3: Back To Normal?

1474 Words
CHLOE I couldn't believe that had happened. I spent the whole weekend thinking about what had happened, unable to believe it had actually happened; that I'd been subjected to that. Sometimes, I find myself tearing up when I remember what had happened, and other times, I find my body tingling with an awareness I had no idea I possessed whenever I remember what happened. It was bizarre and crazy and confusing. My first thought was to report him but to who? The school authorities? The police? With what evidence? I had willingly gotten on my knees and guided him into my mouth with my two hands. If I mentioned that he was blackmailing me, then I'd have to tell them what he was blackmailing me with and that'd mean exposing that same secret I was dying to protect. So the only way out was to keep quiet and pretend nothing happened while hoping that Kyle would do the same. That's what I spent the whole weekend praying and fidgeting about; I've heard stories of how bad boys treat the f**k up of girls that cross them and I was just thinking that what if this was just an elaborate plan from Kyle. What if he had secretly recorded me while he used my mouth in that way to post the video and that of me snapping the question papers to post them online? I was in an extreme state of paranoia and dread during the weekend and by Monday Morning, I walked into Empire High with my heart in my throat, dreading the build-up of students looking and pointing at me and finally the climax of someone showing me the video of me on my knees and gagging on Kyle’s d**k. I'd lose my reputation faster than anything then, especially seeing how much I've always worn my disdain for Kyle and his ways like a crown. But none of that happened. Monday passed away, uneventful except for my anxiety that something would happen but nothing happened and Tuesday passed away too, and Wednesday did too. Kyle didn't even act as if I existed, he never looked at me, never noticed me. Even when we walked past each other in the hallways, and bumped into each other in corridors, he never looked at me twice and I was starting to wonder if it really happened or if it was just a figment of my imagination but the stickiness between my thighs each time I relived that night was enough proof that it really happened. By Thursday, I was starting to relax and go back to my usual self, convinced that Kyle wasn't going to reveal my secret and he wasn't going to do anything to me and only then was I able to inhale and exhale properly, to stop looking over my neck and to stop living in fear. “Are you okay?” Dera’s voice interrupted my thoughts and jolted me back to reality. “Yeah, of course, I am,” I answered cheerily as I looked around our surroundings. We were in the dining, eating Lunch, just like every other student. “You've been looking at their table since we got here,” she pointed out and I didn't need to follow her gaze to know where she was looking at. It was Kyle’s table. “What's going on?” she asked with a hint of worry in her voice, “I know you hate Kyle but the intensity you're giving off these days is kind of scary.” Dera was my only friend in school and I contemplated telling her about what happened between Kyle and me but I decided against it, I didn't want something that'd put her at the mercy of Kyle. If anything, I should deal with him alone. “Of course, everything is fine, I'm just... Just look at that,” I nodded at Kyle’s table where he was seated with his group of friends, Aiden, who was equally as horrible as him, and Eric, who seemed to be a misfit in the gang. The last one was a girl named Lilith, one of the most gorgeous girls I've ever seen, and really, I think they were holding something over her head for her to be friends with them but then, I saw her laugh genuinely with them, I've seen them come alive when they are with her, even Kyle that has no respect whatsoever for females seems to respect and adore so I wasn't sure if my theory was correct at all. And right now, she was missing from the table. Kyle was seated at the table with two girls almost gumming themselves to him; one of them had her head bent below the table and around Kyle’s crotch and with the way her head was bubbling up and down, I needed no soothsayer to tell me what she was doing. The other girl was busy eating his neck and unbuttoning his shirt and I felt a very strong urge to vomit. That sight wasn't unusual, like I said, Kyle had no moral compass in him. He can actually f**k a girl in a classroom filled with people. “I mean, just look at that, it's really disgusting.” “I know, right?” Dera’s tone matched my disdain too, “But we can only ignore him and the rest, they're not worth it and besides, we'll be done with High School very soon. Yaaahh.” She screamed excitedly and I wished I could match her excitement, that I could be truly happy instead of being scared but then, I was scared shitless. If I fail to ace my grades and get a scholarship, my life will really be over. I started to look away from Kyke to focus on my food when I saw Lilith approaching their table from the corners of my eyes with the cherry and bright smile on her face. Kyle noticed she was coming and immediately pushed the two girls off him. They got the memo because they stood up and walked away just before Lilith got to their table, an obviously disapproving look in her eyes, one that she leveled at Kyle and she took a sear beside Eric, the only one that paid no attention to her among the three guys. Kyle looked up then and his eyes met mine. My heart jumped to my throat, dread washing all over my entire body but this boy just looked away, as if he didn't just lock eyes with me, as if he didn't just turn my insides upside down with that single eye contact. I concluded that he had forgotten about what happened between us and that's what I was going to do too, I was going to forget about that abominable thing that happened between us. ****** A week passed and really, what happened between us was the furthest thing on my mind. I was doing my best to forget about it and to the school, we were just Chloe Anderson, the student president and the head editor for the school paper, and Kyle King, the most popular boy in school and the typical playboy and f**k boy who sleeps with everything and anything in skirts. We were polar opposites; it was obvious I condemned Kyle and his ways and it was going to remain like that to the student body. Until late one Friday evening. School had closed and as usual, I was in the library, reading and catching up on what we learned during the week when I started feeling someone’s eyes on me when I started smelling the woody scent that had assaulted my nose that night when Kyle had wrapped his hand around my ponytail and had made use of my mouth in the most deranged way possible. I knew the scent belonged to him because I've smelt it on him in classes and whenever he walked in anywhere but what I didn't understand now was why I was smelling it now, in the deserted part of the library that only I used. When I couldn't bear it any longer, I stood up and looked around but there were like 3 students close by and none of them looked like a Kyle King. I returned back to my seat to read but I couldn't concentrate and eventually, deciding that the only thing I needed was clear air to think properly, I packed my books and started to walk out of the library. I was walking in between the deserted rows in the library but the scent only grew worse, worse and worse until I nearly bumped into the figure I’d recognize anywhere. “Hello President,” I could hear the cockiness in his voice, and see the sadistic glint in his eyes. “Missed me?”
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