Chapter Five

1727 Words
David     I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She had looked thoughtful as she sat with her friends, barely talking as they chatted around her. It wasn’t the look she had been wearing as she left the restaurant last night. Then she had been angry. Livid even. Tonight, she looked resigned. Resigned was good. So why did I feel bad? Why did I want her to want to come. It was a pointless feeling. I had a plan to follow. Keep my son safe. That was all that mattered. Yet I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her, especially when she slipped from the booth and onto the dance floor and I could fully take her in. Last night, she had been dressed for dinner, had obviously come straight from the office, with her smooth pencil skirt and modest shirt. She had been the epitome of young perfectly put together professional. Tonight though, my breath caught in my throat as I watched her start to move. The dress was too short, a slinky pink satin number that dipped almost obscenely low over her breasts. No bra there that I could see. And showed long expanse of her tanned legs and the silver spike heels she wore, which gave her at least another five inches in height. She was magnificent. Though the dress was getting her more male attention than I was happy with. She wasn’t technically mine. I had to remind myself as I sipped the scotch in front of me.   My dragon roared as a blonde man slipped his arms around her slender waist. OURS Well not technically, it was all just make believe but even so…. For all intents and purposes, she was my fiancé in the eyes of the world. Or at least she would be soon. And no man touched what was mine. There was a moment where she looked like she was going to tell the guy to get lost and then she seemed to shrug, and he slipped his arms back about her. Grinding against her in a way that obviously made her uncomfortable and I started moving without even thinking about it. Who the hell was this guy? That he thought he could touch what was mine? “I think Ami asked for you to let her go” My voice was a low growl I know he heard but he didn’t seem to comprehend the danger he was in. I was not a patient man. “I said get your f*****g hands off her “ Louder this time. Was this guy for real? He actually had the audacity to grip her a little tighter. As if she was his. “Amelia?” Her eyes were wide as she took me in. “David” She actually squeaked. And finally, the douche with his arms about her looked at me.  He was built, handsome if you liked the clean-cut boy next door look. But he had nothing on me. I towered over not only by at least four inches but also width. “Who the f**k are you” I almost laughed but that would have just made things worse. So, I ignored him totally, reaching out my hand to her. Would she take it? It was pretty obvious she didn’t like dragons. It was a test of sorts. If she took my hand. Maybe just maybe this would work the way I needed it to. “The f**k Ami? Who is this guy” Her hand closed about mine and I tugged her towards me, maybe a little harder than what was needed. She stumbled against me. Her hands flat on my chest and my arms snaked about her. Hands firmly on the ass that was going to be mine. I squeezed it, with a smirk as her admirers eyes narrowed. “Amelia?” Was this guy some kind of boyfriend? It would make sense with the scene he was making. More and more eyes were turning towards us. “Are you ok Baby” I brushed my lips against her ear but spoke loudly enough for him to hear. He needed to take the hint and walk away. Whilst he could still walk. “I’m fine” She struggled to get herself out of my grasp, her cheeks heating. I let her go but kept one arm loosely around her hips. “Matt” She spoke softly. “This is David, David this is um “ She threw worried eyes at the woman she had been dancing with. As if looking for some help. The right thing to say maybe.  “My friend Matt” “Friend?” Blonde guy looked outraged and I had to stifle a laugh. “Nice to meet you Matt, its great to finally meet some of Amis friends” I held out my hand. Being a d**k had always been like second nature to me. Making people feel small was one of my gifts. I demanded respect. At all times. “I’m more than a friend Ami” I raised an eyebrow at him, my arm tightening. Was the fool actually trying to stake a claim? “Not anymore” My voice had turned low. “You are actually seeing this guy?” Ami paused for just a second to long. “I’m sorry Matt, I did tell you it was over” I smirked above her head. “Shall we dance Lover?” I led her a few feet away and pulled her hard against my front. “What the hell do you think you are doing?” She hissed as her arms slid around my neck, bringing my ear down so I could hear her over the music. “Dancing with my fiancé” “Cut the crap David” “You’re my fiancé” I grabbed her ass again. “Stop doing that” But she didn’t pull away. “Fake fiancé” “But we have to act the part” I chuckled. I could feel the death stare on my skin. “When we are in public you will act like my fiancé” I threw a look over her shoulder. “You won’t let men grab you like that” “He’s my ex-boyfriend” “Word being ex there sweetie” I lowered my face towards hers. “If you kiss me, I’m going to kick you in the junk” She whispered as my lips descended towards hers. Fine no kissing then. I gave her ex one last wink and swung her screeching over my shoulder.  I slapped her butt, which was barely covered by the short satin dress. Hard once.  “Put me down” “Let’s get out of here lover” I lowered my voice so only she could hear. “And don’t ever threaten me again little witch”   “Put me down” I chuckled as I deposited her back onto the seat she vacated, sliding in next to her. “What the f**k do you think you are doing?” Her anger made me smile. She wasn’t so perfectly put together when she was angry. The façade had slipped. And by god she was passionate. Her eyes blazed, her fist clenched and all I could think about was kissing her. “Staking my claim” I said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. And to me it was. If the world thought, and they would soon that she was mine then she was mine. She just didn’t know it yet. She would though in time. “By spanking me?” A slow grin spread across my face.  “and I will do it again if you threaten me little witch” I ran the tip of one finger up her thigh, drawing circles on her skin which erupted into goosebumps.  “Would you like that?” “go f…” I silenced her with my finger to her lips. “Be careful of your next words, we have an audience” “Do we really need to do this?” She sounded almost panicked. “We want us to be believable, don’t we?” She rolled her eyes. Actually, rolled her eyes and I smirked as I grabbed her chin between my fingertips.  “Don’t do that again, unless you want me to hit that ass of yours again” My fingers actually itched to do. And do it properly this time. “So…” “So” I countered, I watched her face for a few seconds, gauging how far I could take this. I wanted her, what man wouldn’t. but how far could I actually push her. “Matts watching, so you best get it over with and kiss me” Did I want to kiss her? Was the sun hot? I thought about it for just a few seconds before lowering my face to her jawline. Her hair was sleeked back off her face, a high ponytail that made the angles of her face even sharper. “I’m not going to kiss you until you beg me to” I whispered, my lips barely brushing her ear and I felt her tremble. She could hate me all she wanted. Her body gave her away. She may hate me, but she wanted me just the same. “I’m not going to beg you to do s**t” I tipped her in a moment, bringing her fully onto my lap. It might be a crowded club, but at the moment there was nothing but the feel of her firmly pressed against my ever-hardening d**k, I ground myself up against her, loving the way she caught her breath. “Beg me” I trailed my lips down from her ear, flicking my tongue against the sensitive skin below her ear and her legs clenched around my thighs. “No” Her voice was defiant, but her breathing was ragged. I mentally gave myself a high five. She would beg. Sooner or later.
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