12: The Kind Of Games Adults Play

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ALEXANDER The alarm infiltrated my foggy mind, halting a very sensual dream I was soaking in. I opened my eyes lazily and gazed around the darkroom, contemplating what to do first. I spread my hand and stopped the alarm before switching on the lights. I grabbed my phone and checked my emails and schedule before hopping off the bed and straight to shower. I smiled as I brushed my teeth, lathered my body, and even as I got dressed, I couldn't stop smiling. Christian effect as Jake likes to call it. ** I heard Elizabeth's voice before I entered the kitchen. Yusuf was leaning on the counter speaking with Christian, who was yet to be done with breakfast. “Good morning,” Elizabeth greeted warmly, and that's when Christian's gaze shot up and held with mine. He struggled, but eventually blushed and deflected his gaze. I grabbed a cup of coffee, and some toast, took a seat next to Chris, and proceeded to eat while watching mother and son interact after Yusuf excused himself. Something about the scene reminded me of my own mother. You would always find us in the kitchen chatting, mostly her prying about my life, the way Elizabeth is currently doing. She is questioning Chris about his therapy, and the shy boy continues to glance at me nervously. “ What do you think, sir?” I heard Elizabeth ask, looking at me curiously, and had to ask her to repeat the question, for I hadn't caught it. “ How is he doing?” She repeated, ignoring Chris's protest, which was actually amusing. “ He is doing exceptionally well,” I answered Elizabeth, shooting Chris a sly smirk. “ See, I told you,” Chris murmured, putting his dirty plate in the sink. Without waiting for a response from his mother, he leaned in and kissed her cheek with a 'see you later Ma,' and exited the kitchen. I followed a few minutes later, and Yusuf drove us to work. **** It isn't surprising that I have piled up work, considering all my canceled appointments yesterday. But with an efficient P. A like Christian, my schedule flowed smoothly. The last appointment was scheduled for two p.m, and it has taken longer than I had hoped. We are a table of eight examining a possible expansion in Uganda. If this deal goes through, I will need to travel there and check the ground myself. Which suggests a possible work getaway with Christian. “For now my people will go through the proposals and once the decision is made, you will be notified,” I informed them after the last presentation was made. I was the last person to leave the boardroom with Christian in tow. “Come with me,” I said, opening the office door and waiting until he stepped further into the room, and locked it behind me. His gaze widened as I took deliberate strides toward him. I walked past him and sat on the couch. I watched as his eyes darted between me and the door; assumably weighing his options. He seemed to make up his mind because he walked to me and dropped his ass on my lap. He grabbed my face and gave me a kiss which left me breathless. Pleased, we are on the same page. I thought greedily, anticipating what was to come. I leaned back to see how far he would go without prompting. Christian pushed his tongue in my mouth while his fingers worked on my buttons. He struggled to peel my shirt off, and he looked so gorgeous doing it. When he realized he couldn’t take it off without my help, he groaned, leaving it for my buckle. He fumbled with my belt, and before long he opened my zipper, revealing gray briefs. He dipped his hands and touched my c*ck, making it harden instantly, and he couldn't hide his devious grin. He got off my lap and got on his knees, his gaze not leaving my c*ck. He started by dropping kisses on my length and proceeded to stroke it keenly, but not swallowing it like I was craving. To my dismay, he paused and regarded me with a shrewd grin. I got confused when he rushed towards the door. I was about to speak when he turned and winked at me with a smirk. "You can put in the work too." And he disappeared from my sight, leaving me frustrated, hard, and ready to play!
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