Chapter 9-3

1592 Words

When morning arrived, Eli still cradled Micha in his arms. Attendants tried to enter the bedchamber, but he screamed at them to leave. They tried on two more occasions to bring him comfort, to offer him food and to remind him of their traditional rites. At the last interruption, he pushed a long piece of furniture against the door so they couldn’t enter. He would still hear them calling from time to time, imploring him to let them in so Micha could be taken for mummification. Finally, he knew what he had to do. I will die now. I cannot live without him. He had one favor to call upon and he knew that this call could not be ignored. Rocking back and forth with Micha in his arms, he shouted in Amorite. “Uriel! Uriel! Hear me. I ask that you remember the promise you made!” He heard no respo

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