1261 Words

Maranda So many firsts for me in one night, and honestly, all of them were amazing. Especially all of them at the end of the night. As I said before, Issac was one to always want s*x in the bedroom, lights off, me on my back. Never in my life have I had someone finger me while driving. Which I almost refused to let him do when Tiny told me to remove my panties in the truck. I almost told him no. But f**k if that wasn’t one of the hottest things I have experienced in my life. And then, when he took me up to his room, I expected him only to want me on my back. I had actually thought of trying something else new and something Issac never let me do but had always been curious about doing. Tiny had gone down on me before, and I wanted to do the same for him. But then he flipped me over onto my

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