11: Insatiable

676 Words
CHRISTIAN I woke up plastered on his chest with his arms wrapped loosely around me. I attempted to get his hand off me, but he reflexively tightened his hold. I sagged back helplessly, knowing I would have to wake him, but didn't have the heart to. Instead, I lay there watching him sleep, marveled with his beauty. I doubt the guy knows how appealing he is. He must have felt my stare on him. “Hey…” he murmured, his sleepy eyes zeroing on my face. I dropped my gaze to his lips, and my throat suddenly dried up. I remembered how firm and full those lips felt on mine and wanted that feeling again. Alex chuckled, making my gaze shift back to his stare. Unlike a few moments ago, sleep has faded from his eyes, replaced with a wild gleam which had my c*ck swelling up rapidly. I shifted and hovered over, dropping some of my weight on him, and brought our lips close, my intent clear. “ You will be sore,” Alex hesitated, “I know,” “ We will be busy tomorrow, are you sure you want to limp all day at work?” He asked with a teasing smirk. “ I don't care," I shot back, staring, and he stared right back. I let my gaze drop to his c*ck, and my mind was already made. That's a di*k I wouldn’t mind getting crippled by. He got my message loud and clear, for he flipped me over, smacked my ass lightly, wrapped up, and pounded just as I craved. Took us less time to freshen up before Yusuf was called. He took less time to arrive. On our way home, I couldn't look him in the eye without flushing. We sat meters apart for Yusuf's benefit, but the elder man kept glancing at us every chance he got. He didn't even try to conceal his suspicions as he openly glared at Alex in the rearview mirror. We got home later than usual, and before we got off the car, Alex insisted I take the next day off, but of course the stubborn me refused. My first stride proved he wasn't kidding about the limping thing. My ass was sore, and not in a regrettable type of way. I stilled in my movements, and he seemed to catch on to my condition because he quickly dismissed Yusuf and once he was out of view, he scooped me in his arms and matched toward my quarters. Fearing Ma's wrath if she caught us, I dismissed Alex immediately after we reached the door. I watched as he retreated to the mansion before I opened the door and headed straight to my room. I stripped to the briefs, got in bed, and laid on the pillows with a giant smile on my face. I don't have a clue what I did to deserve the happiness I have been experiencing of late, and I truly have no intention of questioning it. Alexander had managed to bulldoze himself in my life, turning everything around but in all the best possible ways. And that's not a familiar concept in my life. ***** I tossed for the hundredth time, sucking in breath with a groan as my ass arched sweetly. It didn't help that I couldn't stop thinking of Alex, which made sleeping impossible. I hopped off the bed and grabbed my sketching pad from the drawer. I had five unfinished sketches, all of Alex. I smiled, tracing my thumb on the portrait, wondering what he would think of my obsessive drawings. I turned a blank page and started on a new sketch of him. After watching him sleep for a good amount of time, my photographic memory seems to remember every feature. I got immersed in the sketch and only stopped because I needed to use a bathroom. I was surprised when I checked the time, and it was almost midnight. I forced myself to get back in bed and though I didn't sleep immediately, I eventually succumbed
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