Chapter 3 - Let Me Have You

1731 Words
Food quickly arrived, I took a few bites not really being hungry anymore and decided to take a shower instead wanting to get out of this evening dress and just wanting to crawl into my bed with a nice distracting book. I heard knocking on the door before I even got into the shower. My brows furrowed not knowing who would be vising me with the dinner going on downstairs. I threw on my robe and stuck my head out the door. I was shocked to see Alex standing there but before I could even ask him what he was doing there he grabbed my face with both hands planting his lips on mine. He pulled my body into his and pushed me backwards following me into my room and shutting the door with his foot all while still holding my lips to his. I stood there frozen; Alex has never made any advances towards me. This was what I wanted, I wanted my chosen mate to want me, to choose me and he was finally showing interest in me, finally perusing me on his own. I wrapped my arms around his head and granted him access to mouth, his tongue roamed my mouth while his hips pushed against mine. His hand ran down my body then slipped into my robe. I quickly grabbed his hand stopping him before he could grab my breast, making him pull away from me, he stared at me with confusions. “You do not want this?” He asked like he was baffled. “Of, of course I do. I just never got the impression you did?” I immediately regretted saying it, questioning this, but this was not like him, not like us. A sly grin formed in his face as he slowly lowered his head again stopping his lips right in front of mine, but not touching it. His hands slowly ran up my neck cupping my head. “Tonight…” he placed a soft peck on my lips again. “When you said you were looking forward to our mating, when we were looking at each other, I could smell your arousal” I felt so guilty knowing Roman had caused my arousal, I did not dare to correct Alex on what I actually meant when I said I was looking forward to what comes with my 18th birthday. “I never knew you desired me like this Kinsley” he placed another kiss on my lips. Lingering this time. This time, I, deepened the kiss. I, devoured his mouth, I, wanted to prove to him I did desire him, I did want to be with him, be with my chosen mate. I let his hands roam my body, he grabbed hold of my breast making me burst into a loud moan. “Goddess Kinsley, let me have you” Alex pleaded while kissing me down my neck. “Alex…” I tried to talk but he pinched down on my already hard n****e making my own moan interrupt my words. “Should… Should… we not wait… till after I shifted. When we mate?” I tried to question while ravishing in this pool of desire. Alex came to a complete stop again, he pulled back looking into my eyes and a few moments later pushed away turning his back to me, he brushed his hands through his hair clearly irritated. The sudden distance made the cold air against my bare skin feel empty. He had completely undone my robe and I was standing there completely exposed for him. He turned around suddenly like he was about to start a fight but froze the moment his eyes fell on me. I saw his eyes run down my body, flashing from blue to gold. His wolf was fighting him. He rushed back to me like he could not stand the distance between us either. He took my hand and placed it on the bulge in his pant. “This is what you do to me” He pushed my hand harder against his manhood and swallowed hard. Looking into my eyes, waiting for a response, and I had none. “I need to feel you...” he pleaded resting his forehead on mine. I stood there in silence, trying to reason what I should do. I wanted to be with him, I wanted us to be together, it has just always been stipulated that this would only happen when we mated. No one said we could not be together before it. “If you don’t want to tonight it is ok, but will you at least help me out with this” he finally filled the silence when I did not respond. His thumb was rubbing over my bottom lip and I knew exactly what he wanted. I nodded in agreement, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I have never given a blow job in my life, but I know what I had to do. Let’s just say the Cultivation’s version of s*x education was very different from your normal education centers. Satisfying your partner was part of the requirements of my purpose. He backed up towards my bed while undoing his pants, not taking his eyes off of me, and I slowly followed after him. Once his pants were down, he sat down on my bed and took my hand to pull me closer to him. I was standing between his now bare legs with his man hood standing to attention. Waiting for me. He pulled my face down to his and placed a gentle kiss on my lips then guided me even lower. I places a soft kiss on his chest, then on his abs and lastly on his v-line before I gave his man hood any attention. I looked up at Alex and lowered my mouth to his c**k not moving my eyes from his. I slowly licked his pre c*m of the tip and watched him bit down on his lower lip as he waited in anticipation for me to take his entire c**k in my mouth. I wrapped my lips around the head and slowly pulled it out letting my teeth softly graze, our eyes still locked to one another. He let out a burst of breath as he whispered my name. The teasing and anticipation were getting to him. I slid my mouth over his c**k, completely down, till I felt it sliding into the back of my throat making Alex moan. I moaned as well adding small vibrations as I pulled him out while sucking hard, then pushed him back down my throat again. “Yes, Kinsley. Yes!” He called as he held to the back of my head guiding me to his desired pace. He was resting on the back of one of his hands while the other hand gasped my hair. His head was thrown back as he moaned more and more with every thrust that hit the back of my throat. His breathing was rapid and his moans were more frequent telling me he was getting closer. He was building but before I could finish, he pulled me up completely holding my face above his. He was looking into my eyes out of breath as he whipped the spit off my mouth with his thumb. Did I do something wrong? Did he change his mind? Why would he not let me finish? Let me help him like he asked? “Let me have you” he finally pleaded through his rapid breaths. I stared at him, knowing what he wanted but not knowing what to do. What was the right thing to do. “You were made for me, you were made to be with me, to rule with me, Kinsley let me have you now and every night there after be mine.” He begged and the words melted my heart. He wanted me, he wanted to be with me from tonight forward. I eagerly nodded yes with a broad smile I could not stop. He pulled my face closer claiming my lips again and guiding my body till I straddled him. His man hood was pushing against my core and with a few adjustments pushed right into me. A moan escaped me. It felt amazing feeling him fill me completely. He pulled my hips forward again and again but quickly flipped us over for me to be on my back as he stood at the side of the bed holding my hips to his. He pushed my knees down opening me up even more then grabbed onto my hips and thrusted hard. Moans became screams but he did not stop he pounded and pounded until he came to a complete stop. I opened my eyes to look at him and he was completely frozen pushed deep inside me. A loud grunting moan finally burst from him. He added a few more small thrusts and let out a sigh of relief. I looked at him confused. Not knowing what was happening. I knew he came, but he was just done. He was not helping me finish, he was not loving and caressing me anymore. I could see in his eyes he got was he came for and was now satisfied. He pulled out and leaned down to give me a quick peck on my lips then stopped to give me a massive smile. “That was amazing” he added before he gathered his pants and started getting dressed. I pushed myself up on my elbows just staring at him, my brain not able, or should I say not wanting to put together what was happening. “I will see you around” he announced as he tucked in his shirt and left. He just left. Around? Like what he said earlier? “Tonight, and every night there after” or just like it’s always been, just in the passing. I started feeling empty, angry. I did not know where I stood with Alex, I did not know if it meant anything to him, I did not know if I was a one-night stand or if it was the beginning of us. I asked myself all these questions, wanting to convince myself differently from what I already knew. In my gut I knew, and that’s why I was angry.
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