4: Tell Me, President

1130 Words
CHLOE "What are you doing here?" My voice was a harsh whisper as I said those words. I couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe that he was here, casually leaning against a bookshelf, hands tucked into his trousers' pockets, and a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he looked at me. As if I was a prey. His prey. "What do you mean what am I doing here? He asked me, eyes not leaving mine and I suddenly found it difficult to hold his gaze, especially when the only thing coming to my mind from locking eyes with him was that memory of how intense his gaze had been, that night was I on my knees, choking and gagging on his d**k. I swallowed hard, that dampness down there coming to life just like it always did every time I remembered what happened between us a week ago. "It's a school library, President, and as bad and terrible as I might be," his tone changed when he said the last part and I instantly knew that it was a reference to an article I wrote about him, where I had described him as extremely bad and terrible. He has never acted like he was interested in what I've been writing about him, has never acted like he even reads them but apparently, he has probably read every single thing and he knows the sentences word for word. "...I'm still a student in this school and I'm allowed to be in the library." I highly doubted that. Students like Kyle King have no business in the library, except he's turning the spot into another rendezvous spot. "Very well then," I stood straighter, "I'm just going to leave." And without allowing him to say another word, I turned on my heels and started to walk away from the space that seemed to be closing in on me from his intimidating presence but I'd hardly moved a step when I was yanked back by a very strong force and I was practically flung against the shelf. "What do you think you're doing?" I whispered-yelled, conscious of the fact that we were in the library, and even though it was late and we were in a deserted corner, some students were still in the library. "I should be asking you that," he asked casually, pressing my body into the shelf and planting his two hands on either side of my head, trapping me. "Where do you think you're going when I wasn't done talking?" There was a slight edge to his voice, an annoyed edge and despite myself, despite how our proximity was messing with my head and his scent was the only thing I could breathe in, I found myself getting annoyed too. "And who do you think you're to order me around and tell me what to do?" He chuckled slightly, a dark amused sound that made my body to shiver unwillingly and he moved even closer to me so our faces were just mere inches apart. "Someone who knows your secrets, maybe? Someone who holds your life in their hands? Maybe you're forgetting that, maybe I should remind you." I swallowed again, words failing me. He was right, he was holding my life in his hands but I was no coward. What happened that night was because I wasn't thinking clearly and everything had happened so fast. Now, I was in a clearer state of mind and there was no way I'd allow a brute like Kyle to walk all over me. "Yeah, right?" I forced a sass into my tone, "And it's only cowards like yourself that'd take pleasure in doing this, holding people's weaknesses over them," his eyes darkened into something unrecognizable, and the amused smirk was gone from his lips but even the chill I felt at the sudden switch did not deter me from continuing. "I bet that's the only thing that makes you feel worthy," he opened his mouth to talk but I beat him to it, "you're threatening me with a video? Sure, be my guest. I'm sure the school won't find it so difficult to believe that you made a fake video just to sabotage me." A second or two passed but it sure felt like 10 minutes, from the pregnant silence, from my heart beating rapidly, from the dark concentrated look he was giving me. "A coward, hmm?" He said the word slowly as if tasting it and weighing the ridiculousness in it, then he brought down his right hand to slowly caress my cheek with his fingers, causing an awareness to course all over my body before he raised my chin with his index finger, forcing me to look at him. "When you had my c**k in your mouth like a dirty little slut, when you were gagging and choking on it, did you think of me as a coward back then too?" My legs spasmed together automatically, the mental image he painted with his words so vivid that I could see me, see him, and see us together that night. "That was an assault, a s****l assault, you forced me into doing that for you and the last thing you should be doing is gloating about it." "An assault?" He seemed more amused now and he released my chin to move his fingers to my lips, to slowly run the pad of his thumb over them and I felt my breath hitching. "You willingly got on your knees for me, you willingly touched my c**k and guided it into your mouth, that was all you but assault, really? President? I thought you were smarter than that." "Because you were holding something over me because you were blackmailing me. I had no option but to do what you wanted!" "Hmm hmm," he nodded slowly and I didn't notice that he had removed his other hand from the side of my head until I felt his fingers brushed against the elm of my skirt, inching up and brushing against the bare skin of my upper thigh. I swallowed, hard. "I bet your wetness that night was a result of being blackmailed too, that your thighs clenching together that night was because I was holding something over your head?" His fingers inched higher, causing goosebumps to break out in places he was touching. He was touching me like he could, like I was powerless to stop me. Like I was powerless to not want this. "I bet if I slide your panties aside right now, I'll meet you soaking wet," he met my eyes again, a dark amused glint stretching his lips and transforming him into the image of Lucifer, "so tell me, President, are these reactions because I'm blackmailing you?"
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