Book 3 Chapter 7: Meeting

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-Isabella- “Is this all mine?” I asked, as I looked around the big room. It was bigger than anything I had ever lived in before. Even when I lived with my mom and then my brother. None of them had lived in a castle, and this whole room was as big as a football field, with a bathroom attached and a walk-in closet. There was a huge king-sized bed at the end of the room with cream white sheets and giant pillows. All I could think about was throwing myself on the bed and burying my head in those pillows, but then I reminded myself of my purpose here. Kill Damian Black. “It is. At least for tonight,” Chris said in the doorway. I turned around, looking at him with a confused expression. “For tonight?” “Well, since you didn’t have anywhere else to be, we had to bring you here, but there is no guarantee the king will let you stay. Even though I wouldn’t mind keeping you a little longer than just a night,” he said with his charming smile and a small wink. I rolled my eyes. I was not interested in his flirting, especially not now, when I knew who he was. I hated the people here, most of all Damian, but knowing I wasn’t going to be here longer than a night was a problem. It meant I had to find a way to kill Damian. Tonight! I had no weapons, except a small hobby knife in my backpack, but there was no way I was taking down a full-blooded male, who was clearly built to be a fighter with a hobby knife. I needed a f*cking bazooka to be sure the guy was actually dead. I sighed deeply. How on earth was I going to kill Damian tonight? “I’ll let you get some sleep, but just if you get lonely my room is further down the hall,” he said as he put his hands on the doorframe and leaned a little further into the room with a wicked grin. Again, I just rolled my eyes and shook my head. Yeah, no thank you. There was only one person I wanted to see tonight, and it was not because I wanted to have s*x. “I’ll remember that,” I told him before he left and closed the door behind him. My first thing to do in such a huge and luxurious room should probably not be looking for a weapon, but I had a mission. I wasn’t here on a f*cking holiday. So, I looked through every drawer and place I thought a weapon could be hidden, but nothing! “F*cking nothing,” I breathed, irritated, as I crossed my arms. One big f*cking room and no weapons! The closest thing I could come to a weapon was a small vase besides the couch or the fire iron. Again, it wouldn’t be enough. If I was lucky, it would knock him out, but he couldn’t see me coming. I sighed deeply as I went into the bathroom, and placed myself in front of the huge mirror over the sink. “What do I do?” I whispered, as I turned on the water. I had a huge bruise under my eye, my cheek was red and swollen. I formed a small bowl with my hands and filled it with water before splashing it in my face. Both dirt and whatnot were washed off and the coolness helped reboot my brain. “Just think. How do you kill a big full-blooded male with no weapons …” I asked mirror-me, but she was silent as we stared at each other. “You don’t … Unless you are a male.” Was that really my conclusion? Should I just give up without trying? Jason would have been embarrassed, but the truth was I wasn’t very strong. Even if I had been full-blooded … I needed a weapon, a dagger, a knife, a gun! But where to get those? I knew the men here probably carried them around, but could I really get one from them without one of them noticing? It wouldn’t be my first time stealing, but taking food was a little bit different than stealing weapons. So, what the hell was I going to do? -Damian- “F*ck me,” I groaned as I slowly sat up from the floor with a pounding headache. I never drank much. Even though it numbed the pain, it always left me feeling worse afterwards. I preferred just to drown in my own misery. A bit masochist? Perhaps, but last night the alcohol had been necessary so I didn’t walk to Isabella’s room and did something I would surely regret. I got up from the floor, my hand holding onto my head because it felt like it was going to fall off. I held onto a couch I had apparently fallen asleep behind. Why not on the couch? Who knows? I had taken off all my clothes I could see, but then remembered I had taken a cold shower before emptying a bottle of bourbon in less than two minutes. Just perfect … “Damian. Meeting!” I heard Chris shout on the other side of the door, as he knocked. “On my way!” I yelled, feeling my ears ringing from my own voice. I groaned as I walked over to the walk-in closet and quickly got dressed, in a pair of leather pants, a dark t-shirt and a black leather jacket. Black was my favorite color ... Matched my heart. I armed myself with two knives attached over my chest and a gun on the side of my hip. I knew the meeting was about Isabella. Sweet yet feisty Isabella I groaned loudly, as I walked out of my room. The meeting might be about her staying, but there was no saying whether we were being sent on a mission afterwards. So, I was already prepared. The king’s office wasn’t far away and as I entered everyone was already there. I placed myself over by the fireplace, as I looked over the people in the room. Sh*t as much as I wanted to tell them to find a good place to send Isabella, I also wanted to tell them all to go to hell, because no one was deciding my mate’s fate or place in this world. There was only one place she belonged and that was by my side. “I have already informed Garrett of the little half-blood’s arrival,” the king said, starting off the meeting. “Isabella,” I quickly corrected. People turned to me, looking at me strangely, for correcting the king in the way to address the little female. Sh*t, great start! Could I have been more obvious? “Isabella,” the king then said, quickly continuing. “Garrett has already come up with a few ideas where to send her, one of them being Selene’s pack. They could use the extra members, and I know Selene and the rest would be very happy to have her.” NO! She stays! I groaned and put pressure on the side of my head with my hand. My wolf was yelling so loudly, my ears were practically ringing. “Damian, are you okay?” I heard Valerio ask. I tried to speak but the yelling continued. Tell them now! Tell them they don’t get to decide where our mate goes! She stays! She is ours and no one else gets her! “Damian?” “If you disagree with sending her to Selene’s pack, I got another idea,” Garrett said with a small smile, clearly taking my groaning as a disagreement, but it was so much more. “NO! The little female stays!” it suddenly came out of me, almost animal like and a hint of an echo, as if it wasn’t me speaking. Everyone froze, looking at me shocked that I had even raised my voice. Usually, I wasn’t one to raise my voice or show many emotions, but apparently Isabella brought out the animal and possessiveness in me. Even Amelia hadn’t done that … Sh*t everyone was still staring. How was I going to explain this?
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