2601 Words

CHAPTER NINETEEN –––––––– THE DOOR OF THE CELLAR opened into the kitchen. Nick tiptoed inside the room and surveyed the disaster. Pots and dishes had been hurled to the ground, some of them smashed in the process. Flour covered every available surface. Someone had taken out the food out of the fridge, thrown it onto the floor, and left the fridge door open. Nick’s eyes narrowed dangerously, and his face shadowed. He tightened his teeth and strode to the fridge. The man pushed the door shut with an angry move. Nick’s blood hummed in his veins, and he was livid. With angry steps, Nick turned to the kitchen door to get to the hall and avoided the pots and dishes on the floor carefully. He didn’t intend to make the attackers’ job easier and broadcast his arrival. He counted on surprise. N

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