
1143 Words
Pei Yun's residence is conveniently located, with ample parking space. The surrounding environment exudes tranquility and serenity, while the air is exceptionally fresh. The flower beds beside the house are filled with various flora, presenting a scene of orderly elegance. The moon in the evening sky seems shy, hiding behind the clouds and refusing to emerge. However, the countless stars boldly sparkle, revealing their beauty and brilliance as if fearing they might go unnoticed. Yinqi Qing deeply inhales the refreshing air, reveling in the tranquil yet refined ambiance of the surroundings. What she appreciates most is the abundance of flora, which lends this place an air of castle-like charm. The sound of a horn interrupts her thoughts, and she follows its source to find Leng Haoyu waiting for her to get into the car. She strides over, intending to inform him that she doesn't need a ride. However, seeing that Leng Haoyu has already opened the car door for her, she feels embarrassed to refuse. Before Yinqi Qing gets into the car, she politely says, "Thank you!" Leng Haoyu merely nods with a smile, prompting Yinqi Qing to observe the stark contrast between him and the CEO from "Lian Lian" she had met yesterday. As Yinqi Qing attempts to fasten her seatbelt, it seems to resist her efforts, refusing to click into place no matter how hard she tries. Eventually, she gives up. Seated back in the car, Leng Haoyu buckles his seatbelt and turns to see Yinqi Qing still without hers. He gently reminds her, "You should buckle up." "It's fine, I'm not afraid," Yinqi Qing replies dismissively, unwilling to admit that she couldn't fasten the seatbelt herself. "I may not be afraid, but I am," Leng Haoyu's tone turns cold, as if recalling something. He then proceeds to help Yinqi Qing fasten her seatbelt. As he does so, he realizes why she couldn't do it herself. Surprised by his words, Yinqi Qing looks at him in disbelief. This phrase...someone had said it to her a long time ago! "Babe, don't stand so high next time, okay?" Yinqi Qing's father looked at his beloved daughter with concern and reproach. "Dad, I'm not afraid!" "You may not be, but I am!" "Yinqi, are you alright?" Leng Haoyu looks at Yinqi Qing's absent-mindedness, then at himself. "Yes, I'm fine!" Yinqi Qing collects herself, calming her emotions before responding calmly. "Do you like listening to music?" Leng Haoyu, aware of her reserved nature, suggests music to alleviate the impending awkwardness. "Yes, I do," Yinqi Qing replies, then gazes out of the window, unwilling to think or speak. She's afraid, truly afraid! "Why is anticipation full in the darkness, But more silence and helplessness come? The warmth of love cannot be forgotten, Yet happiness proves to be but a fleeting illusion. I walk in the misty garden seeking love's memory, Half awake and half in a daze, traces left behind. Awakening from dreams to find myself changed, A heart left behind only the wrong encounters. Falling flowers hold intentions, flowing water too indifferent, Encounters by fate intertwine, then separate. The sound of the zither turns endlessly until dawn, Where is the one I love the most? Falling flowers hold intentions, flowing water too indifferent, Where is the one I love the most...?" Yinqi Qing is very familiar with this song, she might even say she loves it. However, she didn't expect Leng Haoyu to listen to such songs! Yinqi Qing listens with closed eyes, quietly appreciating the melody. She has always felt that this song reflects her parents' relationship. Her eyebrows furrow slightly, and as she opens her closed eyes, she looks out of the window again. Observing her furrowed brows, Leng Haoyu assumes she dislikes the song and reaches to change it to another one. Seeing the reflection on the car window and realizing he's about to change the song, Yinqi Qing hurriedly says, "Don't change it, this song is quite good!" "Heh, alright, I just thought you didn't like it because of your furrowed brow," Leng Haoyu laughs awkwardly. "That's not it, you're overthinking it," Yinqi Qing responds calmly but coldly, turning her gaze back out of the window. Leng Haoyu watches Yinqi Qing and smirks inwardly: he didn't expect someone else to like this song as much as her. But he wonders when this girl put it in his car! As the song ends, the two remain disconnected, each lost in their own thoughts. The sound of the car racing on the road is in stark contrast to the quietness inside, where one could hear a pin drop. "At the next intersection, please drop me off, thank you!" Yinqi Qing points ahead with her slender fingers. "But we're not at your house yet. I promised Qiao Qiao that I would take you home!" "It's okay. It's so late, and you're not going home. Your family must be very worried!" Yinqi Qing doesn't want him to know where she lives, nor does she want him to escort her. "Alright then! Take care of yourself! If there's anything, just give me a call. Oh, you don't know my number yet..." His words are interrupted. Leng Haoyu looks at Yinqi Qing with amusement, wondering what excuse she'll come up with this time to prevent him. "No need, my place isn't far. It's a good workout after dinner! I'll go now, bye, and drive safely!" "Wait, Yinqi, I'm sorry about yesterday. I was in a good mood at the time, and I apologize if I made you uncomfortable. Please forgive me!" Leng Haoyu apologizes sincerely. "Oh, it's okay. I believe Maya wouldn't mind either! Bye!" Yinqi Qing originally thought he would insist on driving her, but she didn't expect an apology! Seeing his sincere expression and tone, she also refrains from reproaching him further. After saying goodbye, she gets out of the car and strides away from the place. When Leng Haoyu can no longer see Yinqi Qing's figure, he drives to the spot where she disappeared! Seeing her silhouette once again, walking slowly, sometimes looking up at the stars in the sky, sometimes at the flowers and grass around her. She walks into the building where she lives, and her silhouette disappears again: Leng Haoyu stops the car and looks at the building. The lights in room 302 are on, and he knows she has safely arrived home. It's time for him to leave too! Back at home, Yinqi Qing changes her shoes, takes out her phone, and sends a text message to her best friend, letting her know she has safely arrived home. The rosy autumn sometimes brings warmth like summer, sometimes cold like winter. Yinqi Qing, having taken a shower, puts on a coat and leans against the wall, looking out of the window at the starry sky, contemplating her experiences over the years...
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