Fifty two.

1746 Words

I charged my way into the house. Unprepared for what was to happen next. All the furniture had been overturned and smashed to pieces. Blood coated the walls, the carpets and the broken piles of mess. I pray that they all made it out with their lives. “He took her,” Amy screamed through her sobs once her eyes landed on me. “Declan took her. You need to hurry”, she cried. My heart stops. My whole world feels like it’s being turned on its axis. An hour ago, she was safe, happy, And on her way back to me, and now she was missing. I want to run after my girl. She needs me, I know she does, but I don't want to leave Amy, who is bleeding and beaten. If she does, then even when I do get Faith back, she won’t forgive me. Amy’s arms are wrapped tightly around her, my mate and my friend. Poor A

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