Chapter 1

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I leave the building where I had the classes and put my hair behind my ear at the moment when a slight breeze of wind brings a few strands into my eyes. -Why did you want to see us now? I ask Mark as soon as I get to his car. A year has passed in which I worked for them and I think I got the taste of illegalities. I mean, who thought I'd be so good at selling drugs? From that day when they proposed me this little business with them, Mark and his group stopped coming to the college. Anyway, I think they did it more to keep me under surveillance... I contemplated a lot about what I ended up doing and the fact that I could report it to the police. But I also became involved, and that would not look good on my CV. - Let's go for a coffee, angel. He says with a smile on his face and I get into the car next to him. Yes... A lot has changed in a year. I found out that Mark is really a good person with those close to him, and his friends, no matter how strange they seem at first glance, are funny. We became friends. I never thought I would have friends. I'm not the type to make friends, but spending time together, they became dear to me. I rummage in my bag for the purse in which I collected the drug money and put it in the glove compartment, then I take out my passbook and Mark signs the receipt of the money. We stop at the same cafe that has now become our place and sit at the same table. The atmosphere is animated by the discussion between Luis, Jacob and Sunny about some weapons transport, but I immediately lose interest. I never liked to know more about what they were doing, so I always got lost in the middle of the discussions, lost in thought. -How were the classes? Mark asks me from the coffee that I didn't even notice he had on the table. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that my eternal hot chocolate had already been brought to me. - Don't engage me in such discussions, please. I don't want to throw up. Luis says grimacing and giggling. -You mean? -You behave like a couple. This time I burst out laughing without being able to help myself, and I am also accompanied by the rest of the boys. Luis always finds something to annoy Mark with. I sip the hot chocolate, then I stare at Mark. -Was well. I answer, and Jacob snorts. - I don't know why you bother to ask her. He always has the same answer and we all know that he doesn't talk much. Even if after he got used to us he started saying longer sentences. Well, if Mark has Luis to always tease him. Mine is Jacob. It does not weaken me for a moment. Only Sunny is more calculated among them. - I have to admit that the first time we spoke and proposed that you work for us, I had no hope that you would succeed. I thought you would go mental after a day. Mark says and my cheeks turn red. I look down at the mug in front of me, and Sunny playfully pushes her shoulder into my shoulder. -And look after a year... You're still here. Sunny intervenes, and I smile relieved that they liked my work method. - I still don't know why you wanted to see us... Suddenly there is silence at the table and when I look up I see everyone serious, as if they entered the professional mode. - Angel, I know I told you that you will only sell for one year, but... The big boss wants to meet you. Mark says and for a moment I forget how to breathe. -Why? - I wish I could tell you more, but that's all I was told. Damn...Did I do something wrong? I hope not. I still want to keep my head. - Maybe he wants to tell you not to work with us anymore? Jacob says, and the fact that it was more of a question doesn't reassure me at all. -Now? - Ahem... That's how he is. More unpredictable. That's great… We stay in the cafe until we finish all our drinks, then Sunny throws a sum of money on the table and stands up. -Go? We wouldn't want to keep him waiting too long, would we? Sunny says and we all get up from the table. Mark puts his arm around my shoulders and then we leave the cafe. ~~~ I don't know what I expected, but I definitely didn't expect a mansion. Maybe a villa or something, but not a mansion. Especially as it inspires opulence, and the sign at the gates I hope was a joke. "Welcome to Hell." No thanks, I was going to say it, but I think I would have been looked at as weird. The two guards guarding the gate managed to scare me a little, but it doesn't compare to the guards patrolling the yard. I swallow hard and follow Mark and his gang until we enter the mansion. I look dumbfounded at everything around me. It looks great. Expensive, but lifeless. - He will come after you. Mark says then disappears somewhere along with the others. That's great… I look around again and I can't help but wonder why everything is so cold. I hear footsteps coming from upstairs then I see two feet and a cane coming down the English stairs. You know those movies where the cameraman, for more drama, films the main actor from the bottom up very slowly? That's exactly what happened to me. When I finally got to study her face with features... In fact, I could say more simply that she looked like a fallen angel. A modern-day Lucifer. I ran out of air. Without words. No manners. I just stared at him like crazy. He stops in the middle of the steps and fixes me with his icy gaze. -Welcome to the "Devil's House". I'm Christopher Hell. Now, normally, I should introduce myself, but when I open my mouth no sound wants to come out. - Where are the boys? He speaks again but I am speechless. He hits the cane whose handle is made of gold and a devil's head on the surface of the step on which he is standing, three times, as if it were a signal. -Mark. Guys. He shouts, and I just look around to see when my friends appear. - Yes, sir? Mark says in a professional tone without making eye contact with his boss. - Now that we are all here... He says looking at everyone then he stops looking at me. I wanted to meet the girl who enchanted my best soldiers. Okay... you've put a spell on Mark more because he won't stop talking about you with his gang. I wish I could say something, but I don't know how. I'm still in shock knowing that Christopher Hell is in front of me. I mean, that Hell who leads almost the entire underworld and has some very well-known businesses. I mean, the train station through which he does illegal business - Hellgate. Hellclub Hellclub. A house where hellhouse escorts work. I think I should look away from him, but his eyes keep me still. -You know... When someone welcomes you to their home and introduces themselves, it's nice to answer them. Is he talking or is she…? He says the last part, glaring at Mark. - She's talking, sir, but she needs time to get used to you. She's more withdrawn. Luis is talking and I feel stupid. -We have all the time in the world. We stay as long as she needs. He says then hits the ground with the cane once more, and my friends disappear. - Come to my office. He says going down the rest of the steps and taking her under the stairwell. I manage to move my body as soon as his eyes are no longer on me and I follow him into the office. I don't know why I'm still surprised by the lack of heat in the office, considering what I saw in the living room. And this is most probably the case in the whole mansion. I close the door behind me then I sit on a chair in front of the desk while he takes his place. I better put my glasses with round frames on my eyes just so I don't look at him. I know that he looks at me according to the way I feel and I don't want to turn into a mutt. Again. - So...? He starts, and I make eye contact with him. - I'm Eden...Sinclair. I say in a low voice, almost whispering that I'm afraid he didn't hear me and I'll have to repeat it one more time. - Very well, Eden Sinclair... What's the trick? - The trick? -Yes. You don't seem like the kind of girl who would advance in a world like this just because... some boys approved her, right? - I'm not stupid, sir. Maybe that threat was just a bluff, but I had no way of knowing that then. Jesus... I'm already tired of how much I talked to a stranger. - Ok... Let's say I believe you. Now what's next? -I do not know. You have to tell me. My tone sounded much sharper than I wanted it to sound and I can see his jaw tighten. - Pay attention to your tone, dear. I wouldn't want you to see me nervous. I swallow hard, nodding my head and start playing with my fingers in my lap to hold on tight. -I heard that you have a more...special method of selling my goods. May I know why you don't let anyone see you? - I already said that I'm not stupid. If I showed myself... It's not something I would brag about in my CV for employment. -Isn't it because you are gathering evidence against me? -Not. -And then what about this? He asks me and shows me the card I had in my bag. I look for the bag that I'm sure was with me, but I don't know when it got to him. -Why do you keep records of all sales? I see way too many details that shouldn't be here. I look at the staff or stick, whatever the hell it is, with a devil's head and around the stick is a snake that I didn't notice until now. He doesn't look old. I mean, he looks a few years older than me, but... Why is he limping? Did he have an accident or something? - That card is only valid for one month from the start of the activity, after which it is burned. Every time. I write down the amount won that day, and Mark signs the receipt of the money. - How do I know it's burned? How do I know that you don't have 11 other cards with all this? God... Someone calm him down before he kills me. -Mark and the boys witness his burning. I can see from his expression that he is bothered that he can no longer counter me with something and I clap my hands to myself in thought. - I recently found out that money is leaking from my business. So far you've given me reasons not to believe it's you, but... -From what you can see from the notebook, the money I bring to your business is far beyond your expectations. I'm talking over him because I don't want to hear that I'm to blame for something. A smile appears at the corner of his mouth and I find myself gasping for air again for a second. Is it normal for all... mobsters to look so good? Why do they have to be so pleasing to the eye? So that he can convince others that they are not what they are? - You're right... I can see, but still that doesn't solve my problem. - If you don't mind... I could help you by taking a look at a file to see what it is about. I don't know if he will agree, but he must see that I am not the enemy here. -You must know that if you see any file of mine, it must remain secret. If I find out that you said something to someone you shouldn't... -Do not worry. I don't want to die just because I needed a bottle of milk at ten at night. -Here you go? -Nothing. Can I see? He motions for me to go to him and I take a deep breath. I get up from the chair and then I walk over to him looking at the file he just opened. I look at the sales data of 30 thousand Merkel RX Hexil Black 300 caliber guns and somehow nothing of what I see scares me. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Hell studying me to see if the business he deals with bothers me, but I'm too busy with the numbers in the file to let myself be intimidated by the attention I'm getting. -Look here. I say, and he quickly shifts his attention to where I point with my finger. Here, here and here...Only on this page is a loss of three million dollars. I don't want to know what's on the rest. I look at him as he sighs and massages his temples. Only now am I aware of how close I am to him and how good he smells that I find myself deeply inhaling his peppery perfume soaked with a hint of cigarette smoke. Why did I do this? -And what should I do now? -Analyze all the files from the last year and see where the mistake is. - Great... Other headaches. He says more for him, and I withdraw from him. -Can I leave now? I ask, and he suddenly stares at me with a frown on his forehead. -Where to go? -Home. After a few moments in which he didn't say anything, he blinked often as if he wanted to get rid of an image in his head and then nodded his approval. I don't sit around anymore and after taking my bag and the notebook that I throw in the bag, I leave the office without another word. He may consider that I am rude, but considering that in the last hour I spent with him I talked more than I do with my friends, it is understandable that now I am mentally tired.
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