A Seductress

1201 Words

Anna and Tristian arrived at his Mansion an hour later. Shayne, who had been impatiently waiting for them the whole time, ran out immediately when she heard the door open. “Tell me everything!” She commanded, pulling Anna into her room while Tristian went to get settled in his room. Since it was a contract marriage, they both slept in separate rooms. As Anna began to spill the details to her sister, Shayne’s blood boiled, and all she wanted to do was punch Jacob in the face. “We have been invited to the Wade’s Mansion by William for dinner tomorrow,” Anna announced, and Shayne’s eyes widened. “Are you serious? No way! This is perfect, Anna!” She screamed happily. “You’ll finally get to see your son. Oh, I can’t wait. When is the dinner?” “Tomorrow evening. I’m so excited, Shannie.

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