1497 Words

CHAPTER FOURTEEN –––––––– THE MORNING CAME FAR too early for Darcy. The young woman had barely closed her eyes that the sun woke her up, shining over the shadows on her face. She didn't know what time it was but estimated that she had slept well after nine. Darcy climbed off the bed and shuffled her feet to the window that overlooked the trail to the stables. She opened it to take a look outside, and the distinct clatter of hooves reached her ears. For a second, her heart froze. She thought that Emmett had found her and came to take her back by force. Darcy couldn't make her feet move, although her mind screamed at her to run away from the window and hide somewhere. Her fingers clung to the windowsill with so much force that her knuckles whitened. Nick's silhouette appeared in her li

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