Chapter Six

1262 Words
Leaning my head back on the cool leather helped as I closed my eyes. It wasn’t a hangover. it was something so much worse. Shame. I had let him railroad me back in the club. I had let him man handle me. And I had enjoyed it.   As hard as that was to admit, I couldn’t deny it. When he had ground himself up on me, in full view of Matt. I had more than enjoyed it, I had loved it.  I almost begged him then. Just like he said I would. I slapped the palm of my hand against my forehead, catching sight of the blue eyes of the driver as he glanced back using his mirrors. He looked concerned but not enough to say anything obviously, as his eyes flicked back towards the road. I had to be smarter than this otherwise David was going to eat me alive and spit me out when he had had his fill. I just had to remember why I hated him. Arrogant check. A dragon check. And even more dominating than I had ever thought a person could be. Even a dragon He had taken over my life totally in just a few short days. First man handling me in front of friends, acting like we were in fact in love or maybe lust with his over the top displays of affection.  And now sending a car to fetch me when he knew full well, I had planned to take the train across to wales and cab from the station. Dominating prick. Still the back of the car was a lot more comfortable than a cramped train, even if I had taken first class. I wasn’t about to tell him that though. I stretched out my legs, nudging the drivers chair with my knees. He didn’t even look back as I mumbled a quiet “Sorry” “Wait, where are we?” I had been so busy beating myself up that I hadn’t even realized that we had started to slow down. No longer on the motorway, buildings had sprouted up on either side of us as the car crawled to a halt in traffic. “Cardiff Miss” “But i… “ I trailed off frowning. No one had actually said where David’s house was. I had presumed he would live in some stuffy old mansion.  Looks like I was wrong. And happy to be. I loved Cardiff as a city. Not as busy as London but it had a charm no one could deny. I was a city girl, being stuck out in the middle of nowhere would have made me go insane. But Cardiff? Yeah Cardiff I could adapt quickly. “Never mind” The driver wasn’t about to sudden engage in random conversation. There was no point trying now. So, I settled back, closing my eyes and let the sounds of a metropolitan city wash over me. “Miss?” I blinked rapidly. “We are here, Ill get your bags” He slammed the drivers side door behind him. Mr. conversationalist. “You look lovely Ami” David opened the door, offering his hand which I took. I may hate him and his kind, but I was stuck living with the guy for the next few weeks at least. It would go a lot smoother if we were civil. And he kept his hands to himself. “Thank you” I stretched, neck cracking from sitting down for the last few hours and rolled my shoulders.  “So, do you?” I knew my mouth had fallen open. How could he look so different from last night. Gone was the trousers and shirt and in its place was jeans and t-shirt, a t-shirt that sculpted around his muscles like a second skin. God he was hot. Even the dark stubble on his chin. “Don’t sound so shocked lover” He winked, darting his eyes to the swell of my breast above the tank top I had paired with some floaty linen trousers.  His tongue poked out between his teeth. “Which apartment is yours?” I gazed up at the apartment block and then out at the mariner. He chuckled. “Penthouse” Of course, I rolled my eyes. “I think you will like my home Ami” His thumb was drawing a small circle on the back of my hand without him even realizing. “I’m sure I will David” I took my hand back. That was enough of that. He seemed to enjoy touching me and that wouldn’t do at all. Not if I was going to get through the next few weeks with my knickers still on and my dignity intact. “Shall we go up” “Yes, Rhydian is eager to meet you” I followed him soundlessly as he pushed his way through the doors. Nodding a greeting to the man sat behind the desk. Concierge service. I was impressed. “Daddy” The voice was excited. “Daddy” a young boys voice and then I spotted him, Darting out of a lift to the right and I had to fight back the smile. Dark hair, tousled. Big brown eyes. He looked exactly like David. There could be no doubt whose son this was. They were the spitting image of each other. Though I doubted David had ever been so tiny and so open looking. There was nothing on the boy’s face but happiness. “Daddy is that her?” “Rhyd, I told you to wait upstairs” I had expected anger from the big dragon, but something softened on his face.  And Rhyd? He even had a cute little nickname for the boy. It made him slightly more endearing. Slightly. “Daddy is it?” I had not had a lot of practice with children. None of my friends had any and my adoptive parents didn’t have any other children, but it was hard not to like the boy. I crouched down, holding out my hand. “Hi, I’m Amelia, but you can call me Ami all my friends do. And you are Rhydian?” He stared at my hand for a second as if unsure what to do with it, the shook my fingertips slightly. “Rhyd... you call me Rhyd like my friends and daddy does” He glanced up at his father who had raised an eyebrow. “Please” He added, and I smiled. “Well its fantastic to meet you Rhyd” “Will you play Legos with me?  Daddy is no good at Legos his hands are to big” “Traitor” David mumbled but there was a smile playing at the corners of his lips as he led us to the lift. “Sure, I can try anyway” I jumped as his small hand slipped into mine. What the hell was going on? I threw David a look and he shrugged. I knew shifters. I knew what they felt like, the taste of the power that flowed through them. This young dragonling should have it rolling off him in bucket loads. Yet there was nothing. Not even a prickle. He felt like nothing. Not even Human. How was it possible that the son of the legendary Welsh Dragon Dewi wasn’t giving off anything. He was a void.          
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