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AKIRA After Zion and his parents left, Mum and Dad came to check up on me. They both still looked very stressed out, but I pretended not to notice and just told them that I was happy to be back home. Once they retired for the night, I decided to soak in the tub for a bit and then called it a night. The next morning, I woke up to the ringing of my cell phone. I got a shock when I saw the time. My parents had let me sleep in, and it was almost noon. It's been a while since I had a good night's sleep, and the best part was that I didn't have a nightmare. I dialed Zion's number as he had tried to call me. After apologizing for not taking his call and explaining why, he got super excited that I had a solid night's sleep without nightmares. He then told me that he was going out of town with his parents. They were going to spend some time with his grandparents and would be back after the weekend. Before cutting off, he insisted that I must miss him lots! After I ended the call to Zion, I showered quickly and went downstairs. My dad must have already left for the office. Mum was in the main lounge area and was in deep conversation with a woman I had never seen before, but there was something about her that seemed familiar. "Darling, you're awake! You're looking so much better and rested. Come, I want you to meet an old friend of mine, Skylar." What on earth was going on? I could tell that Mum was trying really hard to fake it. She was clearly a nervous wreck! Her words were coming out all slurred and shaky. Did she say Skylar? That's the name of the lady in my dream! "Hello Akira, it's lovely seeing you again. I can't believe how quickly time has flown by. You're all grown up now and into a beautiful, young woman." As Skylar spoke, I recognized that voice. It was exactly the same as the one in my dream. This was getting way too creepy! "Please come sit by us, your mum and I have something very important to discuss with you" she tells me, but before I could answer Mum cut in and said, "We will wait till Cole arrives, Skylar. I have informed him that you are here, and he made it very clear that we wait for him!" That got me all the more worked up. It must be serious for Dad to insist on being present. Skylar politely shook her head in agreement and then patted the spot next to her and asked me to come sit. She said that even though Mum had already told her a lot about me, she was interested in hearing more from me. I looked over at Mum only to find her giving Skylar a stern warning look. This was becoming waaày too awkward, and I almost jumped for joy when Dad walked in. After greeting Mum and I with hugs and kisses, he turned to Skylar and asked her in a rather cold tone what she was doing here? "You already know the answer to that Cole. It's time!" "W..w..what does she mean by its time, Dad?" I asked nervously. "Honey, come sit down, please. Your mum and I will try our best to explain it all to you, but I beg of you to please keep an open mind and to remember that we love you very much." Oh, Heavens, were my suspicions correct. Were they about to tell me that I was adopted? It's really no big deal if I was, I mean, a couple of my friends were adopted, and it didn't change their lives when they found out. Were my parents freaking out because they thought it would change the way I feel about them? It would never happen! "Am I adopted? I mean, it's okay if I am. It doesn't matter, " I asked, trying to sound all brave. My parents looked shocked. They were not expecting that. Dad cleared his throat and said "Well, Honey, yes, but there's more to it" I could see that Mum was fighting back tears and with great effort she was able to speak up, "Skylar, please, she's not ready, it's too much for her to take in now" but Skylar gave her a gentle smile and said "You knew this day would come Liz. The best thing we could do for her is rip off the Band-Aid and tell her everything. I have to perform the ritual soon. Time is of the essence. " My chest started to tighten as Skylar spoke. She was right, I desperately wanted to know what was going on, and the more they dragged it out, just made it worse. Mum then turned to me and said softly, "Darling, you remember how dad and I told you that you were our miracle? Well, we had been trying to have a baby for many years, and we were unfortunately not able to, but then we were blessed with you." Skylar gave Mum an annoyed look and said, "Stop talking to her like she's still a child and tell her everything already!" Mum took a deep breath in and out, then continued, "Your birth mum, Skylar, and I had been friends since our childhood. What I'm about to tell you is not going to be easy for you to digest, but it's the reality of the situation, the whole truth. Skylar is gifted and has special powers. She's a Sorceress. Your mum asked her to use her powers to wipe out your memories when you were about five years old. After she did what she promised your mum, she brought you home to us. She had to do it to protect you. Darling, both your parents were killed in a battle." Could all that happened in those dreams be true? I asked Mum to stop talking, then, after gulping down a glass of water, I took a deep breath and started to tell them about the dreams I had. As I continued, they all stared at me wide-eyed and shocked. Mum asked why I didn't say anything sooner, and then Skylar said that it was the Moon Goddess reaching out to me to help me remember as it was time. "I still don't understand what is going on here? Time for what? People turning into wolves and having special powers are not the kind of things that happen in the real world! It's all make-believe stories in books and movies! Have I gone insane, or is this another nightmare, and I am going to wake up soon? This just can't be real! It can't be!" I screamed at Skylar, but she walked over to me and gave me a comforting hug and said, "I can only imagine how hearing all of this is making you feel but the truth is that all you saw in your dreams are true. It all happened. You are the fated mate of the Alpha and are going to be the Luna of the Blue Moon Stone pack!" The person who was following you was the first Beta of the Blue Moon Stone pack. The Moon Goddess had informed the Alpha, your fated mate, that you are still alive. I cast a strong spell to hide your scent from other wolves, so I'm guessing that the Moon Goddess may have told the Alpha your whereabouts, and he sent his Beta to confirm. You are over eighteen now, and I have to perform a ritual to release your wolf, or you will lose her forever!" I looked over at Dad pleadingly in the hope that he would tell me that they were just pranking me or that it was not true, but from the look he gave me, I knew that this was happening, and it was all true. "What if I refuse? What if I refuse to have you perform the ritual and want nothing to do with the other life you are talking about? How can I have a mate? I can't just agree to be with someone I don't know! I want to one day marry someone I love. And what about my studies? I want to become a fashion designer? I can not throw it all away for some fairy tale bullshit!" Surely I had a choice in this! This is the 21st century for crying out loud! "Akira, there are many like you living amongst us, and they are living normal lives. However, you are the future Luna of your pack, and that comes with great responsibility. You can not change your fate." Skylar said and then started chanting strange words I couldn't make sense of. As she continued chanting, the room lit up with a bright light, and a Gorgeous woman appeared. She looked angelic, and the glow around her made her look more stunning. She reminded me of a princess from a Disney movie. "We finally meet Akira. I have been waiting patiently for this moment. You have grown into a beautiful young woman and look so much like your mother. I am the Moon Goddess Skylar spoke of. I know that all that you have heard and now seeing is difficult for you to take in, but you have to pull yourself together and embrace your new life. Your pack needs you. A war is coming, and you have to prepare. Your Alpha must have you by his side. Once you both become one, yourlls strength will grow in abundance. You can not turn your back on your pack. Your parents sacrificed their lives for those of you who still remain. The Alpha has been working very hard and has managed to increase the numbers of the Blue Moon Stone pack by fighting against rival packs' Alphas and claiming their territories. However, the battle ahead is going to be a fierce one. Dark magic is being used, and it prevents me from seeing the outcome of the battle. Do not be afraid, I will always be watching over you and will help you as much as I can, but you have to take the first step and accept your fate. If you don't, many lives will be lost." Just great! This Disney Princess, with an angelic and kind of hypnotic voice, had to bring out the 'guilt card'! If I didn't agree to all this bullshit, lives would be lost, and it would be my fault! Like seriously, how could I have so much power? "Let's just say I agree to all of this. What happens next?" I asked, and the Moon Goddess answered "Skylar must perform the ritual to release your wolf, and thereafter, we have to prepare you to meet your Alpha and the pack, but I would like to release the other powers you inherited from your father before the ritual. Will you allow me to do so?" Before I could answer, Mum asked her what sort of powers she was talking about. She then said that she was not sure which of the four elements, fire, earth, air, or water, powers I inherited. It will be revealed in time. She added that I need a lot of training, and I would have to move in with Skylar temporarily.
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