Chapter 6

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Meryln is absentmindedly sailing her boat in Form river below her home. Scot’s words echoing in her head. “Surender yourself to me Meryln I will make a woman of you I will fill you in ways you never knew existed My name will be the only word your irresistible lips will utter” Snap out of it already, she reprimanded her wondering mind. Since when does she care what any man worse a royal say to her? Boom, splash!!! Her boat capsized throwing her into the water. Flapping her feet, swimming towards the river bank an arm caught her by her waist bringing her to the surface. “You!” She exclaimed. He was the last person she needed to see.This was just too much to be a coincidence. She was in his arms again except this time they were both barely dressed. The water level was higher than her, she had to let him carry her to keep her head above the water and put her arms around his neck to hold on. “Yes, My Lady!” “You knocked my boat over, are you blind?” She glared at him. He looked at her amused, she was scolding him just like the first time she crashed onto him. “I tried avoiding you but you came straight at me. You should consider adding the word sorry to you vocabulary.” He suggested. Ignoring his comment she lifted her nose up in defiance. She was absentminded earlier, he was probably telling the truth that she knocked his boat but she had no intentions of admitting it. “What are you even doing here? royals never sail this way.” she asked. In fact no one besides her family sailed on this section of the river. She was still glaring at him when his dark eyes met hers, his head came down kissing her passionately until they were both breathless. “I am pretty sure I have a right to sail anywhere in my kingdom.” “So typical, bringing up hierarchy everywhere. You..” His lips met hers again before she could complete her sentence. He was purposely staying on the deep end to keep her in his arms. “Seriously what’s wrong with you, aren’t princesses enough for you?” She was getting frustrated with him. Her sharp words did not seem to affect him at all. “They are not as enticing My Lady” he said mischievously looking at her bosom and pulling her closer to him. “Let go of me!” her face flushed burning up. The bikini top barely covered her breasts. She’s never had to cover herself when sailing because no ones has ever sailed this way before. She struggled but he would not let go of her waist. “I’m pretty sure you are aware what happens to a man when you rub against his manhood like that. Unless off course that’s your intention.” She froze, swallowed her saliva as she felt her n*****s become erect. Dam it He noticed her erect n*****s through the wet bikini top and smiled. “I will take that as a complement.” Her face was now red and embarrassed. Why was her body betraying her like this? “There you are Your Majesty, forgive me I did not see you sail off” Fillip said, breathless ignoring the intimate scene before him. It was his job as the royal port steward to accompany and protect the royals when sailing. “The lady’s boat capsized, please turn it over and pull it to the bank.”Scot said with a straight face keeping an embarrassed Meryln in his arms. “Right away your majesty” Fillip did as commanded. Meryln watched them sail away, relieved. She has to stay away from that egocentric Prince. In Avetmore palace Princes Scot and Luis were sitting at the dining table. It looked too big without their parents who had decided to fulfil their dream to travel the world now that their son could manage the kingdom efficiently. “How was a night with the rebellious beauty?” Luis asked mischievously. “How do you know her?” Scot enquired. He had been waiting for his brother to bring it up so he could ask this question. “She is my dancing teacher” “We have a royal dancing teacher” “He is not enchanting nor is he the best” Luis said mischievously purposely aggravating him. “Maybe I should revoke your royal privileges as well.” Scot threatened. Hearing his brother talk about Meryln like that made him jealous. “That would be great. I’m certain she would take me in if I was a commoner. Perhaps even be my woman.” “Freddy please arrange for my brother to be hanged.” “Right away your majesty” Freddy responded. He watched the two grow up and has gotten used to their bickering. “You wouldn’t dare, the queen and king will have your head!”Luis exclaimed. “They would be upset but get over it soon, isn’t that right Freddy?” Freddy hated taking sides between these two but they always got him involved. Those were the joys of being a royal house steward. “The kingdom must have an heir, Your Highness.” “You are a monster, how did I end up with a brother like you?” It was true that even though his parents loved him they would get over whatever Scot did to him because he was an heir to the throne. In other kingdoms brothers have killed each the other to eliminate the competition but luckily for him, he had no aspirations for the throne and his brother was very kind to him. “I ask myself the very same question little brother, why did I not have a sister to pamper instead?” “A sister would not have the information you want about Meryln. Double my allowance for a year and give me your white stallion, I will tell you what you want to know.” “Hang him Freddy” Scot said sternly leaving the table. “Scot, just the stallion.” His brother was not crazy enough to hang him but he really wanted that stallion. “No” Scot said decisively without looking at him. “Please brother, just for one day and I will tell you everything.” “Meet me at the stables in ten minutes.” Ten minutes later, Scot flipped through the file on Meryln. He was not surprised to find out that she lived a very unorthodox life. “Why did you get all this information on her Luis?” He asked, his heart already sinking at what he was about to hear but he needed to hear it. “You have seen her, what do you think?” Luis said mischievously. “Did you?” He suddenly felt walls closing in on him, breathing becoming laboured. If his younger brother had anything at all with Meryln he would have to forget about her no matter how alluring she was. “For heaven’s sake Scot, you saw her almost slicing my ear off with a dagger. Does that look like a woman who would jump to my bed? She ruthlessly bruised my ego but I finally got over it and now we get on very well.” “Middle stable is your stallion, he has your stamp on the side. Stay away from mine.” Scot instructed. He was so relieved he could have given his brother anything at that moment. Luis couldn’t believe his eyes, the strong white stallion was majestic in every sense of the word. It looked exactly like his brother’s one he envied for a long time only younger. He will definitely melt a lot of hearts ridding this beast. “Thank you brother, thank you brother.” Scot laughed at his grateful brother. Luis was an open book, that’s probably why he was very popular with women. Luis wanted his stallion so bad but he could not give it to him because it was a gift from another kingdom and would be regarded as rude to pass it on. He had gone to great lengths to get a similar one for him, seeing him so grateful made all the trouble worth it. “Word of advice brother, she’s not the type you can make into a mistress.” “What makes you think I want to do that?” Scot was caught off guard by his brother’s advice. He had not really shown an interest on Meryln publicly. “1. You invited her under false pretence. He was surprised to see her at the banquet and shocked when she asked why he invited her. His brother was the only person who could have done that, that’s why he did not deny it to her. 2. Even though she was drugged you could have commanded the servants to look after her not do it yourself. 3. You both looked very flushed when I walked in. 4. You could have sent her with a driver in the morning instead of accompanying her yourself. 5. You were very fast to punish Theo for drugging her. 6. I know you, you are my brother.” Luis finished talking and rode off with his majestic stallion.
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