1730 Words

Tiny I know dinner and a movie didn’t seem like much as far as dates went. And honestly, I had a backup plan if Maranda wasn’t ready to go home just yet. But after that kiss, I was sure even after going home, that wouldn’t be the end of our night. Although, if she decided when we got back, it was for her, I would need an ice-cold shower. That I would deal with when I got her back home, though. Climbing into the driver's seat, I turned the truck on and started heading out. As I drove, I did my best to ignore my hard-on. Which wasn’t easy to do when she reached over and took my hand. I didn’t deny her this, not even when she pulled my hand over closer to her. Not even when she placed my hand on her thigh. Glancing over quickly at her, I just caught her smile at me before turning her head

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