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AKIRA Hearing Zion's panicked instructions, I rushed to get my phone and dialed the police. Thankfully, my French did not disappoint me, and I managed to explain what had happened to the operator who answered my call. He reassured me that the police would be there soon and to try and remain calm. Easier said than done! How could anyone be calm in a situation like this! Before we knew it, the blaring sirens could be heard, and Zion started cussing and saying that the sirens were going to alert the guy, and he was definitely not going to stick around to meet the cops! Just as Zion said he would, he took off! After a while, the officers came up to our apartment to get our statements. They said that they searched the area and found no trace of anyone matching the description we had given. "The Sirens alerted him, and he made a run for it! What did yourll expect? Did yourll expect him to stand around and wait for yourll to catch him?" Zion lashed out angrily. The officers reassured us that they were going to continue to search for the man and would also have a car watching over the apartment. As we walked the officers out, we noticed some of our neighbours outside. They had come out to check what the commotion was about. The officers decided to question them if they had seen the man in the parking lot, too. Our immediate neighbor was so full of herself and had a sickening attitude! She kept rolling her eyes and made ugly facial expressions as she spoke to the officers. She then pointed a finger at us and spoke in a heavy French accent, "This place is very safe. No crime here all the years I live here. You, drama queen, from America, Yes? Go back home if you don't feel safe. Ne dramatise pas tou jours!" Who the hell did that piece of trash think she was calling me a drama queen and telling me to go back home! She rolled her eyes once again, said something to the officers, and went into her apartment. I so wanted to punch that b***h in the face and rushed after her, but Zion grabbed me from behind and carried me into our apartment while repeating that she was not worth it and that we had more important things to worry about. After the police officers had left, we spent what felt like hours trying to figure out why someone would be coming after us. Eventually, we dozed off but were soon woken up by the loud ringing of my cell phone. It was my dad, I had earlier left a message for him to call me urgently once he read the message. I told him what had happened and my dad, who is the calm and collected one in our family, totally lost it! He told me to start packing and that he was going to book the earliest flight for us to return home. He said that he was going to speak to Zion's parents and would also sort things out with the University once I was back home. He made it very clear that he was not asking us but telling us that we were going back home, our safety was of utmost importance and we could return to Paris when we were confident that we were safe. There was no argument from our side. We were freaked out by what had happened, and there was no way that we could go back and forth to Uni or anywhere, knowing that man had not been caught! The best thing to do was to go back home. Dad also said that he was going to make arrangements with the head of police to have officers escort us to the airport and to make sure we got home safely. I filled Zion in on everything my dad had said, and we didn't waste any time and packed our bags. We soon got confirmation from my dad that he had booked our flight back home, and the officers who were watching over our apartment took us to the airport. Just as the car took off, I spotted the guy who had been following us around. He was just standing there, at a safe distance, watching us. I pointed towards him and told the others that he was there. The officers told us not to worry as we were going to be far away from him soon, and they were going to do everything in their power to catch him. I prayed to the Angels that he would be caught soon. Who knows whom his next victims would be and what he would do to them. During the trip to the airport, we kept looking back as if expecting to see the man following us. Zion bit on his fingernails nervously. Something I had not seen him do in years. He used to do it when he was terrified of something. I took his hand in mine and reassured him that everything was going to be okay. We were going to be safe on home ground soon. Our fathers are business partners. Together, they have taken the company to new heights and built an empire that is well recognized, reputable, and respected worldwide. Could a business rival be after us? Is that why dad totally freaked out? My mind was going insane, trying to figure out why someone would be after us. The sooner I was in the comfort and safety of home, the better! The check-in process at the airport was a speedy one because of the time of our flight. Once we boarded, Zion and I both felt safer, and we even managed to get some sleep. Our fathers had picked us up from the airport. They looked very stressed out, and I wondered if my guess about it being one of their business rivals was correct! They both reassured us that we were now safe and that they would not let anyone hurt us. We headed straight to our house from the airport as Zion's mum was waiting for us there with my mum. Our mums got all emotional when they saw us, and after an overdose of hugs and kisses, we were asked like a thousand times if we were okay. We didn't mind it one bit. We were so relieved that we were back home...Our Safe Haven. "Kira, you think that we may have overreacted? I mean, that guy could have just been a weirdo who had a crush on one of us and was just stalking us with no intention to physically harm us, and we just packed up and left! What if we threw all of our plans away for something petty?" Zion asked me once we were alone in my room. He could be right, but I am glad we didn't stick around to find out. While I was trying to convince him that it was the best thing for us, Damon phoned, and poor Zion got an earful. With everything that was going on, we had completely forgotten about updating him. He had tried getting hold of us, but both our phones had been switched off. We had only switched our phones back on when we got to my room and put them on charge. Damon was furious! Zion explained what happened, but that didn't help. He said that Zion was selfish for not letting him know what was going on and shouted angrily that he was busting his balls to get his work transfer approved for nothing! He is way older than Zion and I. He's twenty-five and works at one of my dad's friend's legal firms. I worked there as a temp receptionist over the summer holidays, and we hit it off and became good friends. Every day after work, Zion came to the firm to give me a ride home, and then when they met, well, let's just say it was love at first sight. Zion's parents were not in favour of the relationship at first because of the age gap and they also thought that Damon would get in the way of Zion achieving his goals, but after meeting with Damon they fell for him too and realized he too wanted only the very best for Zion. "WTF! How could Damon call me selfish? ME, Selfish? You know what, he can just go to hell for all I care! How dare him! So I forgot to call him, Big Deal! It was not like someone was after his life! You know what? I don't care anymore, I don't need his old man, dominating vibes! We're over! I'm done with him!" Yep, Zion was throwing one of his 'It's over, I'm done with him' tantrums. It's not the first one I've witnessed, so I let him vent. They would soon kiss and make up, and all will be hunky dory again. Witnessing episodes like those made me appreciate my single status even more!
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