+CHAPTER 10+ Letting Go

1959 Words

Rebecca could feel the tension in the atmosphere. It wasn't hard to comprehend that Carson wasn't a friend of her grandfather and her uncle. And clearly, she didn't give a flying f**k. She just wanted to get out of here but at the same time, she wanted to know what was going on. The beast out there was just a dream? Her uncle and grandfather turning into beasts had to be a dream. It had to be a dream! Maybe they had given her something to mess her up. . . "What is your relation with my mother?" Rebecca asked Carson, trying her best to keep her voice firm. "Your mother was my friend." Arms setting on his knees Carson leaned forward as he answered her question. "You mean to say she is your friend." Rebecca emphasized on 'is'. She didn't like how Carson was talking about her mother as i

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