I looked at my hands, which were folded neatly on my lap, and debated whether I should tell Will. He had trusted me with his past, but that did not make obliged to trust him. Not to mention that what happened with me was not like what happened with Will, something bad happened to him while I did something bad. No one knew, not even Silas because I knew if I told Silas I would lose my only friend. Was I willing to risk Will’s friendship? “You'll feel better.” He said. “You know, if you tell me about it. But, you don't have too” “Well I am sure once I tell you, you will beg King Elijah to have you switched out with another vampire” “It can't be that bad...” “When I was…nine was the last time that I trained with the wolves. I had been training with them since I was five. But…one day a boy