Fifty three.

1668 Words

“Throw me some pants,” I ordered some young wolf. I needed to do better with their names, I thought to myself. The young warrior quickly threw me a pair of pants from one of the many hidey holes we keep around here for instances such as this. I laid faith down gently on the moist forest floor, just long enough to pull them on. I scooped her up as if she were the most fragile thing I could ever hold because, to me, she was. I tucked her comfortably into my chest and held on to her as tight as I could so that when I ran towards the hospital, I didn't jostle her so much. After a stumble or two, I decided that it was better to walk than to continue to risk dropping my mate. I am relieved that I beat that sob, but that didn't mean he didn't draw blood. I was tiring much too quickly. I'm not sur

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