Chapter Eleven

1038 Words
Chapter Eleven: A surprise long awaited to I am here to crash your party We get into the car and I am more anxious than anything, there is a whole lot of excitement because I am obviously getting spoiled by my best friends and of course the mystery adds a very nice vibe. However, Amelia is driving her brother's car when she is the worst driver out there and that is more than enough of a reason for me to be anticipating a panic attack, but there's more, I have been told that I will have to close my eyes for almost a quater of the journey right before we get to the destination and that has me freaking out! I have a mixed relationship with mystery, I chase it but do not exactly enjoy being in the dark in any situation. One more reason I have to be anxious is the fact that I am stuck with Tracy sitting right next to me, after she insisted heavily for that to be the case. I try to look out of the window and pretend to be admiring something in the barely artificially lot streets, through the heavily tinted window while she fiddles with her phone but before I know it my eyes begin to get hurt from trying to focus so hard and I eventually get bored too. As if she has a sixth sense or something close to that, I feel Tracy's hand on my shoulder as she taps on it repeatedly. "do you remember that we are in this car because of you, Jules ? Do not fall asleep on us." she laughs after but it is not the fact that she is laughing that has me dreading turning around to face her, it is more like the fact that she chooses to whisper what she is saying to me. She usually does that when she wants to get something off her chest, and I can already imagine what that is going to be! "what? No, I am not falling asleep Tracy, I am just admiring the outside before you know, you put a blindfold on me and then all I see is darkness?" I respond without turning to her yet and I keep my voice down because she clearly does not want the other girls to hear what she really wants to talk about. I know it is not about me falling asleep! "What? No, you already are seeing darkness, Julia! Your excuses are lame, okay? You know what I want to talk about..." I grabs my chin and forces me to stare at her whining face. "Why are you so obsessed with him? He was not even that cute, and he is a jerk. No friend of mine can ever get with him!" I make things clear before hand because I already know that she wants to talk about that, Ryan this, Ryan that, I absolutely am done making my day about that boy! "You owed me an apology, you did not apologize, so do you know what that means?" she quirks a brow and crosses her arms above her chest. "what does it mean?" I question with an arched brow and crossed arms to mimic her. "It means that owed apology has expired, because I already forgave you, but you owwr me a favour now, anything I want that is within your capability." she whispers and I frown instantly. I know where this is going but I am seriously going to hope that I am wrong! "what? Since when is that a rule? The rule is that I do something mice for you, of my choice, not that I owe you a favour now!" I argue and I am only telling the truth, the rule is one that we created within the group, I cannot even count the arguments and serious fights that we have had between the five of us, there has been plenty and they have made us even stronger and even better. The rule was created after one big fight that led to a divide within the group and almost ended us, I came up with it so I would know! "You are eighteen now, we need to break the rules one way or another... And you have not even heard me out. The offer will not even be that demanding!" she explains and I roll my eyes. She knows that it is impossible for me to let it go at this point, not before I know what she really wanted to propose. " Fine.. Just say it.. "I prepare to hear Ryan, because he is the start of the show tonight, they just cannot seem to get enough of him... "When we fix your situation with Ryan together, I do not care what you do, make sure that you squeeze me in the conversation and tell him that I want Vance!" She finishes and I furrow my brows. "oh..and for the record, he is that hot, you know it, you are not shy and yet you do not even want to hear his name without overreacting. If you want him, I will just have the other him then!" She adds and I am still confused about what she is actually saying to me. "Who is Vance? What are you talking about?" I question and she urges me to lower my voice before the Othe hear us and hear the word Vance. "What do you mean Who is Vance? His tiwn brother, duh?" She answers like it is the most obvious thing and my jaw drops. I actually cannot believe her... I look at her and try to search her face for any signs of deciet that I can use against her but I do not see any. "he has a twin brother? Identical?" I question with a whisper yell and she nods her head. What in the world? Which rock have I been living under because she keeps insisting that I should know about all of this already or I am some ignorant little brat! "Okay, Tracy blindfold her, the time is here!" Jax announces before I even have time to understand what Tracy is trying to tell me.
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