-Garrett- I was deep asleep when something suddenly jumped onto my stomach, startling me awake. At first, I was ready to fight whoever had come into my room, but then I noticed the purring and the yellow eyes watching me. I leaned back in bed and gently stroked the cat. Had Lily come back? But then, I saw someone in the doorway. “She gave me the cat,” Octavia said as I looked at her. I nodded. The cat was here, but not Lily. I sighed deeply and gave Octavia a small nod, signaling that I understood her message. Then she closed the door and walked away. “So, she decided not to come,” I sighed as the cat settled comfortably on top of me. My beautiful Lily. I couldn’t believe I wouldn’t see her again or hear her laughing or speaking. I would never touch or hold her again. She had made her