Another Life Begins

1664 Words
Dixon stared at the apartment he was quite familiar with, he felt like he was back to five years ago. Hanging out in the tall tree beside her house. Where they would sit and laugh and cuddle, underneath the tree. His ran run through the tree. Feeling it. Bringing back the memories of their romance. He smiled but a sad one. He moved away, staring at the brown wooden door. Remembering when he had helped her moved into this house. Asking her why she choose this apartment. She loved the serenity and nature. That was her reply then. He had grown to love her then, at first when Linda brought her to him. He hadn’t had any interest in her then. "Hold on. I'll be there in a sec" her tiny voice yelled, the burning sensation came running down his spine as he held her voice, he felt nervous all of a sudden and rubbed his palm together. she was with him few weeks back in prison. She opened the door and the smile on her face fell. "Beryl" he called. Then look down at her cloth. Her T-shirt was big and obviously a man wares which could barely cover her butt, She follow his gaze. And froze. "Its just a temporary stuff.." she blurt out. “Temporary stuff huh! Why did you visit me, why did you pretend you love me, why? That’s all I want to know.” She tried to shut the door behind her "When did you get .." “You visited recently, didn’t you?” “Dixon, it’s “ “Please Beryl. You didn’t love me did you.” “I did, I couldn’t wait—I “ He covered his mouth with his left hand. Muffled his panting sound. “You shouldn’t have given me hope. You should have broke up with me, right there in the prison. I loved you....You—“ "Is everything okay babe" he held the door with his hand and poke out his head. Just before she could close it. "Roy" she whispered his name. "Who?" He glance at Dixon then at Beryl. Dixon stared down at her fingers. "Where's your ring?" "What ring, what's he talking about, who are you?" He rasped, shoving Beryl aside and stepping in front her "Am her..?" he clamped his lips shut and look over at Beryl. " Its erm, you know,erm" she spur itching her neck..... “There’s Nothing between us, sorry I came here. I shouldn’t have” “Dixon” “Am sorry” she ran back inside shutting the door. Roy gave him an unwelcome glare. “Don’t wanna see you around here. She’s mine now. Stay away from her.” Dixon watched him, without uttering a word. And slowly walked away.... Dixon threads his way out to the streets. It was pitched dark already and no doubt he was gonna sleep on the street, with nothing on him, just his shirt and pants from five years ago. The cloth he wore when he was taken to prison. He picked up a few stones and began hurling them, across the street. ? Am lost who’s gonna find me. L-o-s-t In love I live here But feels like I don’t. Should I go or should I stay If I stay there would be trouble. Who am I Where am I L-o-s-t In love. I don’t even know. Who’s gonna find me expect Myself. ? He was humming to the song. And his eyes were glistening with tears. The song he wrote while he was in prison. He sighed and wiping every trace of tears off. “What’s wrong with me. I need to be strong. I need to get over this. I made a promise to Eamon I need to keep it.” “Of course you should. Stop behaving like a chicken and stood your ground.” “It easier said than done. I stood my ground and I was sent to prison. I stood my ground and I was disown. I stood my ground and everything I worked hard for. Fell in front of my very own eyes. I’ve tried all I could to be accepted. No! He doesn’t want me, he doesn’t wanna accept me!” “It’s okay. Everything has a reason you’re following destiny. This is your fate.” Fate? That’s bullshit.. there’s isn’t anything like fate.. who are you ?A ghost? Am angel? Tell me why my fate was wretched, tell me why I had to suffer!” He was screaming his pains out. “You will know soon enough.” “Where are you?” He glanced around. “Am right behind you.” “Wwhat.” Argh!” He screams, staring at the old woman. This isn’t happening, he isn’t filming a movie or something. What or who the hell Is she? “Am ms Teresa. You don’t need to be scared, Am human like you.” He slumped on the floor, breaking down In tears. “You can rise again, Dixon, you can be the...” “It’s never gonna happen.” Ms Teresa hunkered down beside him. The black gown she wore was long, covering her feet, she had no shoes on. “Have faith, that’s what you said remember, this life we’re all in, we face a lot of trials. But not enough to give up. Love will come when you least expect. And everything, just every single thing will fall into place. The sun will shine on you again. Don’t give up! And don’t see any reason to. But see a reason to keep going, that’s what kept me alive till now.” “Are you ready to come with me?” “I don’t have a choice do I?” “Well you do” He scoffed and stood up. Facing Ms Teresa. He smiled and took her hand in his. “Shall we?” ******** After running for a long time, she sat on a rock, caressing her sole feet. It has been days she has been running, running from the demon she was becoming, if it was possible, she would run forever, so she don’t end up killing everybody she came across with. She was some where in the wood but had no idea how she got there. Neither did she know she was close to the city. The thought of how she killed Lucas came flashing through her. How he look so innocent but she shouldn’t feel guilty for what she did. He deserves it. She was back to normal. To herself again. Is this how she’s gonna live. What if she hadn’t changed back. Was this what the person talked about. She been an half-demon and half-human. Her skin was clothed in blood and her eyes was still having the same. Black color. Feeling there was humans close. She growls. "You heard that didn't you?" "I did" the approaching security men said as they walked towards where she was, flashing their torch light. "It was a human feet, let's go further" "I don't think that's a good idea. Let's go back to the cabin" “Come on, we can save a life.” “Don’t be stupid, we could be attack by anything if we go further.” “But...” “Come on, let’s go back.” he urge his colleague and they retreated. Her body sprawled, her tanned skin was dark with her prodding vein clothing her bare self. Rising from her hideout she tail behind them. One of the security return to the cabin and the other was seated on a fallen log of wood. Before he could blink, he felt a hush of wind past through him and the next thing was, she splashed her fingers across his chest. He cried out. Seeing his own blood. He lifted his head and she hit him with her feet, he fell on his face and she squat and began feeding from him. Drawing blood to her mouth. The other came out of the cabin when he heard his screams, the sight he saw was beyond him. He race back instantly picking his walkie talkie " We're under attack over!" Before he could drop it, his feet was lifted from the ground her fingers grub into his neck. Her hands went deeper into his neck and blood was streaming down from it. He tried fighting her hands of. And in a second, he thought she had let go of him but her hand score into his chest, making blood splash against the wall of the cabin. "Ah!" He let out a tight gasp. She was distracted by a light pointed directly to her eyes. Another man crawled into the cabin. He smiled weakly at her. Then, he mumbled. "Its you" “The demon coming to destroy us. This was not supposed to happen. It’s was history. Year 1983. How come it’s happening now.” She dropped the other man and picked up the other man from the floor he was obviously old though his head was bald, there was a lot of wrinkles on his face. Hw wasn’t a security man. Who is he? A farmer? She doesn’t know. turning him upside down. She dabbed his eyes out and hurled him towards his colleagues. and he slumped, since he was already weakened. A wave of dizziness swept over her,tottering her on her feet. She staggered out of the cabin getting weaker every minute. After a small walk, she toppled over in a dead faint. A dumpy figure came out of nowhere and watched her, she sighed sadly, this wasn’t what she wanted for her but it turned out differently, she wasn’t supposed to suffer this much. Tears stings at her eyes, she could only do what she can for her. She’s gonna be there for her, in the best way she can. Hunkered beside her, covering her with a coat and drag her away from sight.
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