

realistic earth

Brad , 21 looks up to the clouds as he sees her image. His best friend Alan had told that she would be one in a million for he was also a special one nonetheless. Dorothy is with him by his side eager to see the girl of his dreams.

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Episode 1: The Long Month part 1
Brad looks at the clouds from the playground where Alan and he stayed for a night after the infamous Will Thomas party. Violet has gone for a month and he was contemplating his betrayal has caused him to be with Eva, his second love. Alan, his best friend, his amigo is still with him and is confused as to what Brad is doing with his life.) Alan: A month is a long time Bud. Brad:(sad) Ya i know bud. Alan: Yes, but since Eva has been with you, you do seem lost man. Brad: Well, I'm in love. Alan: Love? In weeks? Brad: I have known her for more than a year. Alan: Still she knows less about you. Brad: Does Hank know about Jane? Alan(surprised): So now you are Hank? Brad: Am I? Alan: So you think you wanna be Hank? Brad: Look at their Chemistry. Alan: What puppy and Ringmaster? Brad: jane is a ringmaster near me too. Alan: Still Hank is like a pup.. Ok maybe a bulldog but still a trained one who.. Brad(interrupts): puppet? Well, Jane is stll with him. What's the point Alan? Alan: Well, you are like a big cat man. You know a hunter. Brad: And? Alan: Well, maybe Eva is not that her you are looking man. Brad: Well, Vi is away and she is the one who knows me well. Alan: What about Jill. Brad: What now Alan? Alan: Well how about we talk with Hank i you think he is smart. (20 minutes later at the geese) Hank: You know Brad, you are being nauseus these days. Alan: Ok any new thing? Hank: you know man like the one when you were befor you met Vi. Alan( sad): Any one except her? Hank: OK. I heard even Jane made you a curry last night. Alan(surprised): What is going around? Is Earth crushing to it's core? Hank: Can you stop talking like Dorothy? Brad: Ya what is with the speaking bullshit? Alan: I know but speaking bullshit makes you avoid bullshit. Hank: What do you mean? Alan: You think Jane is with you then really huh? Brad: Ok so where is my cantankerous sister? Alan: See i knew how you got 26 in English. Hank: She is with Amber in a girls thing i guess. Alan: Is it really? Hank(fuming): You know everytime you open a word it's an illfate for me. Alan: I told you years ago that j was way above your league Hanko. Brad: Ok now it's dufus to Hanko? Hank: you know Alan you have a problem. And the problem is you think you know everything. Brad: Ya, and Alan thinks he is an english version of Zeus or something. (Amber enters) Amber: Hey guys whats up? Brad: Nothing. Amber: Wow Brad now you are talking like yourself. Hank: Wow Alan is god. Brad( laughs): Ok enough all of you. Alan: See i told you Brad is sad with Eva. Amber: Well, he missed her. Alan: Her? I think he thinks Eva is her. Amber: You know Brad and VI are so famous that there is a quiz beer pong Friday. Alan: You mean the pong Friday. Hank: What is that? Alan: Well I hope the rules are same? Hank: last year it was about me, Jane and Amber and Barney. Amber: Well Barney is just a small moron man. Hank: Still my quiz and not me. now i remember this game. Alan: Well, actually this yeat it's about the eight of us. Amber: Wow Dorothy too? Alan( angry): Ya she and hank too. Hank: Hey, i am a centre-main gold medalist and Jane's boyfriend. Brad: Speaking of Jane. Let's find her. Alan: No let's not. Amber: Yeah last night she and Dorothy drank too much vodka and are still on Dorothy's home. Brad: Wait what she made a curry for me last night. Amber: Well that was 7. She came to Dorothy's house at 8. Brad: Wow she is being like Ma. (stares at alan). Wow, i am depressed. Amber: You know Brad. You do seem somewhat confused. Alan: Somewhat? I think he is totally confused. Brad: No. Maybe it’s because I should stop finding. You know Alan like you did after you met Helena. Amber: Looks like the intervention did not work. Hank: Guys the quiz will freshen you guys up. Alan: Well, maybe it will take more than a quiz. Brad: No Alan, remember when you met Helena. Alan: And? Brad: And you stopped going after girls bud. Amber(stares): Really? Alan(surprised): Wow he is kinda right man. I did stopped looking at girls. Hank(stares at Alan): And? Alan: Ok for a month. Brad: No 2 months man. I counted the days. Alan(happy): Really bud. See Hank and Amber, that is why he is my best friend and not you two. Amber: Wow Brad complimenting Alan and Jane making Brad a curry. Brad is a new man now. Hank: Well, I don’t like that. Brad: OK guys to cheer you up I will go at the quiz but.. Hank: But.. Brad: Eva is also coming with me. Amber: Well, I will be calling Jane too. Just in case. Alan: Ok guys let’s not fight shall we? Brad: Why are you guys intervening with me and Eva? Alan: May be because you still love Vi(smiles at Brad). Brad: Stop with the smile bud.( looks at the Geese window). Hank: Oh.. I know that look. Amber: Yes me too. Alan: What look? Brad: You don’t know? Alan: No. Hank: And you say he is your best friend man? Brad: Ya man you insult me Alan. Amber: Ya it’s his pity look. Alan: Pity look?(laughs) Hank: Ya, you know he looks at the window of the geese and then Vi pops out of a sudden. Alan(smiles): Oh yeah.. that look. Well, she is at Missisipi. Brad: And you know where she is? Alan: Yes. Amber: hey isn’t your dad there too? Alan: Yes, which is why I know. Brad: Isn’t he at Missisipi to work. Alan: Yeah and Vi is with her father as he said. Brad: You know what screw her and screw Eva and screw Jill.. Amber: OK now we are talking. Hank: OK not Violet. Brad: You know what Alan just tell Hank where Jane is. Alan: Dorothy knows man. Ok. Hank(putting his hands on Brad’s head): You know what let the girls go. We will have a boy’s day out. Alan: Lame! Amber: Ya lame Hank. And say that in-front of Jane and we will talk. Hank: OK guys. Brad looks at Alan as he smiles at him. Alan seeing Brad becoming like Hank becomes sad. Amber pats Alan on the back saying he had tried all his best to make Brad feel great and he should stop trying and wait for the Friday beerpong. Alan approves Amber’s belief.

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