Chapter 5-1

503 Words

Chapter 5 Modern Day The bell rang, announcing the end of the period. Students shuffled from different classes. Joshua had a few minutes before heading off to the next class. He reached the row of lockers by speed walking. Joshua saw Sullivan. Sully had a backpack slung over one shoulder, dark blue plaid shirt and a ball cap titled to the side. Joshua gulped, marched quickly to his locker, hoping that he would go unnoticed. He turned the combination, swung the door open when it slammed shut. Too late. “Hey, asshole,” Sullivan whispered. “You in a rush to go somewhere?” Sullivan stood inches away, so close that Joshua could smell the powdery deodorant he wore. Slightly taller than him, Joshua looked up to see Sully’s bright blue eyes bearing down, waiting for a response. “I’m late for

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