The Game Continues

1058 Words
The girl was determined I could give her that. I hadn't expected her to talk back to me, they never did. out of all the little tricks and stunts my grandmother had pulled over me this was the most entertaining. Amelia was like a wild fire, she even had the flaming red hair to match her sharp personality, it made me envious of her, envious of how much spirit she had. I don't know when I seized to feel alive but when she shouted at me and stormed out of the room I was furious. Then I laughed and then I felt it, the warm feeling deep inside me, mixing with the anger and shock of someone daring to speak to me like that. It was a drug, a drug I wanted more of. I stared at her through my library door, she was on all fours scrubbing the wooden floor her hair clinging to her pale flushed face as she scrubbed and scrubbed. any minute now she was going to c***k I was sure of it. I'd told Nanna to give her the heavy work and that if she couldn't do it then she's fired. It's been two weeks and she still hasn't broken down. The creepy smile she always places on her face freaks me out but it lets me know that I'm getting to her, the smile laced with venom... that pretty little pink mouth that I just want to bite when she pouts at me. "When are you going to stop torturing the girl," Nana spoke as she handed me the tea, they've become close these days. It wasn't in her nature to put in a good word about strangers but it looks like Amelia had won her over... I think she's won me over... well almost. Were Nana Agatha sees a sweet little red heard girl with a soft heart and good manners I see a woman. A woman who knows herself, a woman who taunts me and makes me feel excited, a woman who haunts me, makes me want her... no... need her , she sets of something primal in me that just wants to push her up against the wall and f**k her until she screams out my name, begging me for her sweet release and- "Are you even listening to me Noah?" "What?" Nana rolled her eyes at me, did she talk to me? "I said the poor girl needs some rest, she's not like the others dear she's a good girl." "She's my grandmothers spy, she's Elenore project Nana, I know what she's trying to do by bringing her here , she wants me to forget about Olivia." "But it's working isn't it dear." Nana said, I didn't bother looking at her my eyes were all on her, she was cleaning fast now, getting angrier. "And what makes you think that Nana?" "The way you keep looking at her, it's the same way my Husband Patrick looked at a turkey sandwich after a day at the farm dear, you like her, there's no shame in admitting it. But why must you send her to the stables and do all of this work. She won't say no your grandmother is spending a lot of money on this." "My grandmother tricked another poor girl into servitude and this time she made sure to add on an iron steel shackle in the form of a legally binding contract. If she want's all the money then she has to earn it and that means doing everything that I ask her to." "Isn't that a bit mean." "No its not-" I stopped an Idea coming into mind. I've been trying to make Amelia c***k for a long time with no success really, it made me think that maybe she just exploded once, like a volcano that erupts and once covering the world with molten larva then laying dormant for another few hundred years until the pressure builds up again. Maybe she's used to the manual labor, maybe cleaning and farm work won't make her explode but something else will. I look towards my desk filled with documents. Kenny had sent me, work at the office was beginning to pile up to much. I should have sorted them out a while ago but I've been too lazy and watching Amelia start to c***k did take most of that time. "You know what Nana, You're right. I have been a little mean to her, maybe she should so something a bit... Lighter." I wheeled myself towards the door. I hate this damn chair. "Amelia!" I shout at the corridor and those beautiful eyes stared back at me, I almost forgot what I wanted to say. Reluctantly she stood up and walked towards me with a forced smile and mattering something underneath her breath. she's so beautiful when she's mad. I shouldn't think that way, I know I shouldn't it felt like I was cheating on Olivia. Wasn't that ironic. But she cheated first, she left me when I needed her, Amelia isn't her And there it was again, the bitter feeling that made my stomach churn, the waves of sadness and anger, The feeling of being utterly alone again. Why can't it go away. Why can't I be happy? "Yes sir?" Amelia said standing in front of me making the sinking feeling grow deeper and deeper until her very essence was tainted with the painful memories. "On my desk are a stack of documents I'd like you to organize in series of most important to least. You'll be doing that from now on every time they arrive," I say as I pass her, holding my breath, trying to keep the anger at bay. "But there must be hundreds of them I don't even know what they're about you can't just-" "Either you do What your told or get the hell out of MY HOUSE!" I snap the emotional wall I'd desperately began to build being washed away with the sound of her voice. I didn't want to hear her voice it's becoming too much for me. Before she had a chance to speak again. I can't do this to you Amelia, you aren't Olivia, no you're too pure for this. I can't do this to you, You deserve more than this, a broken man. "
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