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AKIRA Roman and Michael left after helping Skylar and Lucas draft a training schedule for Zion and me as well as a list of the types of food I had to eat more of. Roman had mentioned a special herb that I had to consume, and Skylar confessed that she had already been adding it to the meals I've had. So that's why she was always persistent about me finishing up all my food! Before they left, Roman said that should they need any help with the training, not to hesitate to contact him. I felt a bit uncomfortable at the thought of having him as my trainer. But I kept it to myself. Skylar had set up Zion's room next to mine, and we could not have been happier. She then gave us the WiFi password and said that even though she doesn't encourage or like it, she doesn't mind us using our cell phones as long as we are disciplined about it. No phones during training sessions, meal times, and especially when we have guests over. We were overjoyed that we could use our phones and didn't care much about the restrictions. We immediately went to our rooms to put our phones to charge. I didn't bother to do so previously. Well, honestly, I assumed cellphones were non-existent in this place. Another pleasant surprise! As soon as my phone charged up a bit and came on, I phoned my parents, and they were so relieved to hear from me. Dad was upset that Skylar did not let me call sooner and that she didn't even bother to let them know that I had arrived safely. Dad had me on speaker and told me that both Mum and him discussed everything that had happened at length after I left with Skylar and made a decision that if I wanted to put the recent events behind me and return home, they were willing to face the consequences with Skylar and the Moon Goddess. My happiness and well-being were way more important to them, and they didn't want me to do anything because I was forced to. I barely understood much of what mum said because she sobbed uncontrollably throughout the conversation. I told them that I loved them so much and even more for what they were willing to do for me, but I decided to stick it out for a bit and see how it went. At least if I realized it wasn't for me, I could still return home. After promising to check in with them daily so that they knew I was okay, I ended the call and went over to Zion's room. I knocked first as his door was closed and then turned the doorknob, but it was locked. I then called out to him, "Zee, it's me, Kira. Is everything okay?" After a few seconds of silence, he opened the door, and his eyes were all puffy and red as though he was crying. I pulled him into a hug and, in a comforting voice, told him that I was there for him and would try and help with whatever happened. We then went and sat on his bed, and he started to explain. He phoned up Damon and ended things with him. Damon apologised for his previous outburst and had tried to convince him that they could work through their issues. He refused to accept that they were over. So Zion lied that he had found someone else and he was already in a relationship with this person for months. Damon was crushed at hearing that and said that he could not believe that he let Zion play him for a fool and to think of everything he was willing to sacrifice for him. He told Zion he hoped he never crossed paths with him again! I wished Zion hadn't done that. Perhaps there was something I could do, but for now, I had to be a friend to him and help him through this process. We were interrupted by a knock on the door, and it was Lucas and Skylar. They both looked concerned when they saw Zion, but he reassured them that he was okay.Skylar was not convinced, but let it be after Lucas whispered something to her. Lucas then told us that they had decided that Michael would come through the next day and take us out to get whatever we needed. The following day, we would get stuck into our training. Zion would start his training with the other young sorceresses, and Lucas would be my personal trainer. He explained that training started at the break of dawn and to make sure that we were in bed early so that we got enough rest. We all went down for our meals and thereafter retired to our rooms for the night. Zion didn't want to spend the night alone, so he crashed in my room, and we chatted away till we both fell asleep. The next morning, when we woke up, we couldn't believe how hot it was. Skylar did mention that they experienced a lot of heat waves, but this was hectic. I wasn't used to this intense heat. After a cold shower, I tried to find something cool to wear, and the best I could do was a short, light green alter neck summer dress. Zion also dressed for comfort. He wore a camouflage body hugger vest, matching shorts, and slides. He asked if we should reconsider going out because he was worried about the damage the sun would cause to our skin. We didn't have any sunblock or anything, but Skylar laughed at us and said that we had better protection, her magic. She did a spell to hide my wolf scent temporarily, and she said that she added a protection spell over Zion and I to protect us from the heat.We were almost through breakfast when Michael arrived.This time around, he drove a Jeep SUV and teased that he hoped it was big enough to hold our shopping. He then handed me a platinum card and said that it was a gift from the Alpha and to purchase whatever we wanted. I tried to refuse the card, but Skylar insisted I accept it as it would be an insult to the Alpha if I returned it. "Oooooooh, Jackpot! Sugar Daddy, it is Kira! We're keeping it and going to put it to good use today. Come on now, Mikey, let's hit the road. Dibs on shotgun!" Zion sounded like an excited child going on his first field trip. Michael was going to say something but instead just shook his head, sighed with defeat, and got into the driver's side. Guess he realized Zion was not going to stop calling him Mikey. I took in the beautiful scenery as we drove. Zion and Michael chatted away about everything and anything and were getting along really well. Michael had also apologized to us for the whole incident in Paris. He explained that he was tasked to do it, and he meant us no harm. At first I lashed out angrily at him and told him that had it not been for him we would not have left Paris but seeing the pained look on his face I felt really bad because the truth is that it wasn't his fault. It was only a matter of time for us to have ended up here. After apologizing to Michael for my temper tantrum, I reassured him that I didn't blame him for all that happened. Once that was settled, our journey continued in a happier note. As the forestry slowly disappeared, we entered a more busy, business looking area. Zion turned around and looked at me in shock and said, "I was so not expecting this!" As we passed two massive factories, Michael explained that all the fresh produce from the lands is taken there, cleaned, sorted, packed, and then sold to customers from the city. Further along, there was a diversity of stores. They were not as massive as the stores in the city but were perfect for this place. We then reached the mall, which was also very impressive.It boasted a huge bank, coffee shops, restaurants, clothing stores, technology stores, a pharmacy, and more. The atmosphere was amazing. It all made us feel so normal again. Michael had parked the jeep undercover and then led the way to the stores. The people we passed all seemed to recognize him and greeted him with respect. We went from store to store, and after trying out tons of stuff, mostly for the fun of it, purchased what we needed. We then decided to grab some lunch at one of the restaurants. The relaxed ambiance of the place was amazing. The staff were friendly, and the service was excellent. We enjoyed our meals while chatting away when we were interrupted by an annoying voice. It belonged to a red head, who, though very beautiful, had a sour look on her face, which made her look creepy. "What are the odds of bumping into you here, Michael! Does Alpha know that his lapdog is out entertaining tourists instead of being at work!? I warned him way too many times that he was wasting his time on you and pays you too much for being a lazy good for nothing!" Michael was burning with rage at this woman's comments, and his eyes turned a flaming orange. He stood up and growled loudly at her. "CELESTE, IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU, BEST YOU LEAVE NOW, OR ELSE I WILL NOT SPARE YOU!"
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