1236 Words
ZION My first few weeks in a new high school were a nightmare! I had always been a pretty boy, but, back then, I was a scrawny little thing, too, who was like a magnet, which drew out just about every bully around. Being 'different' from most of the boys my age made things worse. The daily pranks and beatings got out of control, and I considered harming myself as a way out. One afternoon, as I was trying to sneak out of school without getting the attention of my bullies, the worst of the worst one caught up with me just as I was almost out the gates, grabbed me and pulled down my pants, pushed me to the ground and kicked me. The other students gathered around and were cheering him on. I gave up fighting back and just lay on the ground and let him have his way. All of a sudden, I heard him scream out loud, and he then fell to the ground. I looked up in shock, and there she was, My Angel, standing in front of me. Her long, beautiful black and silver hair swayed with the wind, and she looked just like a Warrior Princess from the movies. She held out a hand to me to take hold of while the other was still holding a big stick, which looked more like a log, tightly. I took hold of her hand and stood up slowly, and noticed she was standing in a position to hide my almost naked bottom of my body from the others. After I pulled up my pants and looked all decent again. Akira waved the big stick around and shouted angrily to the crowd, informing them that if anyone ever bullied me again, they would have to face her wrath! She made it very clear that enough was enough and that she was not afraid of any of the school bullies anymore and would not be tolerating their behaviour and promised to make them pay the price should they try to harm me or anyone else in the school. The bleeding bully lying on the ground was an example of what she would do to protect us from them. Since that day, I have been following Akira around like a loyal puppy. It annoyed her at first but we soon became best friends. Looking back, I am actually grateful for that horrific day because it helped me find my bestie. Akira is one of the most jovial people I have ever met, but the nightmares she's been having are taking a toll on her and dragging her into a depressed state. I wish she would listen to me and get some professional help. I hate seeing her like that. Hopefully, when Damon arrives, he will help convince her. I can't wait for him to join us. I didn't mention the nightmares to him cos of the promise I made to Akira, but for the past few days, I've had this weird feeling that we were being followed and watched all the time. I thought that I was probably imagining things. Perhaps Akira's nightmares were just making me feel all anxious and paranoid! But then I noticed a hooded figure lurking outside the University this morning and the same figure near our apartment when we got home. I kept it to myself. It could be me just imagining things and not worth getting Akira more worked up. If this uneasy feeling could just disappear, I would probably stop seeing things that's not there! "Zee, I got to tell you something, but you have to promise not to freak out," Akira tells me and brings me out of my deep thoughts. "Hey, you're finally done. You took like forever in the bath, but I hope it helped you relax. Why don't you go dry your hair while I whip up something for us to snack on quickly. We can chat while we eat." I rushed off to the kitchen before she could answer me in the hope that my face didn't give away the fear I felt from all that I was thinking about. Before I knew it, Akira was in the kitchen and asked in a concerned tone, "Zee, are you okay? You seem edgy. I'm truly sorry if my nightmares scare you." Good God, I can't hide anything from this girl! "Kira, there's no need for you to apologize. I'm just worried that they're messing you up, and I just wish it would stop. Now, get your toosh all comfy on the couch, and I'll bring the snacks." Hopefully, that convinced her for now. "Here you go, Your Highness, a yummy late night snack just the way you like it." I joined Akira on the couch, and while eating, I pondered on whether I should ask about what she wanted to talk about or let it be, but then she interrupted my thoughts and said softly, "I think that someone's following us, Zee. Could be I'm imagining things. I just don't know anymore, especially with all the weird nightmares I've been having." Okay, I was soooooo not expecting that! "Well built, tall, giant like figure dressed in all black and head covered up with a hoodie?" I asked her, and her eyes opened wide as her jaw dropped in shock. "You saw him too? Why haven't you said anything?" she asked after a few seconds. I explained that I didn't want to worry her, and I also doubted what I saw. There's no way we both could have imagined it! The questions on both our lips were who this person was and why he was following us around? "What if he's from the mob or mafia and wants to kidnap us and sell us at an underworld auction? We are just over eighteen, in a foreign country with no family around. He's probably studying our movements and planning when to kidnap us. Ohhhh, Heavens Zee, I have read about this stuff. What are we going to do? We should call our parents and tell them or we could call the cops?" I felt just as panicked as Akira. I got off the couch and walked over to the window facing the parking lot of our apartment. He was there! At this hour, he stood there, like a mannequin, head facing up and staring directly at our window. I screamed at Akira to phone the cops and tell them to hurry! He definitely saw me at the window but continued to stand there staring up, as though directly at me! Did he want me to know he's watching us? Could what Akira said be true? I am not as strong as her! I would never survive being kidnapped, tortured, and worse, being auctioned off to monsters! I could only imagine what they would do to our beautiful bodies! We sure as hell are not going to stick around to find out! I want to go back home! I quickly grabbed my binoculars, I wanted to try and get a better look at this guy in case he took off before the cops got here! I could not believe what I was seeing. His eyes were glowing, like bright orange flames! It couldn't be real, right? He probably had contacts on, and the street lights were reflecting on it or something! That had to be it!
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