Chapter Nine

653 Words
Chapter Nine I really didn’t think my plan though, I had decided to go for a walk to clear my head, but the fact that it was winter seemed to have clearly escaped my memory, as I didn’t grab my jacket on the way out and as usual, It was raining and it was cold. Really, Really f*****g cold.  I hugged myself and rubbed my arms, in an attempt to keep myself warm. Luckily, there was a bus stop not far up a head that I could sit in for a bit while I swallow my pride and convince myself to go home again. I hadn’t really walked that far from the house, but I really needed to take five minutes and just sit down.  The bus stop had lights, so at least I wouldn’t be sat in the pitch black. Once it was in sight, I ran for it and sat down. Luckily, it was empty, so I didn’t have to deal with any awkward conversations or uncomfortable silence. There was no more bus’ this evening any way.  I just sat there, longer than I had planned. Luckily, I had the common sense to have my phone with me. I started playing Candy Crush to pass the time. I looked at the time, it was already nearly 7. I’d leave it till 7 and then head home.  A few levels later, I was out of lives and to be honest, Out of patients. The rain hadn’t let up at all. Sighing, I stood up and stepped out from under the shelter and headed back towards home. I was fine for a little while but then had to use my phone for light.  Living in the middle of nowhere was nice and all, most of the time, but there was hardly any paths down the lanes and no street lights. I used my phone for the torch but also so drivers could see me.  It was another few minutes when the head lights of a car almost blinded me coming round the corner. I squinted and looked away, Stepping out of the lane and on to the grass verge so I wouldn’t get hit. The car drove past slowly, which… was weird, but I didn't think any thing of it.. Until the driver threw the car in to reverse and backed up.  I started to panic and started walking again, making sure I didn’t fall. The grass verge was really muddy and slippery, so it was a challenge  ‘Hey?’ The voice sounded some what familiar, but I just carried on. ‘Julie?!’ Stopping, I turned around and looked, trying to see who it was before I went back over, just in case..  ‘Yeah?’  ‘What are you doing in this weather, Get in the car!’ I couldn’t see who it was, and it was to dark to see the car properly, but who ever it was, knew my name so... I slowly made my way to the car door and looked in side. Sighing relieved when I saw it was Mr Taylor.  I opened the door and slid in, Letting the heat instantly hit me, and I shivered. I was FREEZING!  ‘Thanks’. He turned the heating up and angled the blowers my way. He fiddled with a few more buttons and suddenly, I could feel the heat under my ass. Heated seats. Lush.  ‘No problem, What the hell are you doing out here? Do you need a lift home?’ I groaned and sunk in to the seat. ‘Whats happened?’  ‘My parents’. My voice was barely audible. Sensing that I was clearly upset, He started driving again, But not towards my house, Where were we going?
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