A Shattered Heart.

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~The next day~ Amelia's eyelids fluttered open, her mind slowly emerging from the depths of slumber. She turned her gaze towards the clock on the nightstand, its glowing digits reading 5:15 AM. A weary sigh escaped her lips as she realized she needed to be at her workstation, the packhouse kitchen, by 5:45 AM. This was her routine, regardless of how exhausted she felt. She had grown accustomed to this new normal, albeit begrudgingly. Amelia yawned, wishing she could drift back into the realm of dreams, if only for a little while longer. Her nights were plagued by restlessness, haunted by the constant fear that Emily, Peter, or any of her tormentors might return to harass her once more. The memories of their cruel taunts and malicious actions replayed in her mind like a broken record, robbing her of any semblance of peace. She could only manage to steal a few fleeting moments of sleep here and there, her body and mind in a perpetual state of hypervigilance. The slightest sound would jolt her awake, her heart pounding in her chest as she scanned her surroundings for any potential threats. The previous day, after her narrow escape from the earlier ordeal, Amelia had remained in her hiding place – a treehouse she had discovered in the woods years ago. It was a sanctuary, a place where she could retreat from the harsh realities of her life, if only for a little while. She didn't return to her small apartment until well after midnight, seeking refuge in its familiar confines. Today was the full moon, which also marked the shifting festival in the Blue Moon Pack – a day when all the wolves who had not yet shifted, including herself, would experience their first transformation. The mere thought of it weighed heavily on her spirit, a mixture of hope and dread swirling within her. She had witnessed wolves younger than herself turn into their lupine forms for the first time on each full moon, their faces alight with wonder and exhilaration as they embraced their true nature. But for Amelia, that moment had never come. She never lost hope that the next full moon would be her turn, that she would finally join the ranks of her pack-mates and experience the freedom and power that came with being a true she-wolf. However, after her eighteenth birthday three months ago, she was forced to confront the harsh reality that she would never fully develop into a she-wolf. The bitter pill was difficult to swallow, a crushing blow to her already fragile sense of self-worth. Amelia recalled the elation she had felt earlier on her eighteenth birthday. She had been convinced that her time had finally come, for it was unheard of for wolves to cross that age without shifting. She was certain that the day in question, three months prior, would not pass without her catching a wolf. But when things didn't go her way, when the moon had risen and set without any transformation, she had secluded herself in her cramped apartment for two days, sobbing uncontrollably and begging the Moon Goddess to have mercy on her by transforming her into a full-fledged she-wolf. Her cries had echoed through the empty rooms, a desperate plea that fell on deaf ears. Her luck continued to run out. She was alone in this world, a human among wolves, and she had to be able to defend herself – something that could have only occurred as a result of her senses becoming more acute. Above all, she longed for a friend, someone who would understand her plight and stand by her side, unwavering in their support. Amelia did not find solace from her suffering until Veronica, the pack cook and the only person who genuinely cared whether she was still alive after the passing of her grandmother, went looking for her after she had gone missing for two days. She recalled Veronica's words of encouragement from that day, a lifeline in her darkest hour. "Please don't cry, my sweet. The next time there is a full moon, you will have your first shift." Veronica had embraced her, holding her close as she wept, her tears soaking into the older woman's shoulder. For a brief moment, Amelia had felt a glimmer of hope, a belief that perhaps the Moon Goddess had not forsaken her entirely. Yet, three months later, she remained a wolf-less she-wolf, a disappointment that cut deep. It was clear the Moon Goddess despised her, and it was hard to imagine any other factor that could have contributed to her life being so difficult. She had never been malicious toward anyone. Her mind trembled with anguish as she sat on the edge of her bed. Never had she wished ill upon a soul. She had always been good to others and had avoided sin, except for the occasional lies she had told. Her brow furrowed as she justified those small deceptions. Those were desperate attempts to make sense of her plight. It had been necessary when she needed extracting herself from precarious situations using her wits. Could that be considered a sin? She had done it to save her life. Amelia's life had taken a turn for the worse when Alpha Francis and the other members of the pack discovered she did not have a wolf and it appeared she would never be destined to have one. They ensured she was treated as an outcast, nothing more than a human who did not belong with them, a shame to their species. The whispers and sideways glances followed her wherever she went, a constant reminder of her otherness. Even the shifting festival, a celebration that should have been a joyous occasion, was off-limits for Amelia after she was banned from attending any pack gatherings. Amelia had never considered herself one of them, to begin with. She sighed in resignation as she got up from bed and started to get dressed for the day. Her life had always felt so distinct from the others around her. Yet, she had held onto a sliver of hope that, just maybe, things would change after she got her wolf. She had envisioned a future where she would be accepted and embraced by her pack-mates as an equal. But the Moon Goddess had chosen to harbor such a deep-seated hatred for her that it caused her hope to disintegrate, leaving her adrift in a sea of despair. Alpha Francis was supposed to be the only person closest to a family that Amelia had left because he made a promise to Amelia's dying grandmother that he would keep her safe for reasons that are unknown. Amelia was never able to shake the question of what relationship her grandmother had with Alpha Francis as a result of this. Another mystery was how on the same day that he showed up to take her away, her grandmother unexpectedly passed away without any previous warning. Also, who or what was she in danger from that Alpha Francis needed to protect her from? Amelia reasoned that it could not have been anything dangerous because she would have been buried for at least six feet by that point and the man did not give a hoot about her. It made no difference to him whether or not she was doing well. He had done nothing more than give her a place to lay her head; the rest was up to her to figure out on her own. Never once had he tried to protect her from being bullied by others. Amelia expelled a long sigh as she climbed to her feet from the solitary mattress that was placed on the floor and proceeded to scurry into her teeny-tiny bathroom, which was located within her modest apartment and was just large enough to accommodate her small frame while she took a shower. Having even just one was certainly a rare and enviable opportunity. Imagine that she would have to go about her day oozing from all of the sweat that had built up under her skin or that she would be forced to go into the woods to take a bath in the river. Amelia believed that would have been a significant inconvenience because it would have required her to wake up significantly earlier from her sleep in order to first wash up before departing for the pack house. What would she do in the event that something terrible occurred to her while she was going down to the river? It was common knowledge that rogues would infiltrate territories covertly, so the possibility of running into one was unquestionably high. That is, assuming that her tormentors don't get to her first. Another point that was brought up was what would happen if one of the male members of the pack saw her taking a bath in the open while she was naked and in all of her glory? Or Peter? Amelia shuddered as she thought about the event that had taken place the day before. The confrontation that took place between Peter and Kate while they were out in the woods. The speed with which his hips moved back and forth on Kate, and the manner in which his length was displayed for all to see… for all to get a good look at it. Amelia made a mental note to keep Peter at a distance at all costs after what she had seen, as she did not want that monstrous thing to come anywhere near the space that was between her legs. Ever. The fact that she had a secure location to clean herself was an important step toward avoiding that result. Therefore, it was pointless for Amelia to complain; she had no choice but to be grateful for what she did have. Amelia finished taking a shower and getting dressed not long after. She headed toward the packhouse to start her day working as a kitchen assistant. She wore the same old clothes she had been wearing for the past few days. The distance could be covered on foot in just five minutes from her modest apartment. On her way into the kitchen, Amelia caught a glimpse of the only person who could make her crack a grin despite everything that had happened. "Good morning, Veronica," She greeted the latter in a friendly manner. "How can I be of assistance to you in this day and age?" Amelia inquired in the same manner that she always did. Even though she was aware of what she ought to do, she wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to watch Veronica roll her eyes. It was always comical to watch. Veronica rolled her eyes as she turned her head to face the girl. “When will you stop?” The woman asked, raising a brow. Amelia tried to stifle her laughter by sucking on the insides of her cheeks. It was hilarious to watch Veronica roll her eyes in that particular manner all the time. It is impossible to avoid the bubbles that it stirred within itself. "Okay. The routine activity that it is, "Amelia mumbled. In addition to running a multitude of errands, she was required to cut vegetables and help clean the pack house together with a couple of other Omegas. Even though it appeared to be a simple task, the work was actually very difficult. Amelia then continued on with the rest of her day without paying the other omegas much attention, despite the fact that they would not stop talking about the visit from the capital. It could even be the king himself who was coming to their pack today. Hearing what the girls had to say about the King, how he was well-formed and a heart crusher… how he was a danger that one should clearly avoid but they were still fervent to meet him, Amelia couldn't help but wonder if these women were normal. According to how she interpreted this, if the king were anything he was being called, then any rational woman would maintain a safe distance from him. Why would anyone put themselves in danger by willingly jumping into a pit or dipping their head into a burning flame? That didn't make any kind of sense at all! Amelia was completely baffled by such a line of reasoning. Did he have the power to make women go crazy just by thinking about him, or did he have some other special ability? Perhaps this was the case. The mere thought of a man possessing such influence over women's minds and hearts sent a shiver down Amelia's spine. She couldn't fathom the idea of being so easily swayed by someone, especially if that person was known to be a danger. The confusion and unease swirled within her, making her question the sanity of those around her. ----------- ~A couple of hours later~ It was time for lunch. Amelia was tasked with bringing Alpha Francis and Beta Mathew's lunch to their workplace, which was located in the adjacent building. Amelia proceeded to the first floor as directed while silently offering a prayer to God that she would be able to complete this task without any obstacles. Every step that she took felt as though it would lead her directly into the lion's den. Due to the anxiety that was threatening to take over her existence, her heart pounded furiously in her chest, and her palms grew clammy with sweat. The fear of encountering the Alpha or the Beta consumed her thoughts, making each step feel like a monumental effort. She took a deep breath when she arrived at Alpha Francis' office without encounter. Her hands trembled and sweaty as she leaned back against the wall to calm herself before making her presence known. Will her poor heart ever be at ease one day? Probably not! The constant state of fear and apprehension had become a part of her daily life, and she wondered if she would ever experience true peace again. After relaxing her nerves, Amelia drew closer to the brown wooden door a few feet away from her. Her steps were inaudible as she had no shoes on. She held the food tray to her chest and craned her neck to gently bang her forehead against the door when their conversation about starting a war suddenly made its way into her ears. The unexpected topic caught her off guard, and her curiosity was piqued despite the nagging voice in her head warning her of the potential consequences. Amelia, ever the inquisitive one, shifted her position so that she could lean against the door and listen in on their conversation. But there was a sudden dead air on the other end. The silence was deafening, and Amelia's heart raced as she realized the gravity of her actions. Amelia pursed her lips as she admonished herself for continuing to engage in reckless behavior that could have dire consequences. What if the Alpha and the Beta found out she had been spying on them? That was a surefire recipe for disaster for her. Maybe countless lashes to the back? A couple of nights in the dungeon without food? Wolf's bane infusion? Or perhaps worse, who knew? The possibilities of the punishments she could face sent a wave of terror through her body, causing her to tremble uncontrollably. So Amelia thrust her head forward once more to announce her presence. But right then, "What should we do about Amelia?" Her heart skipped a beat when Beta Mathew's voice rang. This was definitely not a good thing. She couldn't possibly be that important for the pack's two highest-ranking members to table her case. The realization that she was the topic of their discussion filled her with a sense of dread and foreboding. Amelia's anxiety picked up, her heart pounding so loudly she feared they might hear it through the door. What would be Alpha Francis's verdict? Only one way to find out. Therefore, Amelia gently placed her ears on the door again to pry more on them, her curiosity overpowering her better judgment. "She is ineffective and not what we expected. Keeping her around is therefore pointless," Alpha Francis reacted, his words cutting through Amelia like a sharp knife. His dismissive tone made her feel worthless and insignificant as if her entire existence was a mere inconvenience to them. "Hmm… that is good. My daughter can finally be at ease with the disappointment gone," Beta Mathew said. "Don't you at least feel the tiniest bit sorry for her?" The question hung in the air, and Amelia found herself holding her breath, desperately hoping for a glimmer of compassion from the Alpha. "Why should I?" Alpha Francis continued, his voice devoid of empathy. "The only reason she still breathed and I did not have her join that betrayal was that I believed she would be helpful in our plan. Imagine that two-faced Edna had the nerve to make me promise never to harm the disappointment." The revelation of her grandmother's involvement in her mother's demise hit Amelia like a ton of bricks, knocking the wind out of her lungs. The betrayal cut deeper than any physical wound ever could, and she felt her world crumbling around her. "Well, you could have just grabbed the girl and left without having to say a word," Beta Mathew remarked, his words dripping with indifference. "I had to give something to the damn thing when she wouldn't stop screaming for her grandma. I had to make Edna believe me; otherwise, who knew what she would do even while she drew her last breath?" Alpha Francis paused, and Amelia could almost picture the cruel smirk on his face. "It was ironic to see how deeply a child could bond with the same person who played the most significant part in her lovely mother's demise. Imagine what that kind of betrayal could do to a person." Alpha Francis chuckled dryly, the sound sending chills down Amelia's spine. "I plan on telling the disgrace how her dearest grandma is the originator of her misfortune before her life is snatched away. A good memory to die with." Amelia's heart ceased, the weight of the revelation crushing her soul. Did she hear that correctly? Darkness clouded her vision as the world began to fade around her. The betrayal, the pain, and the impending doom consumed her, and she felt herself slipping into a void of despair. Her legs gave out beneath her, and she crumpled to the floor, the food tray almost clattering beside her. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to process the devastating truth. Amelia's mind reeled with the shocking revelation, her heart refusing to accept the truth. No! No way! How could her loving grandma be evil? That was not possible! The very idea of her grandmother's betrayal felt like a dagger twisting in her gut, and she desperately tried to push the thought away before it could sink its poisonous claws deeper into her soul. Amelia shook her head vehemently, attempting to convince herself that this was all one big hallucination and she wasn't even on the first floor. But the fragments of their conversation continued to reach her ears, each word forming a devastating picture that she couldn't ignore. Amelia's body shook in denial, her mind and heart at war with each other. Her grandma couldn't have done that. She couldn't have been pretending to love her all these years. The mere thought of such a cruel deception made Amelia's stomach churn, and she felt a wave of nausea wash over her. The betrayal cut deeper than any physical wound, and she could feel her world crumbling around her, the foundation of her life built on lies and deceit. Amelia's teeth sunk into her lower lip, drawing blood as she fought to keep the scream threatening to escape her. The pain was a welcome distraction from the emotional turmoil that raged within her. Why? How did she deserve this? Her existence had been at the mercy of others, shaped by lies and manipulation. The only family she ever knew and loved had turned out to be the biggest shocker of her life. Every pain and suffering she had endured was due to a course she knew nothing about, a cruel twist of fate that left her reeling. How could her grandma have played a part that subjugated her to a life of fear and sorrow? Amelia resisted the urge to give in to her feelings, summoning every ounce of willpower she possessed. She needed to get away from The Blue Moon Pack as soon as possible, regardless of whether or not this information was tangible, or whether or not there could be a reasonable explanation for this shattering news. At that precise juncture, nothing else held any significance. Her existence was only held together by a thread of hope, a fragile lifeline that she clung to with desperate determination. However, the question remained: how? How does she escape without any injuries? Even if she is successful in reaching the border, it is unclear how she will avoid detection by the border patrol. The odds were stacked against her, but Amelia refused to give up. She had to try, even if it meant risking everything. Amelia had just begun formulating an exit strategy, her mind racing with possibilities and contingencies, when she heard a door open from the inside. To say that she was taken aback would be an insulting understatement. After learning that they intended to get rid of her at any moment, her fear was through the roof, consuming her every thought and action. Amelia quickly regained her composure upon noticing that Beta Mathew was standing in front of her, his imposing figure looming over her. She made a conscious effort to conceal any clues in her expression, schooling her features into a mask of calm indifference, even as her heart threatened to burst from her chest. "What brings you to this location? How long have you been standing here?" Beta Mathew asked, with a scowl on his face and his eyes narrowing with suspicion. Amelia hastily lifted the food tray and said, "Good day Beta Mathew. I am sorry to disturb you, but Veronica instructed me to deliver your meals because Jane has an emergency. And I have only just gotten here." Amelia lied with a straight face, her voice steady and convincing. However, the same couldn't be said about her heart, which was pounding against her ribcage, threatening to give away her deception. Her eyes began to moisten, tears threatening to spill over, but she fought that urge with every fiber of her being, knowing that her life depended solely on her actions right now. "What could possibly be causing your rapid heartbeat?" Beta Mathew questioned, his gaze boring into Amelia's soul, his stance radiating suspicion. It was only natural for him to be able to detect her terror and pick up on her racing heartbeat. It was a well-known fact that he was a powerful werewolf, his senses heightened beyond human comprehension. Amelia gulped down her saliva nervously, her mind racing to concoct yet another fib. "I believe the reason for this is that I was just startled. You know, just as I was about to give the door a knock, you happened to open it at the same time." She said it with a straight face, surprised at how easily the words flowed from her lips. How skilled a liar she had progressed to become over the course of her life, a testament to the hardships and challenges she had faced. Handing the food tray to Beta Mathew, Amelia spoke with a trembling voice, "I beg permission to leave since I still have a lot of work to do in the kitchen." She cast her gaze downward, silently pleading with the gods that the person before her would not see through her act and kill her at that very moment. Her heart raced, and she could feel the sweat beading on her forehead, betraying her inner turmoil. To her good fortune, the man hummed, a sound that filled Amelia with a fleeting sense of relief. And that was all that was needed for her to make a U-turn and retreat as normally as she could, despite the fact that every step she took was being counted, each footfall a ticking clock that measured the precious seconds of her life. Amelia finished the remaining tasks she needed to complete for the afternoon without paying much attention to what she was doing. Her mind was consumed by the weight of her discovery and the desperate need to escape. The burden that was sitting on her chest was too much for her to bear, threatening to crush her under its immense weight. She was on the verge of allowing herself to be overcome by her misery, the temptation to succumb to her despair almost overwhelming. But she knew that doing so would attract unwelcome attention to her, which was something she couldn't risk at that time. Amelia had to maintain an appearance of normalcy, to finish her work before going on her lunch break in order to put her plan into action. She was well aware that the only way to ensure a trouble-free departure was to maintain control of her emotions, to keep them locked away behind a façade of calm indifference. In addition to this, she had to maintain an appearance of normalcy by finishing her work before going on her lunch break in order to put her plan into action. Every second counted, and she couldn't afford to let her guard down, not even for a moment. Amelia's heart raced, and her palms grew clammy with sweat as she counted down the seconds, each one feeling like an eternity. She had to be strong, to push through the fear and the pain, to cling to that fragile thread of hope that promised her a chance at freedom and a life beyond the lies and betrayal that had defined her existence. Her fate would be decided in just a couple more minutes, a realization that filled her with a sense of dread and anticipation.
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