Meeting Her

1842 Words
"This is it?" Dixon asked, staring at the old house. Slightly bent to the side. Like it was gonna fall anytime soon. The walls having a crinkle lines on it, making the house look like a crone. It was the least of what he was expecting. " What were you expecting" she retorted " A beggar has no choice" she scorn at him, pulling out the crispy notes from his hands. “You’re still taking this from me! It all I have left..and am not a beggar, if I am a beggar it will be a beggar with choice.” Though she was old, she wasn't anything like it. " Ho-ho" she snickered at what he said. "Dixon, the supposed heir.. you’re one proud animal.” She pushed him out of her way. "You know me?" "Who doesn't. A once celebrity, song writer and music producer...” " Then why did you choose to..." "Because I need the money, old me, need to take care my myself. “ she gave him a crooked smile, walking away. "Ms Teresa" he called. She stopped on her track but didn't turn to him "Thank you" She smiled. Folded her hands behind her and stroll out of the house. Let fate takes its course..... She has done the needful. Her only prayer was that, she should live. As she walked out, her whole thought was centered on her. The girl. Hoping everything works out well enough for her. Hoping she could get a chance to experience what life is. Dixon could perhaps give her some of it, that life she requires..... In the early hours of the morning, with the sounds of bird chirping. Above the house of Dixon. And a few houses around the vicinity. The city of Hans. Small, with an estimated numbers of many a thousand people. The city he grew of in. A place he knew best. His home. And now he was outside the city. A small town outside Hans, were most of the lower class lives. Because he was a poor man. With nothing. But just his pants without pockets. He was gripping a mop stick to himself heading out of his room. Then the persisted rustling sound came again. He held the knob and opened the door. He's so much dealing with the intruder. Another sound came and this time from the kitchen, followed by the clattering of plates. He's probably dealing with a food theft. He chuckle amusingly, taking calculative steps while wagging the stick in the air. He stood at the entrance of the kitchen staring at the back figure of a person in a long black coat. With a steady step, he tread in........ She heard his footsteps, though, he made quite an effort not to make a sound. Her stomach rumble. She was damn hungry.. her eyes were becoming blurry every passing seconds. Where she was, how she got here? Wasn't her priority at the moment. If she didn't eat in a few minutes she might end up dying here. She searched the kitchen, pushing, shoving and kicking aside what she considered irrelevant. Still yet, nothing. He was closer. Her stomach growl at her and she clung on her stomach. He was at the entrance. And she was stuck here.. dizziness was hovering over her, making her grimace. Few steps away from her, with the mop stick above his head, he was ready to strike when she whirled around to face him. The smirk on his face fell and his countenance changed. She blinked rapidly at him, then took her eyes to the floor, staring at her curling toes. The black coat only covered her back. Facing him, she was completely nude. What in the name of Zachariah is this? His hands were stuck in the air while his gaze was on her, looking so innocent and timid. Like a child, he couldn’t bring himself to hurt her. Her unravel hair partially covering her face, his hands fell to his sides. The mop stick falling. Suddenly felt so weak. "Who are you?" His voice coming out a bit calm than expected.. In reply her stomach rumbled. "Who are you?" He asked again taking a step closer to her, she moved backward, fidgeting with her nails. "How did you get in here?" She could move no further since her back was against the wall. He trapped her, placing a hand above her head. "And for the last time, am asking, who are you?" At that moment he sounded dreadful, waiting for an answer and her stomach groan in reply. He blink, stared down at her abdomen and her hands clung around it. He backed away from her, ruffling his hair. Then looked back at her. Sharply, she lower her gaze to the floor. He sighed. “Hungry? Is that why you sneak in here. You ain’t no different from me, cause am hungry just as you are. There’s nothing here.” He throw a glance at her, her head was down and she made no efforts of lifting them. Weird. Strange.. He tried to see her face, the more she dug her head down. “Am not gonna beat you, or kill you or throw you out.” She made no attempt on lifting them. Shaking his head. He turned his back against her. He picked up a ceramic pot from the floor, why am I doing this? He shoved the thought aside. Perhaps ms Teresa left some stuff in here. And truly there she did fill the store with groceries. Strange. He shrugged his shoulders. There is some much strange things going on here. "You can sit on the island" he said without sparing her a glance, clutching and unclutching his fist. She definitely isn't a thief but how did she got here. And the only person that came to his was no other than ms Teresa... She glanced around, wondering what he meant and she couldn't figure it out. So she remained rooted on spot. Watching him fixing stuffs in the kitchen here and there. Without looking her way. She watched his every move, though she had no idea what he was doing. When he was done he sets the plates on the table. "Come have a sit" he pulled out a chair. She lift her heavy feet towards him and sat down. He pushed the plate of pasta in front of her. The aroma bringing a hint of memory somewhere she couldn’t put a finger on. Taking the seat next to her. Watching her intensively. She flicks her eyes on the meal and then at him. He raise his brow "What, you don't like it, you're not gonna eat it?" He asked and lean closer. “And there was I trying to be a Good Samaritan.” He hissed. Looking away from her. Her face fell. As she watched him, talking to himself. He mumble a few cuss word while gazing elsewhere, his slender fingers tapped on the table. “All because of what.” “Humph” She lifted her gaze and was staring at his bare arms. While he rasped on and on and didn't notice her very close to him, she moved closer, that her skin was almost touching his. And quickly grabbed his arm, before he could comprehend what she was trying to do. She was already digging her teeth into his flesh. "Aargh!” ***** It was a quick bite. She removed her teeth from his arm, feeling a little remorse at what she did. Well she was trying to tell him what she wanted. "You ungrateful witch!" He brawled, holding his injured arm. "What the hell are you? You know what, you're leaving now!" She stared down at the table, chewing on her lower lip. "What are you waiting for? You want me to drag you out, look here..." he was interrupted by a loud bang on the door. He stood up with a frown. " Don't move an inch from there" he ordered. Walking out of the kitchen. The knock came again. "Hold on, am coming" he opened the door and meet with the half puzzled look of a detective. " Detective Sean" "Dixon" they called simultaneously and shared a small laugh. "Good to see you again, Dixon" Dixon nodded "What brings you here?" "Oh, some security men was brutally murdered around here, we have been asking a few questions" "I move in here last night" “You’ve to be careful I heard there’s something going around killing people. Especially at this neighborhood.” “Oh” he mouthed. He didn’t know about that neither had he heard about it. What could be killing people? “Am informing you now, he have to be careful from henceforth. It isn’t safe anymore.” “I would be careful now, you know I just got released, I don’t know what’s been happening in the city.” Detective Sean nodded and trail his eyes towards the blood dripping on the floor. Dixon followed his gaze and quickly hid his hand behind him. "Its nothing to worry about" “It doesn’t look like it.” “Am perfectly fine.” " You should get it treated" "Yeah" he force out a smile. "You can call me if anything comes up" "I definitely will" detective Sean turn to leave when he stopped him. "Detective, I would like us to meet" "About the case?" Dixon nodded. He’s been working on the case before he was sent to prison, he had been suspicious of his father, he can’t say he’s his father anymore. Calling his Albert would be better. While he was in his study, Albert wasn’t in, so he decided to wait in there for him. While he was waiting, his eyes came across a file. And some pictures. So he decided to look into it. The pictures was of a man. Probably the same age as Albert. He flipped through the file and came across the name, Cartel. There was something about the man so he had to look in. That was when he asked detective Sean for help on that case. But everything prove futile And after a couple of days after finding out about the so called cartel, something happened that sent him to gaol. " Do you think its worth it, we have been on it for half a decade" " Please" " If you're gonna tell me what happened to you arm" Dixon laugh nervously. Detective Sean smiled at him."I tell you where to meet up" Dixon smiled back and watched him walked away. “Thank you, Detective!” “Detective Sean we found something...” He watched the corporal running to meet you with the detective. What could they have found? He shut the door and returned to the kitchen. Now, back to the witch or whatever she is. He glance around the kitchen, she wasn't here. He told her to stay put, didn't he?. Where the hell is she? She wasn't anywhere in the kitchen...
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