1925 Words

CHAPTER TEN –––––––– A FAINT BLUSH POWDERED the top of Darcy’s cheekbones when she looked up to Nick. Her eyes met the man’s intense gaze, and her lips quivered at the intensity shining in his pupils. "Driscoll has left," Nick said once more, while his gaze searched Darcy's face carefully. He noticed that the woman was scared out of her mind, and the paleness of her face worried him. Even her lips had turned almost white. "But they'll be back," Darcy replied quietly. She clenched her hands together so that the man couldn’t see that they shook. She couldn’t control her fear and felt ashamed. "Yes, they will be back," Nick admitted softly and nodded. Darcy tried to see what Nick was thinking, but an impenetrable light shone in the man's dark brown eyes. "I should go away," she whispe

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