Longing? Solitude!

1204 Words
Yinqi Qing basks in the warmth brought by the autumn breeze, gazing at the myriad stars above. "How have you been lately? Although I've been hearing news about you lately, are they all true? Even though I'm not by your side, please take good care of yourself!" Yinqi Qing seems to be praying to the distant loved ones through the stars. After drawing the curtains, Yinqi Qing slowly walks to the bedside and sits cross-legged against the wall: quietly retrieving the newspapers she usually collects about her distant loved ones from under the pillow. Her delicate hands caress the indistinct figures on the newspapers affectionately, murmuring happily, "You've slimmed down again. Work may be important, but please take care of your health. Please forgive me for not being by your side. I know Aunt Wu will take good care of you. You can rest assured. I'm doing well... very well..." As Leng Haoyu drives home, feeling bored, he listens to the song that would furrow Yinqi Qing's brow: he's curious why this woman, who rarely shows emotion, finds meaning in this particular song. He feels that someone who would enjoy listening to this song must have a personality similar to his mischievous and adorable sister. Yet their personalities are like opposite poles! She's a woman of great curiosity, a woman unlike any other, a woman exceptionally adept at concealing herself! Ordinary women, upon seeing him, often fawn over him, yielding to his will... but this woman is different. She seems to avoid him, as if he were contagious. Although she initiated their first encounter, from her brief words, she seemed eager for their conversation to end sooner! And from the very beginning, she has been "resisting" him. Suddenly, Leng Haoyu feels like he has encountered his arch-nemesis. He smiles wryly. Leng Haoyu takes out his keys to unlock his house. As the key is inserted into the lock, he smiles bitterly! The house is decorated in black and white, although the coordination is good, it always gives off a sense of desolation, as if it's not a home! But what can be done? He doesn't like his mother's nagging, doesn't like his little sister constantly pestering him with questions, and most importantly, this place is close to the company, making it convenient to handle any issues! Perhaps this desolation suits him better! After changing his shoes, he heads straight for the bathroom. The sound of rushing water fills the bathroom, washing away his troubles: he wraps a towel around his lower body, with traces of a recent shower on his face and his bronzed chest - water droplets! He turns and heads to the living room, retrieves a bottle of wine from the cupboard, and pours it into his highball glass: taking a sip, he enters his room. Having spent the past few years abroad, suddenly returning to this city where he was born, he realizes that he's actually someone who loves home. But he doesn't understand why his mother insisted on him moving back, and why he doesn't want to return! He shakes the wine in his hand and looks at the large house where he lives alone, feeling truly lonely! He also wishes he had a complete family! Since his father passed away in a car accident when he was ten, he has lost a complete family! After his father's death, his mother independently managed his father's business and supported him and his sister. But whenever he sees his mother return home exhausted, he feels heartbroken and silently resolves to protect his mother well in the future, and not let her work so hard! His mother has always hoped that their family business would not fail in his father's generation, so the efforts she has put in are beyond the imagination of ordinary people: losing his father early, his mother is often busy with business matters, unable to take care of him and his sister, so he has always been particularly fond of his sister! He understands his mother's thoughts very well, so he has always worked hard. At the age of eighteen, he obtained a double doctorate in business and law from Harvard. Just in that year, because his mother trusted the people around her too much, the company fell into crisis! At that time, his mother was at the company every day, trying to figure out how to solve the problem. She didn't tell her son and daughter, for fear that they would worry... too many problems were circling in her mind! But no matter how much she tried to block the news, Leng Haoyu still found out!? To this day, his mother still doesn't know how he found out! He found his mother and firmly told her to hand over the company to him. He would definitely turn the company around! His mother was shocked by the firmness in her son's eyes and looked at her son with joy, nodding confidently. Leng Haoyu has his own set of management principles, gradually resolving the crisis of the company, and eventually leading the company to its peak! But he doesn't really like the city where he was born, perhaps because his father left him here! Later, he gradually moved the headquarters overseas, and because of this, he has always stayed abroad! He usually works and works: until two years ago, he met her - Chen Yaojin. That girl has an enviable face and figure, and most importantly, she has a pair of big watery eyes! Because of her, his life is no longer as monotonous as before. He smiles all day long and finally feels the warmth of home again. He feels very happy! But six months after they started dating, she suddenly called him and said, "Let's break up. We're not suitable for each other. I hope you'll find someone better in the future!" He didn't know what was going on. Just as he was about to speak, the phone was hung up by the other party. He tasted the bitterness of heartbreak... Afterwards, he began to exile himself and became colder, but he still prioritized the company! He never said much about the comments from the outside world because he knew that it was useless to say more. Let the media write whatever they want, as long as it doesn't involve his family, he doesn't care! This time he came back, perhaps to escape, perhaps to start over again, but he himself doesn't know why he came back? This time, he's also planning to transfer the headquarters to this place. After all, he's going to stay here for a long time! Having had a little wine, he suddenly sees Chen Yaojin's face in front of him, smiling: he reaches out to touch her face, but now the face that appears is actually Yinqi Qing's, and his hand drops from mid-air. He shakes his head and looks again, but there's nothing there! "So it was you playing tricks!" He stares at the wine in his glass, saying with a bitter smile. However, he's puzzled. How could Yinqi Qing appear? Perhaps her impression on him is too deep! Longing and loneliness haunt them, making them feel like tonight's night is endless.
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