
The Alpha King's Supremacy

first love
weak to strong

[Warning: Mature Content] This book contains strong language and adult content. Please be warned!

Amelia, a young woman who remains a wolf-less she-wolf after her 18th birthday, is considered an abomination and a disgrace to the werewolf race. She is treated poorly by the pack that offers her shelter.

Amelia's life takes a sudden turn when she discovers a secret that leads to her escape from the pack. She unknowingly encounters a stranger she least expected at the brink of death.

Could she consider this stranger her savior or someone who will throw her life into even greater peril?


"Don't give me that look, or I will take you right here right now!" His eyes gleamed with danger, causing Amelia to gulp down a mouthful of air.

More secrets are yet to unfold, along with an untold prophecy.


I hope you will give this modern and steamy werewolf romance a try. xxx

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No Escape
"Where is that b***h?" 'Oh no!’ Amelia's heart raced like a startled deer at the sound of that unmistakable voice - trouble personified. The urge to bolt or find a hiding spot surged within her, yet the room offered no escape route. The only seemingly outrageous option was leaping out of the window in a daring gamble. But that was simply not on the table. A sudden bang echoed through the room as the door swung open abruptly. Emily stormed in, flanked by her two loyal followers, shattering Amelia's peace like a fragile glass ornament. An inevitable nightmare was once again unfolding before her eyes, each second ticking by ominously. Emily's face glowed an angry crimson hue, so intense that it seemed she might burst into flames any moment from sheer fury alone. What had she done wrong this time? Amelia wracked her brain, replaying every cautious step she had taken to avoid this very predicament. Yet trouble seemed to cling to her like an unwanted shadow relentless in its pursuit. Amelia was jolted back to reality by Emily's venomous accusation ringing through the room, "You wretched thing! Where did you disappear off to last night?" The words stung like barbs as they pierced through the tense atmosphere. A muffled sigh escaped Amelia's lips, frustration and confusion swirling within her. She felt utterly lost in deciphering the intentions of that certain guy towards her. Did he not comprehend the harsh spotlight he cast upon her? Was it all just a jest to him, watching others taunt her because of his actions? Perhaps amusement danced in his eyes at her expense. Lifting her gaze to meet Emily’s furious glare, Amelia observed the fiery redhead seething with power despite her subordinate status - technically speaking. Being the Beta’s daughter did grant Emily a certain status within their pack hierarchy, elevating her above mere commoners. Emily exuded confidence with every flick of her meticulously manicured nails and every strand of perfectly styled hair framing her face like flames. She ruled over their pack with an iron fist and held sway as the most formidable bully Amelia had ever encountered in all her days. Amelia's gaze struggled to lock onto Emily's face, her eyes flickering with a mix of fear and defiance as the room fell into a heavy silence. Just then, the resounding slap echoed through the air like a crack of thunder, shattering any semblance of normalcy and jolting her into stunned submission. The sharp sting on her right cheek ignited a fierce heat that threatened to engulf her whole being, leaving behind a throbbing mark that pulsed with each heartbeat. A solitary teardrop escaped Amelia’s eyes, its descent tracing a path down her flushed skin like a silent witness to the violence inflicted upon her. With trembling fingers, she instinctively reached up to touch the tender imprint left by the forceful impact, seeking comfort from the searing pain that radiated through every nerve ending. In that painful moment, as she struggled with both the physical and emotional impact of the assault, uncertainties began to surface, quietly infiltrating Amelia's thoughts. Would this torment ever find an end? Was she destined to be forever trapped in this cycle of dependence on others like an inescapable fate woven into the fabric of her existence? These questions gnawed at her core, chipping away at her sense of self-worth and resilience like relentless waves eroding the shore. Frozen in place by a potent mix of fear and subservience, Amelia dared not provoke Her Majesty further. She stood as still as a fragile statue within the charged atmosphere crackling with tension. The intensity of Emily's glare bore into her like icy daggers, each piercing look carrying with it a depth of fury that transcended mere anger. It felt as though Amelia stood on the precipice of oblivion under the weight of that withering gaze, each passing moment stretching taut with unspoken threats and unbridled hostility. The air around them seemed to thicken with animosity, suffocating any hope for reprieve as Amelia found herself teetering on the edge between compliance and rebellion, unsure which path held greater peril. ~Earlier~ Emily lay sprawled on her bed, the soft sunlight filtering through the curtains casting a warm glow on her peaceful face. She absently listened to the animated chatter of her best friend Kate, who was practically bouncing with excitement about the impending visit of the King to their pack. Tomorrow marked not only the shifting festival but also an anticipated royal appearance. The King's visits were not mere formalities; they were strategic moves to ensure his presence was felt throughout his realm. His keen interest in each pack's affairs spoke volumes about his commitment to good governance and the welfare of his subjects. The whispered rumors about his irresistible charm and magnetic appeal painted a picture of a man who effortlessly commanded attention and adoration wherever he went. Women were said to swoon at just a glance from him, willing to follow him anywhere he led, even if it meant traversing treacherous paths unknown to many. Kate, with stars in her eyes and dreams in her heart, eagerly awaited the King's arrival, convinced that fate had something extraordinary in store for her. Her confidence in her own allure bordered on certainty as she envisioned herself not just as another fleeting conquest but as someone who could captivate and hold his interest long after their initial encounter. She saw herself as a seductress whose charms would leave an indelible mark on the King's memory, ensuring that he would seek her out again and again. In stark contrast, Emily harbored doubts about Kate's chances of capturing the King's attention amidst a throng of admirers vying for his favor. As the Supreme Alpha, his aura exuded power and authority that drew others to him like moths to a flame. Emily couldn't deny the undeniable magnetism that surrounded him, even if tinged with an icy aloofness that set him apart from mere mortals. The thought of Kate merely being one among many hopefuls seeking his affection saddened Emily; she knew all too well the harsh reality awaiting her friend. Minutes stretched into eternity until Kate finally ceased her excited ramblings, shooting a mischievous glance at her watch before turning back to Emily with a wicked smile playing on her lips. "That brings to mind, I had a very intimate encounter with Peter and Amelia the night before," she continued, "Considering how smitten he appeared to be with her, there's absolutely no question that she'll be successful in snatching him away from you right at this very moment." Emily's reaction was immediate; she shot up from her seat as if propelled by a jolt of electricity. "What exactly did you say? I mean… Are you certain they were the ones you saw? Together? Intimately?" Her words dripped with a potent blend of anxiety and fury, her stomach twisting into knots at the mere thought. The previous night, Emily had sought solace in Peter's company, desperate for even a fleeting moment of his attention after days of neglect. Instead, he callously disclosed his plans to embark on pack patrol under the guise of rogue sightings while actually rendezvousing with Amelia. The betrayal cut deep, igniting a firestorm of resentment within her. "Why does that wretched woman still draw breath?" Emily seethed under her breath, unable to contain her loathing for Amelia. "Why does Alpha Francis shield her from justice when he grants us every other freedom but the one to rid her of her torment?" Kate's laughter rang out like tinkling bells in response to Emily's venomous musings. "Perhaps Alpha Francis has taken a liking to her as well. Wouldn't surprise me in the least." The notion struck a nerve with Emily; it made sense in an infuriating way. Why else would Alpha Francis protect Amelia if not for being ensnared by her allure? It was evident that men like Peter fell prey to her charms effortlessly. The proximity to such danger became unbearable for Emily. The only viable solution seemed to lie in ending Amelia's existence—an act that would serve both justice and self-preservation. In Emily's twisted logic, she believed gifting Amelia with death would liberate her from suffering and secure Emily's position as Luna alongside Peter. However, a formidable challenge hindered the progress of this seemingly flawless strategy—the firm prohibition on taking lives imposed by Alpha Francis. Emily stomped her foot in annoyance. The deafening silence that ensued conveyed a powerful message, hinting at the ominous possibility of torture that loomed over the room like an oppressive storm. A mischievous grin adorned her face as she established a telepathic connection with Melody and Britney, revealing the cunning plan taking shape in her thoughts. With that, she stormed out of her room and headed towards Amelia's mini apartment. *** ~Back to the present~ Amelia's trembling hand rested against her stinging cheek, a lone tear escaping despite her efforts to remain composed. The weight of years of suffering pressed down on her, threatening to spill forth in an endless torrent of pain and anguish. However, she held back, refusing to reveal the depth of her emotions, especially in front of Emily. "Seize her!" Emily's command sliced through the tense atmosphere, sending a shiver down Amelia's spine. Fear gripped her heart as she realized the gravity of the situation. Before she could voice her protest at being caught in such a dire predicament, strong arms belonging to Britney and Melody enveloped her, pulling her away into the unknown. Only when she caught sight of the towering trees surrounding them did Amelia comprehend their destination—the heart of the forest. An unsettling feeling crept over her; there was no room for optimism when it came to Emily's intentions. Every instinct screamed for caution and escape. Yet, as much as she struggled against their iron grip, Amelia found herself powerless and at their mercy. Her frail human form paled in comparison to their supernatural strength; she was but a mere shadow in their grasp—a wolf-less she-wolf stripped of any advantage or defense. Amelia's mind painted a grim picture of her helplessly awaiting rescue that would never materialize, her body unmoving within the confines of her prison in a macabre tableau of her own blood staining the space around her. The scars of Emily's cruel treatment had been etched into her life ever since the passing of her grandmother half a decade ago, an unfortunate event that had led to her coerced enlistment in the Blue Moon Pack. Within this pack, she found herself forever haunted by the presence of danger lurking behind every corner. A perpetual state of fear and vigilance had become the norm for her existence. Amelia allowed herself to be dragged away, resigned to whatever fate they deemed fit to bestow upon her. This submission was not unfamiliar territory for her; it had become a twisted routine in her tumultuous life. She had borne witness to ill-treatment that seared into her memory, though even she questioned if there existed depths darker than those she had already seen. Should the worst come to pass, she found peace in the knowledge that while physical wounds may mar her body, her suffering will only last for days or weeks on end. Unlike the supernatural beings around her, she lacked the swift regeneration abilities of a wolf's accelerated healing.

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