kitchen. I turned and saw the tallest woman I had ever laid my eyes on, and she was scary as hell. She was very muscular and completely covered in black clothes and dark leather pants. It was obvious she carried weapons, and I swallowed hard, fearing she might she through my act. “Don’t worry. Octavia doesn’t bite,” Lily joked, but it didn’t calm me at all. The queen was really scary. I had imagined someone sweet looking or acting with a little bit more… grace? Sh*t, the way the queen walked looked like a predator slowly walking towards its paralyzed prey. You really didn’t want to stay on this one’s bad side… I was surprised when the queen came over and sat beside me. Her beautiful silver eyes locked with mine, and it felt like she could see right through me. It made my palms sweaty and I could feel my heartbeat quicken. “Relax, little one. Lily is serious. I don’t bite,” she said with the hint of a smile on her lips. I wasn’t sure if that was true. She looked like someone who would bite. Hard. Sh*t, with someone like this is the house, how was I ever going to get close to Damian? “Here you two go,” Lily said, as she placed the breakfast in front of us, and then started to dig into her own plate. Octavia was right behind her, eating the food happily. “Weren’t you hungry?” Lily suddenly asked and pointed to the food I hadn’t touched. I looked down at it. I was hungry. So, f*cking hungry. I looked at the two women who were now staring at me. They had eaten the food, so maybe it was okay. I slowly picked up the fork beside me and stabbed it down into some egg. I slowly lifted it to my mouth and ate it. My f*cking… This was heaven! How on earth could something taste so unbelievably good? “You like it?” she asked. I couldn’t talk. I just nodded with a smile. This was amazing! “I think she does,” the queen laughed.
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