Chapter 4

1321 Words
What on earth just happened? He had used all his power shaking her with no response. Her rising chest and pulsating neck the only evidence that she was alive. A knock at the door, strange things were happening tonight. On any given day, no one dared come to his chambers unless summoned by him or sent by the king or queen but his parents were away and his brother never knocks. Opening the door, he sees his cousin Theo, the Duke of Avetvalley. There was no one he despised more. “What?” he asked, annoyed. “Forgive me Your Highness, I seem to have lost my friend.” “And?” “Wrong room, I guess.” Theo responded, shaking. “Obviously” Scot said coldly closing the door and locking it. Theo exhaled rushing away, no one scared him like his cousin. Turning his eyes at the sleeping beauty on his bed he wondered if she was the friend Theo was looking for. There were rumours of him forcing himself on powerless women but no one ever came forward to report him. He suspected that Theo was using his kinsman title to intimidate his victims. The banquet had not gone as planned, he picked up the phone and commanded Freddy the royal steward to disperse everyone home and summon the physician. Twelve hours later Meryln kept her eyes closed pretending to be asleep, dagger on her hand, she waited. She woke up few minutes ago and discovered that she was in an unfamiliar room. Not only was she in an unfamiliar bed, she was also dressed in a man’s shirt and there was someone showering in the bathroom. She did not feel any discomfort between her legs, that was reassuring and luckily for her the i***t left his dagger laying around. The bathroom door opened, she heard the footsteps coming closer. It was now or never, jumping on her feet and pressing the dagger on his neck. Blood dripped to her hand as the sharp blade cut through the skin, their eyes met and she froze. You! her hand shook dropping the dagger on the floor. “Meryln of Livingdale, you just made me bleed” He said coldly, pressing on his laceration and putting a plaster on it. This woman had no boundaries. “I thought you were someone else. What am I wearing and why am I wearing it?” she asked sharply, picking up her gown from the floor. He shook his head, most people would be on their knees pleading him not to execute them by now but here she was firing questions at him like nothing happened. “You do realise that you are in my kingdom and I could punish you for what you did?” “Theo is your cousin, you know he is evil but you have done nothing about it, I would say you deserve much worse than that tiny scratch” She said walking towards the bathroom with her gown but a strong grip on her arm swung her around and pushed her against the wall. “Careful woman, you are crossing a line. You want a lesson, I will teach you one.” “Let go of me” she snapped pushing him away only then did she notice that he only had a towel wrapped around his waist and her hands were resting on his masculine chest. She suddenly didn’t know where to look, straight was his sexy eight packs and down was not an option. Looking up, their eyes met. Taking her face with his both hands, his face came down their lips meeting. She struggled as he used his body to press her against the wall and ravaged her mouth. She froze, her face turning red and her heart pounding as her feet stepped on the towel that was previously around his waist. That meant he was now naked and pressing against her. She was smart enough to know that struggling would be detrimental. Seeing through her, he smiled. It turned out Meryln was more terrified of seeing him naked that getting executed. “Stand still like a good girl, I will not be responsible for what I do if you move” he warned. She closed her eyes and complied, blocking the images of his nakedness from her wondering mind. “Look at me beautiful, your lesson is far from being over” Scot was clearly enjoying himself and also satisfying the hunger he had been suppressing the whole night watching her sleep. “Now you kiss me back” “Never!” she said defiantly with her nose up. He smiled at her cute expression. His hand trailed slowly up her thigh sending unfamiliar sensations through her body. She gasped. “Please stop, I will kiss you back but promise to let me go afterwards” Her body was acting weird today. “Woman, you have no right to bargain with me. You broke into my chambers, I kept you away from Theo, instead of thanking me you put a dagger on my neck and made me bleed. Now kiss me like a good little girl and mean it.” She sighed, things could have been much worse. Scot had all the time to take advantage of her when she was sleeping but didn’t. She could have been defiled by Theo. She could be executed for making him bleed. A kiss was not a big deal. Pressing her cold lips against his, she followed his lead and let him guide her. This is not how she imagined her first kiss would be. His arms snaked around her waist as she instinctively hooked hers around his neck. The kiss that was initially slow and awkward suddenly became urgent, their breathing and heart rates becoming faster. She should pull away, surely that was enough but her body wouldn’t let her. His warmth against her, their hearts beating against each other was just too comforting. His hand moved inside the shirt landing in her breast, squeezing slightly drawing out a strange noise from her. Hearing her moan, her pressed her harder against the wall until there was no gap between them. With her shirt up, his body was directly against hers, not seeing but feeling his nakedness against her. His hands moved down squeezing her buttocks and pulling against him. He groaned as her pubic area pressed against his manhood. The thin layer of her already damp panty the only thing separating them. “Surrender yourself to me Meryln” he whispered with a raw desire, his eyes meeting hers. “Never!” She pushed him away, snapping out of whatever possessed her minutes earlier. He was royalty and an heir to the throne. She would be an i***t to even entertain the idea of them surviving beyond this moment. Giving herself to him would be the worst decision she ever made. Royals were a definite no, all they could ever do is ruin her. Luckily for her she had no Cinderella fantasies and was not an i***t. “Meryln” “You can not make me” She knew very well that he could do anything he wanted as long as she was in his kingdom but hoped that he wouldn’t. This stupid irresistible woman, even when cornered, she was still defiant. “I can but I will never. That lesson was enough for today but I promise you that one day I will make a woman of you. I will fill you in ways you never knew existed and my name will be the only word those irresistible lips will utter.” Taking her hand and closing it around his hard pulsating manhood, he smiled at her innocent bewilderment. “That, Lady Meryln is a complement to you” Letting go of her hand, he picked up the towel and walked to his locker.
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